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Mark episode as Acquired/Watched?

tnt wrote 7 years ago: 1

Is it possible to mark episodes as Aquired/Watched via API call?

tnt wrote 7 years ago: 1

Thank you!

tnt wrote 7 years ago: 1

Another relevant question: is it possible to request a developer's key?

I'll explain a little: I'm using Flexget to get me episodes. Flexget developers already providing some basic TVmaze integration (based on free API): series/episodes info lookup etc. I've asked them about adding some extended capabilities, such as marking episode as acquired upon downloading it with Flexget. But since it's a feature based on premium API, they need a key to develop a plugin. I'm sure, that it's not right to give them my key, so I'm asking, is it possible to get a developer's key?

Based on my observations, many Flexget users are turned to TVmaze as metadata provider in the light of recent TVDb outages. So extended support of TVmaze API can potentially attract some new premium users and contributors.

david wrote 7 years ago: 1

Currently there's no such thing as a "developer key" for the user-level API.

All premium users get an API key for the user-level API, with that key you can only access your own user's data. So if you want to integrate these features in an application you'll have to prompt the end user for their own TVmaze API key.

If there's interest we would be happy to offer a setup where a developer can license access to any user's data even if they don't have premium, but obviously it wouldn't be free.

tnt wrote 7 years ago: 1

david wrote:
So if you want to integrate these features in an application you'll have to prompt the end user for their own TVmaze API key.

No, that's ok if only premium users could use it. For example, Flexget providing notifications through many notification services, and some of them are not free. To use those notifications users themselves must purchase access to those services first. The same way could work for TVmaze. Users will have to set their API key for the plugin to work.

I think that integration with other services is a good way to grow. Anyway, thanks for the answer :)

david wrote 7 years ago: 1

Yep, if that's acceptable that's possible with the existing API then. :)

tnt wrote 7 years ago: 1

I've managed to implement it myself, it turned out to be not so complicated :)

Now my Flexget is automatically marking downloaded episodes as acquired :)

But still, maybe it's a thing for the future, to implement some kind of generic test account for the developers or something...

BTW, thanks for the cool testing feature at the user API page, very handy!

gazza911 wrote 7 years ago: 1

tnt wrote:

But still, maybe it's a thing for the future, to implement some kind of generic test account for the developers or something...

Currently what they'd have to do is get a yearly subscription, test it and then ask for a refund all within 14 days and then they wouldn't loose any money.

As for the developer license I asked the same thing before. But the user base (number of active users), frequency of calls required, additional cost to users vs number of users who want it, etc would all have to be taken into account

david wrote 7 years ago: 1

If you want to test, you can get a monthly premium subscription for just a few bucks. :)

The pricing for such a "developer license" model would be based on the monthly amount of active users in your application. If anyone is interested just let us know and we'll make it happen.

tnt wrote 7 years ago: 1

gazza911 wrote:
Currently what they'd have to do is get a yearly subscription, test it and then ask for a refund all within 14 days and then they wouldn't loose any money.

I doubt that the developer of a freeware would go through such troubles for some non-crucial third-party service support, unless they've motivated somehow, by personal interest or by high user demand.

Anyway, as I've said, the problem's appeared to be much less complicated than I thought, so there's no need to involve some third-party developers. If somebody is interested, I'll describe the solution.

tnt wrote 7 years ago: 1

david wrote:
If you want to test, you can get a monthly premium subscription for just a few bucks. :)
The pricing for such a "developer license" model would be based on the monthly amount of active users in your application. If anyone is interested just let us know and we'll make it happen.

I think you get me wrong :)

I'm not talking about app, that will give users premium TVmaze functionality for free, through the single common API key, hard-coded into app. I was meaning the app, which provide users with existing premium TVmaze privileges with additional functionality in some other application. So each user will connect with his own API key, obtained here, at TVmaze.

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