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Charles (Manson) in Charge Recap

Final Presidential Debate: October 19, 2016

Winter and her friends are watching the TV and figure that Hilary is more important than Obama. Kai is listening while he's on his laptop, and says that Trump will win. He tells them that Obama has shielded them from what's going on. Kai warns that people hate Hilary and she's weak, and nobody wants a woman President. He angrily says that white men have been humiliated and put down, and Trump is standing up about them. One girl, Riley, insults Kai's manhood and the others laugh. Kai slaps her and then apologizes, and Riley threatens to press charges. Winter warns Kai that he really did it now and goes after Riley.

Two Weeks Later

Kai meets with his ordered anger management therapist: Bebe. He says that he treated Riley the same way he would have treated a man, and Bebe asks him if he's familiar with Valerie's work. She tells Kai that he's smarter than the others and has a certain untapped charisma, and asks if he's considered politics. Bebe tells him that if he has a purpose like that then he could change the world, and says that his favorite politician is Trump. She talks about how men have built civilization to keep women contained, women's rage compounds. Bebe says that they're sitting on the biggest bomb of all time: female rage. Trump is slowly releasing the fury, and Bebe figures that kai has to do the same. Kai wonders if that is his purpose, and Bebe has him recite that he's a turd. He does so and Bebe tells him that his purpose is to use all of his passion and vision to release the female rage. Then he and every other man will die in the rage, but they'll die knowing that he saved them all. Kai says that he sees his purpose, and Bebe tells him to impregnate the women of the world and help them give birth to their rage.


Kai is running for Congress and a woman is filming video and protesting. Meanwhile, Kai talks about incumbent Herbert Jackson and his "extreme" positions. He insists that he is the agent of change, Protestors charge forward and Kai tells his people that the Feds hate him and are agitating the opposition. He points out a white van nearby and a protestor yanks out his speaker wires. Another protestor throws a bottle of piss, and one charges the stage and sprays Kai in the face with mace. The blueshirts use milk to clear it from his eyes.

Later at home, Ally and Winter are cleaning out the ice cream truck and Winter accidentally turns on the music. Kai runs out and tells her to shut it off, and figures that they can hide it in plain sight once they repaint it. Once he leaves, Winter asks Ally if Ivy suffered. Ally insists that Ivy went off to cooking school in Paris like Kai said, and Winter insists that she cared about Ivy. She warns that Kai is taking too many pills and can't sleep because of how she imagines he made her suffer. Ally asks Winter what makes her think Kai did it.

In the house, Kai watches a news report about the rally. Jackson gives a statement saying that he's not taking Kai seriously. The blueshirts say that they can screw Jackson, and Kai reminds them that it's the protestors that are hiding their faces and committing violence. Kai then tells his people that the master has shown them the way. When Gary asks who the master is, Kai tells them all to sit down and tells them the bedtime story of the master--Charles Manson-- in 1969.


Charlie stays behind and puts Tex Watson in charge of the operation to destroy everyone in the house. Tex kills them with the help of Charlie's three lieutenants: Susie Atkins, Patricia Krenwinkel, and Linda Kasabian. Tex makes Linda wait by the car when it's clear she isn't up to the job. He and the other two women go into the house and kill the occupants one at a time. When they find a pregnant Sharon Tate, they tie her up. One of the occupants, Jay Siebring, manages to escape and run out. Tex catches up to him and kills him, and Sharon begs them to take her with them and kill her after she gives birth. Susan kills her anyway and then they leave a witchy sign to let people know that they were there.


Kai explains that the killings were the first part of Helter Skelter--setting off a race war--but Charlie was betrayed. He says that they have to do something so shocking and culture-shifting that it will open their path to the Senate and then the Presidency. They will give them the Night of a Thousand Tates.

Gary and the blueshirts go to the town's abortion clinic, and Gary tells the others that they're going to steal the list of patients for Kai. Gary goes in the back first but the blueshirts lock the door behind him. Figuring that they screwed up, Gary continues to the office and clowns emerge from the shadows and surround him. He realizes that one of them is in his costume, and Kai comes in. Gary asks what he did, and Kai removes his mask and tells him that he needs him for something vital. When Gary does what Kai needs, he will become a part of Kai. Gary hugs him in gratitude, and Kai kisses him on the forehead and nods in approval. Kai steps away and the clowns stab Gary to death.

The next day, a nurse arrives at the clinic and finds blood on the door step. She looks up and screams at the sight of Gary's body at the door, leaking blood.

Later, Beverly reports about Gary's death and as Kai come on for comment. Kai says that Gary was one of his earliest supporters and a dear friend. and suggests that Jackson emboldened anti-life zealots who killed Gary. He tells Beverly that any more blood shed by the Woke Warriors is on Jackson's head. Once the interview is over, Kai complains that Beverly wasn't emotional enough. She says that she understands.

Later at the Butchery, Winter serves Beverly tea and says that she's sorry for framing her for Samuels' death. She gives Beverly a ticket to Montana, but Beverly figures that it's a test and refuses. Winter tells her that the train leaves the next day and advises Beverly to leave and start over. Meanwhile, she'll stay there and distract Kai as long as she can from noting Beverly's disappearance. After a moment, Beverly tells Winter to tell Kai that she's his loyal follower until the end.

As Kai searches the house for bugs, Ally tries to tell him that she can't be paired with Winter. Kai insists that the Feds have planted a bug, and complains that the buzz is getting louder. He runs into his parents' bedroom and the buzzing stops for him. He hallucinates Vincent's body sitting up and Kai tells his brother that there's a mole. He admits that he shouldn't have killed Vincent, who says that Kai is the mater of keeping secrets. Charles Manson appears and kills Vincent, and says that he's still alive and invites Kai to visit him in prison.

Kai figures that Charles is the only one who can see things on his level, and Charles tells him to identify the Judas. He trusted too much, and Linda was his Judas. Kai figures that he can't trust anyone, and Charles tells him that as long as there's hate in the world, there will be hate in his heart. Ally comes in and shows Kai a bug that she found. Someone knocks at the front door, and Kai tells Ally to stay there.

Bebe is at the door and talks about how Kai should have been aborted. She complains that Kai failed to execute her plan to rive women to kill, and now the women near him are broken. Kai says that they were weak, and Bebe tells him that she is Valerie's protégé and Kai has failed them all. Charles appears to Kai and says that he wants to see the look on Bebe's face when Kai tells her the truth. Kai tells Bebe that she woke him to the power of making people ma. However, he figures that women will tear things down and then he'll lead them. Bebe slaps Kai and prepares to shoot him, and Ally shoots her dead from behind.. Once she leaves, Charles tells Kai that she isn't the mole.

Later, Winter helps shave Kai's blue hair off. She finally sets down the clippers, and Kai puts shaving cream on his face. He explains that he cut her hair when she had her first haircut, to reassure her. Kai says that he knows her and when she's hiding something, and hands her a straight razor to shave him. As Winter does so, she assures Kai that he's very important to her. Kai asks why she wants to hurt him, and Winter says that she can't see or feel him anymore. She warns that one day everyone will get what they want and leave Kai, and Kai asks if she wants them all to leave. He wonders if she wants to destroy what he built, and Winter says that when they're all gone, she'll still be there and they're all that's left of their family.

Kai wonders why he feels Winter slipping away, and she says that she is. The only way for her to be there at the end is if she gets away from him. If she's around too much longer then Winter worries that she won't feel anything but terror. Kai asks what happens if he says that he needs her and leaving would be a betrayal, and if other wants to leave with her. Winter tells him that she'd convince them to stay and kill them if they tried to follow her. She cuts his chin, and after a moment Kai holds his chi back up. Winter continues shaving, and Kai says that she's the only person in the world who really knows him. Once Winter finishes, Kai says that he doesn't want to lose her. He tells her that if he has to lose her temporarily to have her at the end, she can go. Kai promises that he'll be President one day and will need someone at his side that he knows he can trust. Winter thanks him, and Kai tells her that she should go to Montana. He holds up the train ticket that Winter gave Beverly, and the blueshirts come in to rag her away.

The blueshirts take Winter to the basement, and Kai asks his sister why she betrayed him. She insists that she's not the mole, but Kai doesn't believe her. Charles appears to Kai and says that Winter thinks that he's delusional. Kai asks Winter how he can lie to her, and Winter insists that she's not lying. She offers her pinky, but Kai shows her the electronic piece that Ally found and accuses Winter of planting it. Winter says that it's the battery to her Fitbit. Ally tells her that she found it in the cushion along with a recorder in the ice cream truck. Winter accuses Ally of getting revenge for her sleeping with Ally, and warns Ally that she'll pay the price for stoking Kai's paranoia.

Kai tells Winter to confess, and she says that she can't. Charles asks Kai if he's willing to do what needs to be done, and Kai strangles Winter to death, sobbing. Once she's dead, Kai kisses her forehead.

Speedwagon runs out to his car and removes the wire that he's wearing. He smashes the recorder, and Ally gets in and greets him.

Written by Gadfly on Nov 8, 2017

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