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  • Registered since: Oct 21, 2015

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Vera News

Brenda Blethyn begins filming as Vera for the final series

Really going to miss this show. Brenda Blethyn was a perfect DCI Vera Stanhope. But I completely understand. Blethyn was away from her home for months on end filming this show and she is probably looking forward to some R & R & R (Rest & Relaxation & Retirement).

I felt the same way when Touch of Frost, Lewis and Foyle's War ended. Always better to go out on a high note than to stick around longer than you should.

Melissa Auf Der Maur Episode

Melissa Auf Der Maur

So great that Geddy was able to get Melissa to be a part of his show.

West Sussex Episode

West Sussex

UPDATE: BBC site finally addressed the missing episode. The site renumbered the episodes from 49 to 55 to 48 (this episode) to 54. Episode 55 (Somerset) was then tacked on to the end.

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