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Emory Erickson

Emory Erickson was a Human inventor, famous for the invention of the molecular transporter. In addition to inventing the device, he was also the first person to be transported by one. Erickson had two children, Quinn and Danica.
Emory was a good friend of Henry Archer, Jonathan Archer's father. In 2124, when Henry died of Clarke's Disease after suffering from frequent hallucinations and pain for years, sometimes not even recognizing his own son, the relationship that Jonathan shared with Emory Erickson strengthened and he became like a surrogate father to him. (ENT: "Cold Station 12", "Daedalus")

In 2154, Erickson came aboard Enterprise NX-01 under the guise of testing a new transporter method, which supposedly had unlimited range. The evening after he and his daughter arrived on the ship, they had dinner with many senior staff officers to discuss the upcoming test. During the meal, Emory mentioned how he missed his friend Henry Archer and their discussions and he raised a glass to toast his late friend. However, it was revealed that Erickson was actually attempting to rescue his son.

It was discovered that his son's pattern he now knew to be trapped within a subspace bubble, the Barrens, before the pattern degraded irretrievably. Erickson was successful in retrieving his son, but Quinn died seconds after his father had transported him aboard. Although his son was dead, Emory felt that it would have been better for Quinn to be dead than "somewhere in between" life and death. (ENT: "Daedalus")

In 2381, Chief Carlton Dennis was reading Emory Erickson: A Memoir when Ensign Beckett Mariner and her friends entered his Transporter Facility on Earth. (LD: "Grounded")

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