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MTQueenie's talk page

20/20 correspondent

Magitroopa posted 7 months ago

I see you recently deleted Deborah Roberts from the guest correspondent role on this episode and this episode with the reasoning that she is main cast.

I had originally added her under guest as a correspondent as in these two cases, she is actually the reporter/correspondent for the story itself, as Juju Chang is in this episode.

For what I mean, with "Snatched", she appears as a main anchor along with David (image), but she is also the reporter/correspondent for the story (image 1, image 2). Should this not be noted/included? Thanks in advance.

MTQueenie posted 7 months ago

Well it seems odd to have a main cast member listed as guestcast too. How is she credited in the episode? Both as main and guest or just as guest

Magitroopa posted 7 months ago

I mean, realistically, if we were to go by just the credits (though I personally would count the "Deborah Roberts reporting" as 'crediting'), the end credits only crew members are listed (specifically executive producer, senior producer, executive editorial producer, senior writer, director, episode-specific producers, episode-specific editorial producer, editors, post production editors, cameras, additional producer, associate director, production associates, art directors, graphic artists, digital producer, and special thanks).

If we were to go that strictly and only include what/who is listed in the end credits, then no one should be listed on the episode(s) here, though I'd say going that direction would be more on the unhelpful side of things.

MTQueenie posted 7 months ago

I agree that if it says Deborah Roberts reporting then she is technically credited, so feel free to add her back then. Normally you wouldnt have a main cast also be guest cast hence why i deleted it bur I'm happy to go with how you want it since you seem to follow the show.

The $100,000 Pyramid

Ancient Invisible Cities duplication

tvjjbj12 posted a year ago

Hey MTQueenie. I hope the Holidays were a blessing to you and your family! 

I have a question about the PBS Ancient Invisible Cities scheduled for deletion. It's Episode 1 "Athens" aired on August 29, 2018. The BBC Two Ancient Invisible Cities Episode 1 "Cairo" aired on September 7, 2018. Shouldn't the first airing episode of a show/series determine which should be deleted? In other words, keep the PBS and delete the BBC Two?

Duplicates need to be deleted; NO argument. I am just always concerned about loosing information that could enhance the rightful one remaining. Thanks for taking that into account by adding the Alternate Episode list from the US (PBS) version. 

The research to determine a show/series duplication seems overwhelming to me when you consider different countries and languages. At least the show title is the same here. I'm sorry to ask you so late to the deletion deadline. There is a lot of going on with my elderly sister. 



MTQueenie posted a year ago

Hello Joe

Normally, yes we would go with the first airing. However from what i can find this show is a 100% BBC production which means they are the airdate owner and their dates must be the main ones - if it had been a co-production between BBC and PBS then they PBS dates would have been the main ones since they aired first.

I will check with the other staff though, just in case


tvjjbj12 posted a year ago

Thanks a bunch for checking into this further. I had another idea that may not apply here. But...

The BBC Three show Being Human has a Related Show (Foreign Remake). It is the Syfy Channel's Being Human Both Ancient Invisible Cities have host/presenters that appear throughout each separate episode. They are exploring the same three cities as separate productions, with BBC Two using Michael Scott and PBS using Darius Arya. I just reviewed the PBS website to remind myself. I first viewed the series a couple of years ago. 

It seems that both Ancient Invisible Cities could qualify in the same way as both Being Human. Maybe not, but please add my idea for consideration.

Thanks as always.


MTQueenie posted a year ago

Our Brit and PBS experts have dug deep and it seems it actually is a co-production and there are differences enough to keep both shows so it has been unmarked for deletion. Good catch Joe :)


tvjjbj12 posted a year ago

Hey MTQ. Sorry for the delay writing back. Thanks for working this further. I know the research could have supported deletion. I just hate the loss of any information and the effort of various TVmazers updating any series. 

Back to both Ancient Invisible Cities, there should be a Show Relation to link them I think. "Franchise" does not seem to fit. Since they are a co-production, can one be the "Foreign Remake" of the other? The PBS episode 1 did air 9 days before the BBC Two episode 1. The other choices do not seem to fit. What do you think? 

Thanks a bunch.


60 Minutes (AU)

BazzaG posted a year ago


From Nine's EPG, 60 minutes (Sunday 11th December) has the following description:

Solving aviation's greatest mystery. The man who says he's found doomed airliner MH370; plus, an Australian baby found alone in a Mexican church sets off a major police investigation to identify the child and locate her missing mother.

Both of these stories have been broadcast before:

MH370: Episode 3
Mexican Mystery: Episode 15

For Sunday 18th December we have:

An Australian solo sailor's remarkable survival after falling off his yacht in shark infested waters in the middle of nowhere; plus Sarah Abo joins supergroup KISS on their private jet-setting tour of Europe.

Fall Guy: Episode 21
Kiss & Tell: Episode 18


This is normal for 60 Minutes to repackage previous stories at this time of the year & if anything like previous years will be the case through to around February 2023.

The 1st story in the December 4 broadcast was also a repeat ... which is why I marked it as such.

MTQueenie posted a year ago

Dammit, why cant networks just show on the episodeguide if the episode has been aired before, would make our lives so much easier. I will delete the 11th december episode again.

BazzaG posted a year ago

That's Ok. I find it a PITA as well. What I wasn't sure about is what are the TVMaze policies on this.

I suppose technically speaking it's a "new" episode since, while the individual stories are repeats, they are "new" in that combination. The intro & ending are also "new".

Having said that I personally consider them repeats.

The official Australian TV ratings for 2023 begin on Sunday 12th February, so I'm guessing these repackaged repeats will continue until around that time (based on the known return of a number of other shows, I think the 1st real new episode will either be the 29th Jan or the 5th Feb ... time will tell).


BazzaG posted a year ago


Just a FYI ... As suspected back in December, 60 Minutes (AU) returns with new episodes the coming Sunday night (5th Feb). I've added a new season & the 1st episode as TBA since that info hasn't been published yet.


Please stop editing start times of programs that are incorrect

Irish316 posted 2 years ago

Can you please stop incorrectly editing the start times of programs if you aren't actually checking them. I Was There on History tonight starts at 10:02 pm (not 10 pm). Also, 9-1-1 Lonestar starts at 9:01 pm (not 9 pm). If you actually watch these programs you would know this. I've noticed you've done it on other programs as well and they are incorrect.

Irish316 posted 2 years ago

Quit updating episodes if they are incorrect. Episode 7 of Hoffman Family Gold is not Ice Cold Gold. That is episode 6 which is next Friday, April 29. It is reaired on Friday, May 6 at 7 pm. If you actually watch the show, you'd understand how Discovery Channel is showing this series and any other Gold Rush series. I happen to think you just pull these episodes from other sites that incorrectly have them listed as well. 

MTQueenie posted 2 years ago

Jeez get over yourself. This was among the (very long) daily list of conflicts that staff have to process every day and i just didnt realise it was re-run episode. It was an honest mistake so no need for the attitude.

Irish316 posted 2 years ago

Get over yourself. I spend a lot of time myself making sure things are correct.

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