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Dr. Robert 'Bob' Hartley

Dr. Hartley is a Psychologist. He lives in Edgewater, Illinois and commutes (often getting lost or otherwise taking the wrong train) to and from Chicago.

His office is 715, very close to Carol's station. She keeps her plants in his office.

The rates he usually charges is luxurious: In 1975 he charges $35.00 U.S.D. per session hour which in 2021 is at least $179.94 U.S.D. per session hour. In 1977 it is $50.00 U.S.D. per session hour which in 2021 would be at least $228.21 U.S.D. per session hour.

However, he has worked for charity at times. He has had unemployed patients several times such as The Jobless Corps, Ex-Con Job, and Son of Ex-Con Job, putting him in a situation where it would take forever for him to receive payments. Another time he decided to give himself a raise as a response to inflation. He postponed charging the increased rates to patients that could not afford it.

Bob works nights as well, including a Free Clinic on Wednesdays. Tuesdays and Thursdays are additional Group Therapy sessions.

He is married to Emily Harrison, an Educator. They had no children together in any of the episodes. However, they did get to know two orphans Phil and Wally through Jerry, and from Emily's school.

The series finale said that Bob and Emily are going to Oregon which would be closer to where Emily's parents currently reside. Another series, Newhart, is set in Vermont. Bob wakes up in their Season One Through Season 5 Bedroom Set indicating they might have remained in Edgewater.

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The Bob Newhart Show
Main cast, played by Bob Newhart
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