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Season 4 - Episode Guide


On Benefits & 40 Grand In Debt

Episode: 4x02 | Airdate: Mar 23, 2017

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Dad-of-three Dave is £30k in debt and has to weigh up whether a job that he has been offered will help his situation or whether he should stay on benefits, and Rapper Daz is in debt and about to be kicked out of his house unless fame and fortune knock on the door.

Britain's Most Married Man

Episode: 4x03 | Airdate: Mar 30, 2017

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67-year-old Ron believes his ninth wife, Cristel from the Philippines, will be the perfect carer for him in his old age, a carer who looks after his wife hopes a new home will bring happiness and Gwyn dreams of a life on the ocean waves.

90 Years Claiming

Episode: 4x04 | Airdate: Mar 6, 2017

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A former benefits officer now relies on the same system.

Depressed, Stressed, and Repossessed

Episode: 4x05 | Airdate: Apr 13, 2017

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Former bar manager and part-time drag queen Mark lost his Spanish bar after a licensing dispute. Now home and claiming sickness benefits for depression, Mark is keen to get well enough to work again, and ponders the possibility of returning to his beloved Spain.

Breadline Scousers

Episode: 4x06 | Airdate: Apr 20, 2017

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Jimmy cannot find a job as his religious views stop him working on the Sabbath. Nicola has become an expert bargain hunter to help stretch her benefits. Father of ten Joe has a number of serious health conditions and hasn't had a shower at home for years.

100 Stone and on the Dole

Episode: 4x07 | Airdate: Apr 27, 2017

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27-stone Sarah dreams of solving her family's financial problems by making it as a plus size model. For 31-stone James, a fear of public spaces could be holding him back. Meanwhile in Brighton, housebound MS-sufferer Bryan has taken up indoor archery.

Could Work, Should Work

Episode: 4x08 | Airdate: May 4, 2017

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Marie dreams of getting back into security work, but life gets in the way. Mike was falsely accused, and now eats one meal a day in an attempt to save money. Billy hopes that music will be his route off benefits.

Episode 9

Episode: 4x09 | Airdate: May 11, 2017

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Single mum Vanessa dreams of being a model, so she tries to scrape together £195 to apply for a nationwide beauty contest. Single mum Tasha was signed off work for mental health, but the system has denied her long-term sickness benefits. Divorced mum Hannah has big dreams of becoming an artist, but with three children under six, it will be a struggle to find the time and confidence.

Britain's Benefits Blackspots

Episode: 4x10 | Airdate: Jun 8, 2017

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Shaun is trying to fight the temptation to fall back into his criminal past and make a better future off the system. Leon has exhausted all the job opportunities in his area and must look further afield. Mark suffers from diabates, sciatica and angina, and has been begging the housing association to move him.

Living Hand to Mouth

Episode: 4x11 | Airdate: Jun 15, 2017

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Wales is home to the famous Valleys and male voice choirs, but it's also home to the highest level of benefit claims in Britain. Dawn sepnds all her money looking after five children, Rachael relies on charity shops to clothe her family, while Claire's heart condition stops her finding a full-time job.

It's a Hard Knock Life

Episode: 4x12 | Airdate: Jun 22, 2017

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James hopes that his alter ego Mrs Plonker will help him get into showbiz and off benefits. Melissa dreams of being a model to get her family of three off the system. Tracy has type-2 diabetes, hindering her efforts to look for work.

In Sickness and in Wealth

Episode: 4x13 | Airdate: Jun 29, 2017

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In Blackpool, Kung Fu master Mark hopes to get back in to paid employment after being dismissed for breaking a colleague's nose, despite having his benefits cut William has a mobility scooter on his shopping list, and Clive and Sheila are planning to get married on a benefits budget.

Generation Poverty Gap

Episode: 4x14 | Airdate: Jul 6, 2017

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In Britain there are over 700,000 people reliant on benefits, and they include people of all ages. 32-year-old Richard is eager to get his five-member family out of their two-bedroom home. 57-year-old Clive's partying gets in the way of keeping a job. Pensioner Cori's lack of teeth spoils her plans for stardom, so is trying to find a proxy to get into the music industry by.

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