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Categorically Speaking Recap

Arthur and Tick arrive at AEGIS and Tick says that they have to help Lobstercules. His partner says that they have to fill out the proper paperwork to see Lobstercules in prison. They talk to the clerk, Veranda, and she's impressed that Arthur did the paperwork correctly and knows everything necessary. Arthur goes to get the 13 authorization signatures necessary.

Hobbes is overseeing the AEGIS troopers prodding Lobstercules with electric prods. The disguised Lint arrives in response to Hobbes' summon, and he asks her if Lobstercules spoke when Lint apprehended her. Lint says that she didn't and walks out. Hobbes then tells his assistant Miranda to prepare to transfer Lobstercules so he can begin the full experimentation.

AEGIS holds an open house and Pearl meets with Rathbone to do an interview. Rathbone says that AEGIS is all about transparency, and refuses to discuss whether AEGIS will condemn Superian.

Tick talks to the kids touring the open house while Arthur says that they need Hobbes signature on the paperwork. Superian arrives in civilian clothing and tells Trooper Hooper that he'll show himself around. People fawn over Bronze Star and ignore Superian, having no idea who he is.

Dot meets with Joan and says that she might go to the open house. She asks if Joan remembers her doing anything unexplainable as a child, and Joan assures Dot that she was very explainable. Joan figures that Dot is working too hard and Walter always thought that Dot and Arthur were heading somewhere special.

Arthur and Tick talk to Hobbes and Arthur explains that the gang forced Lobstercules to commit the crimes. When Arthur says that Lobstercules talked, Hobbes dismisses it as parroted words. He signs the paperwork and explains that he's having Lobstercules transferred for experimentation since she showed no proof of sentience. Tick mentions Lobstercules' offspring and Arthur quickly gets Tick to leave. As they go, he says that they have to get Lobstercules to speak before they put her in the lab.

Lint arrives at the open house and guests ask for her autograph. Tinfoil Kevin is there and sees Dot, and not-so-secretly calls her over. He tells her not to reveal the plan, and Dot agrees to join the tour. Once Hopper moves on, Kevin says that he left when AEGIS showed up but the city needs him.

Lint tells the guests that she has to go patrol. She spots Superian and walks off before he can see her.

Rathbone is in his office and tells Hobbes that Superian snuck in. He refuses to shut down the open house for fear of spooking the guests, and tells Hobbes that they'll watch Superian and see what develops. The lights flicker and Rathbone feeds a mouse into his black hole heart.

In the lounge, Sage is scanning the building while Arthur and Tick finish the paperwork. Flexon says that he's tired from working a booth at the open house, and Sage tells them that something sinister is hovering around AEGIS. Arthur points out that they need the consent of the arresting hero: Lint. Lint comes in and says that she's not there.

As they go with the tour, Kevin peers into a chamber and tells Dot that he's there to find out what AEGIS has to hide. A technician peers back at them.

Arthur tells Lint that they need her consent to see Lobstercules. Tick explains that Lobstercules isn't evil and is a mother, and Lint refuses. He figures that she's already hearing The Call, and Lint wonders what he means. Tick describes how the voice starts by whispering in her ear but she won't be able to shut it out. Arthur joins in and says that she's going sane in a crazy world and she'll never be the same. Lint agrees to sign the paperwork just to get them to go away.

Hopper takes the tour to the rating room. Kevin explains that his parents had him tested as a child and he's a Category 3. Dot says that she might be a Category because she can dodge bullets. Kevin figures that it's temporal distortion and tells her that she can never let AEGIS know that she has superpowers.

Lint is looking at the hero memorial in the lounge when Superian comes in. He knows who she is and asks what she thinks of being a hero, and Lint admits that it's being a pain in the ass. Superian says that hearing people applaud their name and then taking them apart, and rants about blowing humanity into space. Lint suggests that he talk to someone, and Superian says that he's already talking to Arthur. Pearl appears on the TV and Superian says that Pearl hates him on TV for a living. He realizes that Pearl is there and goes to find him.

Miranda checks Arthur's paperwork and explains that she and Veranda are telepathic twins. She takes the two heroes to see Lobstercules, who pounds on the sides of her cell. Once Miranda leaves, Tick tells Lobstercules that he's sorry for how he attacked her earlier because he thought she was his nemesis. Arthur says that she needs to let AEGIS hear her speak. Lobstercules refuses to speak until Tick mentions her children.

Superian approaches Pearl outside and Pearl realizes who it is as Superian throws his hat away.

Hooper takes the tour to the danger suites, and Kevin tells Dot that AEGIS afraid of Categories. Dot says that AEGIS has been good to her family, and Kevin explains that AEGIS doesn't think that Categories are human. As they go down the hallway, Dot sees a trophy case with a photo of Walter. It identifies him as "John Wu". Hobbes arrives and asks if he can help them, and then says that everyone displayed in the case received the AEGIS Star of Valor. He thinks that Dot looks familiar, and Dot gives him a fake name before Hobbes takes them back to a tour group.

Lobstercules says that she's from Atlantis and came to the land to see who was throwing plastic in the ocean. The Donnellys got hold of her babies and she has been serving them ever since, and describes a house beneath a volcano. Arthur begs her to talk to AEGIS so they'll treat her as a human being, and she agrees. She makes the heroes swear not to tell anyone about her brood, and Tick swears that he will save her children.

Superian flies over the city and up into the clouds, carrying a screaming Pearl.

Arthur shows Rathbone a recorded statement by Lobstercules saying that she's a speaking thinking being. Hobbes admits that his earlier classification was wrong and asks if she said anything useful, and Arthur claims that she didn't. Rathbone tells Hobbes to treat Lobstercules like a prisoner, and then tells Tick and Arthur to follow their lead. Once they leave, Hobbes says that there has been no sign of Superian since he abducted Pearl and figures that it's a problem that will solve itself.

Pearl wakes up in the temple and yells for Superian.

Written by Gadfly on Apr 13, 2019

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