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Heroes Reborn is Good.....So Far....

52082.jpg..but so was Heroes season 1.

Last night, a friend of mine and I were talking about Heroes and I remembered all of the great characters, Sylar, Hiro, Noah Bennett, sometimes, Peter Petrelli, sometimes, and Matt Parkman, rarely. I also remembered the terrible characters, Ando, Nathan Petrelli, Niki Sanders, UGH, DL Hawkins, Micah, Angela Petrelli, and the list can go on and on and on. And that was the problem with Heroes post season 1, in my opinion. Too many characters, too many powers, too many story lines, and too much crisscrossing. Oh Sylar is evil, oh wait now he's good, oh wait now he's Nathan? It was the definition of too much.

But in an attempt to get that fan base excited and watching something again a reboot of the show was ordered and thus Heroes Reborn was made. Check out the trailer for an idea as to what you can expect from this show.

It looks fairly good right? At least for those who were fans of the first season, some characters have returned and the story line looks fairly easy to follow. That being said, I have some tips to offer the show as it continues throughout the seasons to hopefully keep it alive and fresh.

1. Don't mess with their superpowers. One of the most frustrating things that happened in Heroes post season 1 was the impotence of Hiro's power, the impotence of Peter Petrelli's power, the impotence of Sylar's power, the impotence of Niki's powers. Do you see where i'm going with this? In my opinion the only time this plot device works is if it's used once or maybe twice but in younger children or individuals discovering his or her powers. It becomes frustrating and utterly boring when it happens to people who have a good understanding as to how his or her powers operate and "just can't get it to work".

2. Don't crisscross the hero villain line too much. I like stories that are developed over time in which the hero becomes the villain or vice versa but to just have it happen in a few episodes is too rushed and and cheap. Really develop these characters, Do some flashbacks, those are nice, and let us get to the roots of these characters.

3. Don't overload the show with characters. Please oh please don't do this. Don't spend half a season introducing us to new characters only to kill them off halfway through the season. It's frustrating. Build you're original characters, introduce some as the universe expands but for the love of God have an end game.

4. Which brings me to my next point. End game. Please have an idea where you want this show to end because it did not appear to have any understanding as to where it was going Heroes post season 1. Please have an idea of where these characters will end up and how they are going to be there.

5. Finally, please no stupid powers. Please? Like being invincible but then having an Achilles heel but then being able to move that one spot, yep that was an actual plot device and paraphrasing of what Sylar did at one point. So please don't overwhelm us with powers because eventually some of them are going to be stupid. And don't explore or try to expand on them too much either. Like Claire not feeling pain or someone just getting powers, like Ando.

I believe that if you, the show writers, stick to these points, the show won't be terrible and I will continue to watch it.

Thoughts on my points? Watched the first episode of Heroes Reborn? Comment below and let me know what you think.

Written by cwm on Sep 29, 2015


MrCorleone posted 8 years ago

Not as good as original.

iMaks533 posted 8 years ago

Can't forget last episodes from original Heroes, it was total disaster, so can't sure, that i want start watching Heroes Reborn at all.

hylander posted 8 years ago

YYYYYYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWN,ya well what can i say very slow start and the whole "i had my mind wiped" is old already,come on Noah move on and yes i agree the video game girl is boring already and yes it is all over the map,well stay tuned for yet another cancellation.I just hope they dont put up another reality show.Please shoot me now

CrystalR posted 8 years ago

The reboot hasn't really pulled me in yet, the original had better characters so far. And I'm on the 3rd episode and still don't know what it going on. In the original they tell you fairly soon and keep you interested until they do, 'Save the cheerleader save the world'

laiamsd posted 8 years ago

Completely agree, but I'm 100% sure they are going to screw it. Something tells me that the Asian girl storyline will be the most boring thing ever, and that Robbie Kay, althought being an amazing actor, will get on my nerves with the Romeo and Juliet relationship with the high school girl. That being said, I only watched the pilot and half of the second episode.

teros posted 8 years ago

I agree to most of the points made in the article. I also watched and really liked season 1, but somewhere in season 2 i stopped for the reasons mentioned above. Thatswhy i havent watced yet the new episodes. I probably will sometime soon and see how it goes.

Kanis posted 8 years ago

Many have come into the Heroes Reborn series with certain expectations due to the outcome of the first series in 2006. I came in with no preconceived ideas, and because of that really enjoyed the first two episodes.
The article hits a few good points with what they should and shouldn’t do to be successful. But ultimately I wonder if enough people will give the series a second chance.

I do look forward to a solid story with a thought out conclusion.

gmpugs posted 8 years ago

Good points. Almost all the reasons why I eventually stopped watching Heroes in season 2 or 3 (I can't remember which one). And honestly, those were probably the reasons why I'm hesitant to give this one a shot.

ItsMike posted 8 years ago

Watched both episodes the day they came out. Out of all the new shows that have aired up until today, this show is the one that needed 2 episodes to keep it interesting and still disappoints me a little.

I wonder how the story will develop and how we will see different characters meet with others and their stories line up.

Hopefully they will not introduce more and more powered characters, and just stick with these.

Out of all the characters the Chinese girl (Miko I believe?) is the one i dislike the most. The way they made a 3D-environment showing her in-game just doesn't feel right and seems quite limited.
Noah's situation is strange as well. How he lost his memory, and how he will regain is what I wonder about the most.

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