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BazzaG's talk page

Cancellation of The AU version of The masker Singer and The Bachelor

LadyShelley posted 27 days ago

Hello BazzaG, 

I wanted to drop you a note and let you know I've removed the news piece you posted about the cancellation of The Masked Singer and The Bachelor on Network 10. The reason for this is because the news is two weeks old. Per the article yu posted, there was an announcement made at the time that was not posted within our timeframe. If you have any questions about this decision, please feel free to contact me.


Lady Shelley 

BazzaG posted 27 days ago

This is ridiculous, the article itself is NOT 2 weeks old.

I can understand having a restriction on how old news posts can be but 2 weeks? A month or even 2 would be better.

While I didn't watch either of these shows, nor almost any reality shows, if I did I would like to know why a show that was running is now marked ended.

Perhaps the mods should start deleting ALL news items 2 weeks after being posted. That way TVMaze would be fully compliant with this stupid rule.



After the Verdict

MTQueenie posted a year ago

Hi Bazza

Just curious about After the Verdict which you have changed from TBD to Ended, have you found official confirmation that it's been canceled as i can't seem to find any (I'm still holding out hope for a second season) ;) 


MTQueenie posted a year ago

Dammit, not the answer i was hoping for lol.

Low resolution pictures

puffosul posted 2 years ago


You're uploading low resolution pictures:  228x162 px 576x324 px

Our data policies states that the picture must be at least 1280x720px.

The official website picture link, for example, is If you replace 576 with 1920 (in the link) you'll get the full resolution picture

Also, you can check the picture resolution before uploading it by opening a new tab, paste the link there (the tab's name will provide you the picture resolution).

All the best.

Doctor Doctor news item

LadyShelley posted 2 years ago

Hi, BazzaG. 

Your news item about the cast reflecting on the end of their series was removed as it is not one of the approved topics for news items for the site. Here are the types of news items we allow: 

For news linked to a show, the following events are permitted:

Announcement for a new show that is allowed under our inclusion policy

Renewals for a next season, or additional episodes ordered in the current season

Announcements for the show's premiere date, or the next season's premiere date

Production for a season starting or finishing

Changes in the show's main cast, or recurring stars

Changes in the show runner, executive producer, or head writer

The show's end/cancellation

The show moving to a different network or web channel

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