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Wizards of the Lost Kingdom II Recap

Jonah and the bots are on a downer day: it's raining outside in space and they can't play. The tube comes down to suck Jonah into the intro. Afterwards, the Mads call for the Invention Exchange. Jonah presents GIF Notes, a condensed version of CliffNotes. The mads have Punt Bunnies, the only bunny they can punt. Kinga is glad to punt one, but Max refuses until a Punt Bunny begs him to do so. They then present the sequel to Wizards of the Lost Kingdom. Ardy calls to report that they've had a movie spill and lost the scene of David Carradine fighting a monster.


At the first break, Jonah and the bots do a performance of a video for the Dark One's Renaissance Inn & Grille franchise, based on David Carradine's tavern in the movie. The Mads pretend to be customers, but not very well.


At the second break, the bots wonder if the money is supposed to be funny. Jonah insists that it is, and explains the Wizard Comedy Craze of the 80s. He happens to have a pop-up book available to demonstrate. There's a lot of "You might be a crummy wizard if..." jokes.


At the third break, Kinga complains that they're not wearing their time slot. Max reminds them that they're streaming, just as a ship arrives. It's Pearl, Brain Guy, and Bobo. Max wants Bobo to groom him in personal. Kinga tells Max to go away, and asks her grandmother for advice because she wants to have a family and a death grip on the television industry. She figures that she'll start her own family and make it the biggest ratings stunt of all time, starring her getting married. Kinga finally works out that she should marry Jonah, the big oaf. Pearl says that she's too busy, and suggests that Kinga have her clone, Synthia, give Kinga away. They then drive away before Kinga can respond, and Kinga tells Synthia to set TIVO for Say Yes to the Dress.


After the movie is over, the bots are sick after exceeding their maximum tolerance for bad movies. Jonah offers good movies for them to watch to counter the bad scenes in Wizards. Max and Kinga join in, and Kinga tells Max to push the button.

Written by Gadfly on May 4, 2017

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