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FILE #10

NeXt taunts LeBlanc with a new tactic relating to his illness and Shea and LeBlanc devise one last dangerous ploy to destroy neXt, and save their lives, their families and the world.

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Episode Discussion

casper1701e posted 2 years ago

@NeoRocket wrote:
Keeping with FOX's history. 

FOX has reconfirmed once again, they are the network where great Sci Fi goes to die. For some time I wondered why FOX ever even greenlights sci fi series. They have debuted more really good sci fi series than I can count. And if their ratings isn't stellar, and even sometimes when it is, it gets the ax... 

I suspect there is a higher up suit that just can't stand sci fi. So they do their best to help stamp out as much weekly quality sci fi television fare as they can. 

Among the rotting detritus of sci fi fare slain before it's prime on FOX... Futurama (goes without saying), Almost Human ( a complex morality examination with great acting by no less than (with Karl Urban as John Kennex and Michael Ealy as Dorian) , Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles (as good as the first two movies I kid NOT!), Firefly (seriously.. Firefly? got the axe??), Terra Nova (where as CinemaBlend sums it up, "a concept that certainly could have lasted for several years had Fox accepted the steady ratings and kept it going. But no, after 13 episodes and a few months of making fans go berserk with anticipation, the network pulled a “total Fox” and canceled it."). And more too lengthy to count in a post one generally needs to keep fairly short...

Now we have NeXT joining the esteemed list of fine Sci Fi cancelled before it's time.

Couldn't have said it better myself.  You are right-on the money.  I liked this series very much and just couldn't understand where all the criticism was coming from.  It's a shame Fox never sticks with anything good.

NeoRocket posted 3 years ago

Keeping with FOX's history. 

FOX has reconfirmed once again, they are the network where great Sci Fi goes to die. For some time I wondered why FOX ever even greenlights sci fi series. They have debuted more really good sci fi series than I can count. And if their ratings isn't stellar, and even sometimes when it is, it gets the ax... 

I suspect there is a higher up suit that just can't stand sci fi. So they do their best to help stamp out as much weekly quality sci fi television fare as they can. 

Among the rotting detritus of sci fi fare slain before it's prime on FOX... Futurama (goes without saying), Almost Human ( a complex morality examination with great acting by no less than (with Karl Urban as John Kennex and Michael Ealy as Dorian) , Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles (as good as the first two movies I kid NOT!), Firefly (seriously.. Firefly? got the axe??), Terra Nova (where as CinemaBlend sums it up, "a concept that certainly could have lasted for several years had Fox accepted the steady ratings and kept it going. But no, after 13 episodes and a few months of making fans go berserk with anticipation, the network pulled a “total Fox” and canceled it."). And more too lengthy to count in a post one generally needs to keep fairly short...

Now we have NeXT joining the esteemed list of fine Sci Fi cancelled before it's time.

tnt posted 3 years ago

Good show and ended well.

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