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She-Ra: Princess of Power - Episode Guide

Season 1


Episode: 1x04 | Airdate: Sep 12, 1985


Continuing the story of the previous three episodes, He-Man and She-Ra find out they are twins who were separated while infants by Skeletor and Hordak. Skeletor, a pupil of Hordak, was left behind by his master and in return he betrayed him to save his skin. Flying on a Swift Wind, He-Man and She-Ra return to the rebellion in their regular form and explain to everyone that Adora is no longer Hordak's captain. Upon freeing Glimmer's mother, the queen, from the evil harpy's clutches, Adam and Adora figure the rebellion is no longer weak to be left to fend for themselves so the two of them return to Eternia. Hordak spots this from his ship and turns into a rocket and in the nick of time enters the portal himself before the portal closes. While Adam and Adora have a pleasant surprise for their parents, Hordak goes to Snake Mountain to check on his own throne only to be attacked by Skeletor. The two of them stop in mid-battle and agree on temporary alliance while turning their sight on their common enemy.

Battle for Bright Moon

Episode: 1x05 | Airdate: Sep 13, 1985

Battle for Bright Moon

The end of a five-episode pilot for She-Ra which continues on the previous 4 episodes. Skeletor and Hordak join forces and kidnap Princess Adora. But Hordak doesn't return to his planet with her, instead, Skeletor betrays him and tries to blackmail King Randor. But Adora manages to escape Beastman and gets her sword. By the time He-Man, Man-at-Arms and Teela come to rescue, She-Ra has already defeated Skeletor and his minions. Next stop, Etheria. There, Hordak unleashes all his tech at the rebels, but She-Ra and He-Man dispose of all that metal with ease. Upon victory, She-Ra and He-Man say their goodbyes for the time being, and She-Ra remains on Etheria to protect it from the Horde.

The Sea Hawk

Episode: 1x06 | Airdate: Sep 16, 1985

The Sea Hawk

Adora runs into Sky Hawk, a pirate captain, who is trading goods with The Horde. After realising who she is, he orders his men to capture Adora and hand her to Catra and the Horde. While on her way back to port HQ, Catra is looking forward to her reward for capturing Adora, but the pirate captain has a change of heart and decides to go after Catra and save Adora. He saves her but dealing with Catra seems to be beyond his fighting capabilities. Lucky for him, rescued Adora turns into She-Ra and comes to the rescue.


Episode: 1x13 | Airdate: Sep 25, 1985


He Ain't Heavy

Episode: 1x14 | Airdate: Sep 26, 1985

He Ain't Heavy

Shadow Weaver and Grizzlor steal the magic mirror from an old wizard. Hordak then uses that mirror to snatch prince Adam from Eternia and blackmail princess Adora to come and surrender. But when Adora comes as She-Ra and frees Adam who finds a spot to turn into He-Man, Hordak tries to use the mirror once again to capture king Randor. But by the second time he uses it, the moons are not aligned and the mirror turns into black hole-like entity sucking everything in and threatening everyone in vicinity.

Return of the Sea Hawk

Episode: 1x15 | Airdate: Sep 27, 1985

Return of the Sea Hawk

Catra has a plan to capture Sea Hawk and Princess Adora, but when She-Ra appears her plan changes to capture her as well.

A Loss for Words

Episode: 1x17 | Airdate: Sep 30, 1985

A Loss for Words

To quell rebellion that may be inspired by talkative villagers, Shadow Weaver finds a way to take the people's voices. When princess Adora loses her voice as well, she needs to find a way to restore it because without it she cannot say the magic words and transform into She-Ra.

Horde Prime Takes a Holiday

Episode: 1x18 | Airdate: Oct 1, 1985

Horde Prime Takes a Holiday

Horde Prime takes a holiday and Hordak decides to use their flagship to take over everything. But Skeletor seems that and decides to steal the ship for himself and use it to rule over Eternia. Needless to say, She-Ra and He-Man mess up both their plans, and the fact that Skeletor and Hordak battle it out amongst themselves just plays against them.

Zoo Story

Episode: 1x38 | Airdate: Oct 29, 1985

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Episode: 1x45 | Airdate: Nov 7, 1985

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The Wizard

Episode: 1x52 | Airdate: Nov 18, 1985

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Black Snow

Episode: 1x58 | Airdate: Nov 26, 1985

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Episode: 1x62 | Airdate: Dec 2, 1985

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Season 2

The Pearl

Episode: 2x06 | Airdate: Oct 18, 1986

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Sweet Bee's Home

Episode: 2x12 | Airdate: Nov 29, 1986

Sweet Bee's Home

A space craft is spotted one of Hordak's troopers. Upon learning it's on a peaceful mission, Hordak orders him to shoot it down. Meanwhile, Adam and Adora discover the spacecraft as well.


Episode: 2x17 | Airdate: Sep 19, 1987

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The Locket

Episode: 2x20 | Airdate: Oct 10, 1987

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