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Season 6 - Episode Guide


Bobby Goes Nuts

Episode: 6x01 | Airdate: Nov 11, 2001

Bobby Goes Nuts

After Bobby is forced to eat dirt by a older boy he takes a self defense class at the YWCA. He then becomes a bully and is punished by his dad.

Soldier of Misfortune

Episode: 6x02 | Airdate: Dec 9, 2001

Soldier of Misfortune

Dale Gribble runs for president of the gun club again against Mad Dog. Peggy, Hank, Bill and Boomhauer come up with a plan to answer Gribbles add in Soldier Of Fortune magazine. Sending him on a mission to boost his confidence when he looses the presidency.

Lupe's Revenge

Episode: 6x03 | Airdate: Dec 12, 2001

Lupe's Revenge

When Peggy supervises the Spanish classes field trip to Mexico, she accidentally brings a Mexican girl back with her believing the girl is one of her students. Hank is stopped by a female police officer and she thinks he is flirting with her.

The Father, the Son and J.C.

Episode: 6x04 | Airdate: Dec 16, 2001

The Father, the Son and J.C.

Hank gets Buck Strickland out of jail and the judge assigns him to community service with Habitat for Humanity. Peggy and Dee Dee plan a extravagant Christmas dinner at the new house for the occupants. Hank has issues with Cotton.

Father of the Bribe

Episode: 6x05 | Airdate: Jan 6, 2002

Father of the Bribe

Kahn tries to bribe bobby into breaking up with Connie but the kids come up with a plan and the scheme backfires on him.

I'm with Cupid

Episode: 6x06 | Airdate: Feb 10, 2002

I'm with Cupid

Bill depresses Bobby on Valentines day while Hank and Peggy are out on the town. Boomauer gives Bobby advice on love so Bobby can impress Connie.

Torch Song Hillogy

Episode: 6x07 | Airdate: Feb 17, 2002

Torch Song Hillogy

Bobby gets upset because he does not have any trophies. Peggy suggests that he can enter to carry the Olympic Torch through Arlen Texas. Hank ends up being chosen to carry it instead and accidentally drops it and puts the flame out.

Joust Like a Woman

Episode: 6x08 | Airdate: Feb 24, 2002

Joust Like a Woman

Buck Strickland sends Hank to a Renaissance fair to get a new propane account. Peggy joins the group and then becomes upset about the treatment of the fair wenches and starts a resistance to King Philip.

The Bluegrass is Always Greener

Episode: 6x09 | Airdate: Feb 24, 2002

The Bluegrass is Always Greener

Hank and the guys form a Bluegrass band with Connie as the fiddler. Kahn objects and tells her she can not play with their band.

The Substitute Spanish Prisoner

Episode: 6x10 | Airdate: Mar 3, 2002

The Substitute Spanish Prisoner

Peggy starts to worry about how smart she is so she takes an online IQ test. She ends up being conned by the person who set the test up. She then gets the group together who did the IQ test locally and comes up with a plan to turn the tables on the Con man.

Unfortunate Son

Episode: 6x11 | Airdate: Mar 10, 2002

Unfortunate Son

Cotton and his war buddy cronies loose their VFW due to lack of money. They are forced to move in with Hank and Peggy. Dale Gribble gets a falcon and tries to train the bird.

Are You There, God? It's Me, Margaret Hill

Episode: 6x12 | Airdate: Mar 17, 2002

Are You There, God? It's Me, Margaret Hill

No one is getting sick and calling off work so Peggy can be called in. She then impersonates a nun at St. Ignatious to land a teaching job.

Tankin' It to the Streets

Episode: 6x13 | Airdate: Mar 31, 2002

Tankin' It to the Streets

Bill gets upset about blacked out items in his military medical file. Dale sneaks in and takes photo's of Bill's file and shows it to everyone. Bill then gets extremely upset and drunk and steals a tank from the military base.

Of Mice and Little Green Men

Episode: 6x14 | Airdate: Apr 7, 2002

Of Mice and Little Green Men

Hank and Dale realize that they do not have anything in common with their sons. Dale starts to obsess with Joseph having been fathered by an alien.

A Man Without a Country Club

Episode: 6x15 | Airdate: Apr 14, 2002

A Man Without a Country Club

After Hank and the guys build a golf hole in the back yard, he is invited to join the Nine Rivers Country Club.

Beer and Loathing

Episode: 6x16 | Airdate: Apr 14, 2002

Beer and Loathing

The guys try to buy Alamo beer and none of the stores have any. Peggy starts to work at Alamo as a Spanish Interpreter and finds out the reason. The guys later go to Mexico and by a carload of Alamo beer and find out themselves why there is none available at home.

Fun with Jane and Jane

Episode: 6x17 | Airdate: Apr 21, 2002

Fun with Jane and Jane

Luann Joins a cult thinking it is a sorority, she drags Peggy in with her. Hank and the rest of the Rainy Street guys go Emu hunting for Buck Strickland and havoc ensues.

My Own Private Rodeo

Episode: 6x18 | Airdate: Apr 28, 2002

My Own Private Rodeo

Hank invites Dale's gay dad to Dale and Nancy's wedding vow renewal, Dale thinks his dad is a woman chaser and is after Nancy.

Sug Night

Episode: 6x19 | Airdate: May 5, 2002

Sug Night

After helping Nancy set up her new hot tub, Hank starts having a recurring dream about barbecuing naked with Nancy. When Peggy finds out, she freaks out and tries to cure the problem ending up at a nude beach.

Dang Ol' Love

Episode: 6x20 | Airdate: May 5, 2002

Dang Ol' Love

A marriage proposal is made when Bill and Boomhauer compete for the same woman's affections.

Returning Japanese (1)

Episode: 6x21 | Airdate: May 12, 2002

Returning Japanese (1)

Peggy tries to find ways to get the newspaper she writes for to pay for free trips, Cotton goes back to Japan to supposedly apologize to the families of soldiers he killed during WWII. Hank makes a startling discovery once he arrives in Japan.

Returning Japanese (2)

Episode: 6x22 | Airdate: May 12, 2002

Returning Japanese (2)

Cotton gets so upset, he makes getting to the Emperor of Japan so he can spit on him his main mission in life. Hank and his new found brother have to stop him.

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