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Belascoarán, PI - Episode Guide

Season 1

Días de combate

Episode: 1x01 | Airdate: Oct 12, 2022 (82 min)

Días de combate

Belascoarán participated in a TV quiz and teams up with a mysterious woman to unmask a strangler in Mexico City. Based on the book "Days of Combat."

Cosa fácil

Episode: 1x02 | Airdate: Oct 12, 2022 (77 min)

Cosa fácil

Belascoarán tackles two new chilling cases: the kidnapping of a TV star`s daughter and the murder of a union leader. Based on the book "An Easy Thing."

No habrá final feliz

Episode: 1x03 | Airdate: Oct 12, 2022 (71 min)

No habrá final feliz

When Belascoarán becomes a nuisance to the police, they plant a corpse in his office to implicate him in a murder. Based on the books "No Happy Ending."

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