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When the U.S.S. Enterprise investigates an attack on a colony at the edge of Federation space, Captain Pike and his crew face the return of a formidable enemy.

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Episode Discussion

DPh2902 posted 8 months ago

@KenKnudsen wrote:
Captain Kirk should be seriously paranoid about why Pike, Spock, Scotty, Uhura, Chapel, or Starfleet Command didn't clue him in about the Gorn prior to the encounter in Arena. You'd think even his own damn brother might have mentioned something about them in passing, before he had to deal with them himself. Everyone acted like they'd never heard of them before. And Spock kept trying to talk him out of chasing them (like he'd never heard of the Vulcan hello) all the while raising his eyebrow significantly like he knew something, when all he had to do was tell the captain who they were, and why chasing them back to their own territory might be a bad idea. Why?

Maybe if the writers strike lasts long enough, and they have time to think about it without looming deadlines, they can come up with some credible answers before next season.  Retcon can be such a b**** sometimes.

Funny, I was thinking the. same thing while watching. It seemed like they had never heard of the Gore when Kirk fought them yet here Spock actually killed one. Overall this has been a good series but man there are plot SNAFUs everywhere in all these episodes. 

tolham posted 9 months ago

The Last of Aliens

KenKnudsen posted 9 months ago

Captain Kirk should be seriously paranoid about why Pike, Spock, Scotty, Uhura, Chapel, or Starfleet Command didn't clue him in about the Gorn prior to the encounter in Arena. You'd think even his own damn brother might have mentioned something about them in passing, before he had to deal with them himself. Everyone acted like they'd never heard of them before. And Spock kept trying to talk him out of chasing them (like he'd never heard of the Vulcan hello) all the while raising his eyebrow significantly like he knew something, when all he had to do was tell the captain who they were, and why chasing them back to their own territory might be a bad idea. Why?

Maybe if the writers strike lasts long enough, and they have time to think about it without looming deadlines, they can come up with some credible answers before next season.  Retcon can be such a b**** sometimes.

Real-Frosty posted 9 months ago
One of the few good episodes this entire season, and it's a Part 1 of 2? For me, there isn't much that captivates me from week to week, I might have to wait and binge this series after it ends...
TomislavMuskovic posted 9 months ago

damn! I was hoping it wouldn`t end up in a cliffhanger but this is even harder. 

Season 3 was suppose to start filming in May but it got halted because of the strike so until strike gets resolved we have to wait. Hopefully we won`t have to wait for 2 years for the next season. 

bebop-cola posted 9 months ago

Wow, and people that watched Best of Both Worlds Part 1 as it aired thought they had it bad having to wait 3 months for the conclusion.

Probs gonna be 2 years for this.

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