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Season 20 - Episode Guide


White Day of Betrayal (Part 1)

Episode: 20x03 | Airdate: Mar 5, 2011

White Day of Betrayal (Part 1)

Kogoro appears in a commercial to promote white chocolate for White Day and is invited to the chocolate company's White Day party. Kogoro, Ran, and Conan attend and are introduced to the company presidents, Taruto Urai and his wife Hoshie Urai. During the party, Taruto collapses. At first thought to be one of his practical jokes, Conan quickly notices that Taruto has died from cyanide poisoning.

White Day of Betrayal (Part 2)

Episode: 20x04 | Airdate: Mar 26, 2011

White Day of Betrayal (Part 2)

Despite all appearing to be a suicide case, Conan is certain that Hoshie is the culprit and investigates on how she delivered the poison to her husband, finally finding several pieces of critical evidence and exposing her. On the way home, Ran is visibly saddened since she thinks she is the only one of her acquaintances not to have received a White Day gift, but is cheered up when she discovers white throat lozenge from a postage left by Shinichi.

Inubushi Castle, The Ablazed Demon Dog (Will-o'-The-Wisp Chapter)

Episode: 20x06 | Airdate: Apr 16, 2011

Inubushi Castle, The Ablazed Demon Dog (Will-o'-The-Wisp Chapter)

Kogoro takes Ran, Kazuha, Conan, and Heiji to the Inubushi household where they are introduced to the family. They learn about the legend passed down in the Inubushi family where their ancestor set his dog on fire after mistakenly assuming the dog killed his daughter while in reality, the dog saved his daughter. The ancestor was then killed in a house fire and the myth of the Inubushi curse was passed down. Conan and Heiji decide to investigate the headstone of the supposed dog when they witness Saki Inubushi fall from a cliff. Saki claims an ablaze inugami chased her and dies shortly after.

Inubushi Castle, The Ablazed Demon Dog (Footsteps Chapter)

Episode: 20x07 | Airdate: Apr 23, 2011

Inubushi Castle, The Ablazed Demon Dog (Footsteps Chapter)

Ran and Kazuha retreat inside the house and discover the inugami is gone. Conan and Heiji's investigation leads them to find conclusive evidence Saki's death was planned by the culprit. After hearing Ran and Kazuha's story, they realize the culprit is housing the inugami nearby and investigate an abandoned cabin. Inside the cabin yeilds evidence of a dog living there. Nearby, Tomoaki Inubashi is pounced by the inugami and receives minor burns; nearby an onion is found.

The Secret That The Diary Plays (Part 1)

Episode: 20x09 | Airdate: May 7, 2011

The Secret That The Diary Plays (Part 1)

The Detective Boys are stranded on a mountain when Agasa's car breaks down. Seeking shelter from the rain they come across a villa where piano music was heard and enter the house when their calls are unanswered. Inside, they explore and discover a diary on the table confessing to a plan of a kidnapping and murdering a boy; a blackout then occurs due to the storm. They find a small coffin planned for the murder and realize its empty and the possibility the boy is still be alive. At that moment, piano music is heard again. Conan assures them it will be safe to search the house as the culprit is playing the piano. Ayumi wanders off on her own and finds a photo of a family and a room with water leaking out of it.

The Secret That The Diary Plays (Part 2)

Episode: 20x10 | Airdate: May 14, 2011

The Secret That The Diary Plays (Part 2)

Realizing the piano playing they hear is a recording, they enter the piano room. Conan notices the piano chair was set to a child's height and deduces where the boy is. He has the Detective Boys sing a song in the piano room and catches the boy watching them and befriends him. The boy, Keita Onoda, is a piano prodigy to which the kidnapper abducted to allow his daughter to win a piano competition. Conan also reveals the dairy entry is out of order due to Keita's tampering and that the kidnapper felt increasingly guilty as the days went on. After reading the last page in the dairy, they realize the kidnapper plans to suicide in the bathroom and manage to save him. In the aftermath, Keita's mother does not push charges due to Keita's defense. The kidnapper's daughter meanwhile, revealed she skipped the piano competition as she was worried about Keita's disappearance.

Holmes' Revelation (Holmes' Apprentice)

Episode: 20x11 | Airdate: May 21, 2011

Holmes' Revelation (Holmes' Apprentice)

Kogoro, Ran, and Conan find a cat belonging to a rich British woman who offers to pay their expenses on a trip to London so Kogoro could share his detective stories with her friends. To get past airport security, Haibara gives Conan two antidotes to the APTX 4869 for the trip and the way back home. At the Holmes Museum, Ran calls Shinichi asking him if he wants a souvenir from London. His weak reaction causes Ran to angrily hang up. Outside the museum, a kid named Apollo Glass asks to see Holmes' Apprentice to solve a code that will prevent a person from being murdered. Conan offers to solve the riddle by posing as Holmes' Apprentice. Apollo reveals a strange man gave him a note containing seven coded riddles, declaring someone in London will die if it is left unsolved. They learn from the police that many children have received the same code which Conan speculates to mean a large number of people will die. Conan and Agasa separate themselves from the group as they attempt to decode the riddles.

Holmes' Revelation (Love is 0)

Episode: 20x12 | Airdate: May 28, 2011

Holmes' Revelation (Love is 0)

Ran, feeling upset as she believes Shinichi does not return her feelings, is confronted by Apollo's sister, pro tennis player Minerva Glass. Minerva then parts ways with Ran advising her that Love is Zero and would never amount to anything no matter the effort. Ran calls Shinichi for advice on the riddles. Conan, tells Ran the first riddle "A rolling bell rises me", refers to Big Ben and accidentally reveals he is in London. Realizing Ran will discover Conan's true identity if she finds him, Conan and Agasa flee from her. Conan becomes cornered in a phone booth and is forced to take the antidote, APTX 4869, for the return trip and confronts Ran as Shinichi. Ran confesses her pain of liking Shinichi who is indifferent to her feelings and runs away as is left chasing after her.

Holmes' Revelation (Satan)

Episode: 20x13 | Airdate: Jun 4, 2011

Holmes' Revelation (Satan)

The next day, the police reveal the identity of the man who created the note, Hades Sabara. Kogoro and Ran decode the riddle "My portion is like a chilled boiled egg like a corpse" which refers to City Hall. There, they find many dolls with "Mazarin Stone" written on their shirts where when beheaded, reveals the letter "T". The riddle "I finished up with a whole pickle" refers to 30 St Mary Axe where they found scratched up pens labeled as Dancing Men reveal the letter "N". At Big Ben, Ran and Kogoro find an arrow pointing to a drain where The Valley of Fear of fear is inscribed. They deduce from the story that something had been sunk in the river, and find a drain cover with the letter "A". Apollo leads the two to the next riddle, "Now I remember to ask a cake to celebrate in advance" referring to St. Bride's Church where they find letters entitled, "A Scandal in Bohemia". Soaking the letter in water reveals the letter "S".

Holmes' Revelation (Code Break)

Episode: 20x14 | Airdate: Jun 11, 2011

Holmes' Revelation (Code Break)

Shinichi has returned to Conan again. However Haibara had only given him two pills, he will have to figure something out. Gradually deciphering the note handed out by the criminal, Conan discovers that the place where he plans to attack will be at Wimbledon, where Minerva Glass is supposed to be playing. When they reach the stadium, the criminal has already entered, and since they do not have tickets, they stay outside. However, they can watch the game from a screen that is located outside of Wimbledon. Minerva appears to be losing.

Holmes' Revelation (Grass Court Queen)

Episode: 20x15 | Airdate: Jun 18, 2011

Holmes' Revelation (Grass Court Queen)

Minerva is losing because she's writing a message in braille by hitting the ball on the lawn, which Conan understood. He convinces Apollo to give him his ticket. When he enters the room, he tells Minerva that he can help. Minerva believes it and keeps writing. The message said that the mother of Minerva was going to die. Conan focuses on finding Hades and asks Minerva to lengthen the game. Minerva gets to play and the party has to decide in the tie-break.

Holmes' Revelation (0 is Start)

Episode: 20x16 | Airdate: Jun 25, 2011

Holmes' Revelation (0 is Start)

Conan meets his parents and give a ticket. After locates Hades with the help of Minerva, Bystanders see Conan as "Holmes Apprentice" and compliment him and then Hades sees him. Before even pressing the button to trigger the bomb, Minerva throws a tennis ball and hits Hades. After that, Conan then takes the ball and kicks it. It hits Hades and he got stopped by the police. Minerva wins the match and meets with Ran. She says Shinichi told her that the zero is also a starting point. Haibara gave Shinichi's parents an antidote because she knew that he would use it.

Emergency Situation 252 (Part 1)

Episode: 20x17 | Airdate: Jul 2, 2011

Emergency Situation 252 (Part 1)

While discussing Conan's journey to London and the case he had to solve there, Conan and Ai once again discuss Conan's reckless behavior in ingesting the anti-APTX 4869 meant for his return journey in order to reveal himself to Ran. An accidental comment makes the other Detective Boys suggest that they play hide and seek inside an abandoned building Genta knows. As they begin playing (with Conan once again prevailing with his detective skills), Genta hears a strange knocking that Conan deduces is emergency code 252 - a plea for rescue. While searching through the building, they encounter two men, apparently demolition workers, who claim that they made the knocking sound with hammers. But noticing three consumed sushi bento boxes nearby and catching them with a trick question about how the house is to be torn down, Conan deduces they are fakes and have are really holding someone hostage in the building somewhere.

Emergency Situation 252 (Part 2)

Episode: 20x18 | Airdate: Jul 9, 2011

Emergency Situation 252 (Part 2)

With them being secure from the police, the culprits decide to find the remaining children and silence them once and for all to ensure the smoothness of their plan: to have the daughter of their original victim bring the ransom, lock her into the building, and eliminating all witnesses by setting it on fire.

A Video Letter of First Love

Episode: 20x19 | Airdate: Jul 16, 2011

A Video Letter of First Love

Detective Chiba searches the storage room of Teitan Elementary for an thirteen year old VHS tape from his childhood love, Naeko Miike, which contains the reply to his love letter. At the same time, the Detective Boys are sent to the archives to search for a tape for their teacher. Chiba reveals to them that he received a phone call from Naeko Miike asking him if he has seen the tape, prompting him to resume his search for it. Conan deduces the tape contains the video Chiba and Naeko filmed years ago and finds the tape has been recorded over.

The Screaming Operation Room (Part 1)

Episode: 20x20 | Airdate: Jul 23, 2011

The Screaming Operation Room (Part 1)

When Kogoro Mouri goes to his alma mater for a "speech", Ran, Sonoko, and Conan end up going with him. Sonsaku Tsujiei, a 4th year student at Beika University, wants Kogoro to look at the haunted house and evaluate its accuracy. When Kogoro takes too long during his speech, Conan, Ran, and Sonoko decide to check out the haunted house themselves. Sonsaku and Hachiya Kiichi (a colleague) escort them into the haunted house only to later play tricks to scare them. When they are in the "Operating Room", Anna Tadami, the victim, is playing the patient during the operation. When the trick is over, everyone realizes that Anna hadn't finished her part. When they try to get her to wake up, Conan realizes she has been poisoned by cyanide.

The Ryoma Treasure Battle Between Conan and Kid (Part 1)

Episode: 20x22 | Airdate: Aug 20, 2011

The Ryoma Treasure Battle Between Conan and Kid (Part 1)

Due to a recent fad, Sakamoto Ryoma histories have become popular. Capitalizing on this, Jirokichi Suzuki's museum has set up a Ryoma exhibit. Jirokichi wanted to purchase a prize item of Ryoma's for the exhibit, a gun belt with a large ruby, from the current owners Shishihiko Tarumi and Masanosuke Hanamura. Not wanting to buy it before having it evaluating by his own appraiser, Jirokichi instead arranged a space at the exhibit for the owners to display the gunbelt in the meanwhile. Elsewhere, Sonoko tells Ran that Kaitou Kid has sent an advance notice that he will be at the exhibit to return some items that were stolen 20 years ago from Shishihiko Tarumi's Ryoma exhibit by the thief Phantom Lady: Ryoma's letter to his wife talking about the belt, a pistol Ryoma was carrying, and a sake cup with a bloodstain when Ryoma was assassinated. Inspector Ginzo Nakamori and Superintendent Shintaro Chaki discuss the best strategy to capture Kid: Lure Kid in to allow him to to return what was stolen, but then prevent him from leaving.

The Ryoma Treasure Battle Between Conan and Kid (Part 2)

Episode: 20x23 | Airdate: Aug 27, 2011

The Ryoma Treasure Battle Between Conan and Kid (Part 2)

On the day of the heist, Conan is confronted by Kid in the bathroom stalls who reveals he was able to bypass the metal detectors by removing the lead from the pistol. As Kid leaves, Conan overhears Tarumi and his appraiser hoping Kid succeeds in his plot. Kid appears at the announced time and publicly claims he is cleaning up before setting off the fire sprinklers; he blends into the crowd who are also soaked from the rain and makes his escape.

The Promo Video Shooting Case (Part 1)

Episode: 20x24 | Airdate: Sep 3, 2011

The Promo Video Shooting Case (Part 1)

Conan, Ran, Sonoko and the Detective Boys are invited to an island for free diving lessons, but bad weather prevents them from doing so. While walking around the island, they stumble upon a shooting of a promotional video by washed up actor Yuya Miyasaka. While they watch, they see that Miyasaka physically harrases many of the crew members. It starts to rain soon after and every one comes back inside, but Miyasaka is found murdered later on.

The Promo Video Shooting Case (Part 2)

Episode: 20x25 | Airdate: Sep 10, 2011

The Promo Video Shooting Case (Part 2)

While trying to figure out who murdered washed up actor Yuya Miyasaka, cameraman Shingo Takayama is found dead as well due to falling off a cliff.

What the Flower Clock Knew

Episode: 20x26 | Airdate: Sep 17, 2011

What the Flower Clock Knew

Due to being chosen to particpate as a baton twirler during the Grand Opening of the Beika Park's Flower Clock, Ayumi has been practicing her moves in front of the clock every morning. When she invites Conan and the others to watch, they witness a drunk man wandering around and generally being a nuisance. The next morning, the man is found dead, his head smashed on the stone number 6.

The Guardian of Time's Sword (Part 1)

Episode: 20x27 | Airdate: Oct 1, 2011

The Guardian of Time's Sword (Part 1)

Kogoro is hired as a bodyguard for a woman who has been receiving death threats. The letter warns she will be killed at 6:00PM at her birthday party.

The Guardian of Time's Sword (Part 2)

Episode: 20x28 | Airdate: Oct 8, 2011

The Guardian of Time's Sword (Part 2)

6:00PM hits and the woman dies as described in the letter. Many people at the party describe the culprit, but none of the descriptions match up.

The Super Narrow Shop Crime Scene

Episode: 20x29 | Airdate: Oct 15, 2011

The Super Narrow Shop Crime Scene

Kogoro and horse bettors Susumu Nakamura, Chihiro Ougi, Masao Shinohara gather in Satsuki Mishima's bar, one with no leg room and with a crack in the rusty wall. Everyone then leaves the bar around the same time to attend to personal matters. Kogoro takes a smoking break, Nakamura goes to buy cigarettes, Ougi to the public restroom, Shinohara to the ATM. When they regroup, they find Satsuki slouching over the counter on a swivel chair. Shinohara tries to wake her up, only to find a knife in her chest. Kogoro assumes that during the break, someone had a fight with Satsuki who was behind the counter, and stabbed her in the front. The evidence left on the scene does not support it.

Beware of Dieting

Episode: 20x30 | Airdate: Nov 5, 2011

Beware of Dieting

Ran, Sonoko, and Conan are at a yoga weight-lost resort when one of its customers, Atsuko Degawa, dies from poison found in her food. Originally deduced to be a suicide.

The Most Useful School in the World Case (Part 1)

Episode: 20x31 | Airdate: Nov 12, 2011

The Most Useful School in the World Case (Part 1)

Kogoro is asked to be a star in an educational television program. Once there, he is introduced to guest stars and studio members. Noburo Kimijima, the leading figure of Enka, has his priceless vase stolen during rehearsal. They deduce the culprit is still inside the studio room.

The Memory Trip of the Eight Sketches (Okayama Part)

Episode: 20x35 | Airdate: Dec 10, 2011

The Memory Trip of the Eight Sketches (Okayama Part)

Kogoro, Ran, and Conan are invited to Okayama to review the food served there. They then meet an amnesiac woman and decide to assist her in regaining her memories. The woman sketches out pictures which gives them clues on locations she visited. The woman recognizes the sound of a suikinkutsu from a cellphone; the group deduces she visited the Salt Palace. There, she discovers her name to be Mayuko Kichise from her friend, Kanae Nonomiya. Nonomiya reveals Kichise is an important witness who can prove her brother did not rob a jewelry store and prompts her to regain her memories.

Ramen So Delicious Til Death (Part 1)

Episode: 20x39 | Airdate: Feb 4, 2012

Ramen So Delicious Til Death (Part 1)

Conan is back home at Mouri Detective Agency. Kogoro is on the phone with Ran but suddenly got shocked that Ran is going to sleep over at school during night time because everyone's going to practice karate.

Ramen So Delicious Til Death (Part 2)

Episode: 20x40 | Airdate: Feb 11, 2012

Ramen So Delicious Til Death (Part 2)

With poison only on the victim's thumb and forefinger, the case becomes confusing. What evidence in the victim's possession will lead them to the culprit?

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