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Season 4 - Episode Guide



Episode: 4x01 | Airdate:

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Many Americans assume tuberculosis is a disease of the past, but the reality is one-third of the world's population is infected with TB - an estimated 10 to 15 million people in the United States alone.Second Opinion explores this historic disease and what you need to know to protect yourself.

Clinical Trials; Parkinson's Disease

Episode: 4x02 | Airdate:

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Medical research has helped us lead longer, healthier lives, but it has also sparked ethical concerns and contentious political debate. Through a Parkinson's Disease case, panelists explore the controversial world of clinical trials and debate the potential gains and pitfalls of science on the edge.

Macular Degeneration

Episode: 4x03 | Airdate:

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Many Americans think loss of vision is a normal part of aging. Think again. The number one cause of vision loss is actually a disease called macular degeneration. This episode describes the disease and how you may be able to prevent it from compromising your vision.

Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease

Episode: 4x04 | Airdate:

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Heartburn is nothing to take lightly. For many people, heartburn can interrupt daily life and be the precursor to serious illnesses. Our panel of experts on gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) will discuss the diagnosis and treatment of it, as well as the symptoms you should not ignore.

Memory Enhancement

Episode: 4x05 | Airdate:

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Crossword puzzles, vitamins, and classical music have all been promoted as tools for improving memory. Panelists discuss the recent theories and research surrounding memory enhancement and help viewers separate fact from fiction.


Episode: 4x06 | Airdate: Nov 5, 2007

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While youth suicides earn more news headlines, suicide rates in the United States actually increase with age. This powerful episode explores the devastating reality of suicide, and what you should know about helping yourself or a loved one.

Cardiac Breakthroughs

Episode: 4x07 | Airdate:

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Heart disease is the number one killer in the U.S. With doctors and researchers racing to stop heart disease in its tracks, diagnostic technology and treatment options are breaking new ground at astounding speed. But are there dangers? Can technology tell us too much? Our experts dive into the high-tech world of cardiac care.

Ovarian Cancer

Episode: 4x08 | Airdate: Nov 19, 2007

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One of the deadliest forms of cancer, ovarian cancer is also one of the few cancers for which genetic testing can determine a person's susceptibility. This episode explores the challenges faced by a woman balancing the opportunity to know her genetic profile with only limited diagnostic testing and sometimes radical treatment options available.


Episode: 4x09 | Airdate:

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Major advancements in neurological science are changing the way experts understand and treat addiction. Learn from some of the country's leading experts what the latest medical research tells us about treating addictive behaviors in men and women.


Episode: 4x10 | Airdate:

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Often debilitating and misunderstood, migraine headaches and the options available to treat them are sources of much debate. Anger, frustration and desperation can plague both patients and physicians. Our panel navigates a case of migraine and the often confusing information that surrounds pain management and prevention.

Breast Cancer Recurrence

Episode: 4x11 | Airdate:

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While survival rates for breast cancer continue to improve, for some women, recurrence is a devastating reality. When women experience breast cancer recurrence, a sense of failure can confront both the patient and health care provider. Our expert panel explores a topic filled with both challenge and hope.


Episode: 4x12 | Airdate:

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Osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, or just normal aging? Knowing the difference can affect patient care and quality of living. Join experts discussing the real science behind the common degenerative disease, arthritis. Find out what you can do to help prevent it, and learn about promising treatments on the horizon.


Episode: 4x13 | Airdate:

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Research indicates that inflammation underscores a significant percentage of heart disease, and some professionals believe that it may be the source of many complications of aging. Our panelists explore the relationship between inflammation and disease, and what new treatments lay ahead.

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