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Shock to the System

Miranda Bailey visits Ben at work, meeting his new co-workers for the first time. While most of the team responds to a motor vehicle accident involving an electrical danger, Andy and Maya are paired up to go on their first stakeout.

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Episode Discussion

garycbelleville posted 5 years ago

I started this show last night, I am now on episode 5 and I swear I am confused as to whether this production team uses actual firemen to proof read the show or not like many other shows do. In this episode a car gets tangled in some electrical live wires Now if they actually used professional firemen to advise them on how to handle this case they would have before anything else called the electric company to shut of the power on those lines. However after attempting several different options they finally tell the river to jump out of the car and to bunny hop his way to the firemen. Doing this the driver missteps and fatally injures himself. it is only after that that we see one of the firemen contact the electric company to turn the power off. Why did they wait so late......when that would have been the first thing to due upon exiting from their trucks.

I like the show but too often they just don't handle situations as the true firemen would making this all just a little hard to swallow for me. Too many times the actors stand around and wait for god I guess to tell them what to do and when they finally do it the perform the task as if they had never done it before. Firemen are true heroes. When they arrive at a scene they don't take five minutes to confer with colleagues on what to do next. Firemen train all the time so when faced with a particular scenario it is all natural instincts that take over.

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