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Season 1 - Episode Guide


These Boots Were Made for Walking

Episode: 1x01 | Airdate: Sep 28, 2016

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James & Mark explore Paris, chat up Allison Mack, play games with Billy Boyd, and give you a behind the scenes glimpse into their life on the convention circuit.

Welsh Rarebit

Episode: 1x02 | Airdate: Oct 16, 2016

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This is one of our favorite episodes because of what we got to do after the convention. Join us as we play "Chess With Pygmies", "Shakespeare Gives Me a Headache", and "Fun With Sheep". Wales was beautiful. We got to hang out with Emma Caulfield from "Buffy" and "Once Upon A Time," and about 10,000 fans! Nevertheless, we spent a lot of our off time getting humiliated by the video game 'Dark Souls 3' which is a sadistically difficult masterpiece and romping through the Pixar-like world of 'Rachet and Clank' (a LOT easier).

Holland Daze

Episode: 1x03 | Airdate: Oct 26, 2016

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In this episode we visit the real happiest place on earth. We'll see Eve Myles and James Leary, play Green Ranger Games with Jason David Frank, and get attacked by bicycles. Follow us as we explore the main streets and nightlife of Amsterdam.

Dishonored 2

Episode: 1x04 | Airdate: Nov 10, 2016

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The ViDiOTS were invited to the Bethesda offices in Lyon, France (Arkane Studios) to hang out with the team and get some pointers on Dishonored 2. A little sightseeing, some existential scares, and great gaming!

The Virginia Monologues

Episode: 1x05 | Airdate: Nov 23, 2016

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This episode is in Richmond, VA where we both try to "blend in" by experiencing our beautiful South. Maybe our accents got in the way, but James gets to go to one of his favorite destinations that turns out to be something completely different than what he expected, while Mark gets to see one of his biggest (weirdest) dreams come true! Maybe we should have gotten a tour guide for this one because we get, well… very lost.

Storming the Castle

Episode: 1x06 | Airdate: Dec 14, 2016

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"Storming the Castle" finds us in Edinburgh, Scotland attempting what generations of English Kings failed to do; gain entrance to Edinburgh Castle. We had no horse or cannon, just a sweaty map that I kept in my back pocket. Historically, Scotland has been very particular about who they let inside these fortified stone walls, (English, no way in Hell. Irish, fat chance. Everyone else, maybe but probably not), and very strict about what happens if you try to enter without permission (death by sword, death by flame, death by prolonged humiliation). Nevertheless, armed only with charming American ignorance, we set out. We are happy to report that we were not executed.

Anything is Possible in Texas (aka Plano Through the Looking Glass)

Episode: 1x07 | Airdate: Dec 28, 2016

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This episode finds us kicking around Plano, Texas. We went there to visit our friend Chris Sabat (director, Dragonball Z). James had asked him for help in recording a voice-over reel, but really came hoping to impress him enough to score a part in his new project 'Dragonball Super'. James thought that even a small role in the new series could help redeem him for the disastrous live action 'Dragonball Evolution' movie he inflicted on the world in 2009. Chris saw right through him...

While we were there we found ourselves at the Magic Time Machine Restaurant and Bar which is kind of a dark, mysterious combination of Chuck E Cheese and peyote. Mark had an hallucinogenic allergic reaction to what was called an 'Ugly Drink', and may or may not have caused the death of a Jack Sparrow look alike who worked there. Blinded by desperation, James was hoping against hope that the children's restaurant was an actual time machine that he could use to go back to 2009 and tell his agent to get him out of his 'Dragonball Evolution' contract.

Mystery of the Great White North

Episode: 1x08 | Airdate: Jan 11, 2017

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Our next episode is one of our greatest adventures yet! James and I were invited to Cyan Worlds to play the spiritual successor to one of the most iconic games of the 90's… Myst! For those of you who've played it, do you remember all those Zombies you had to kill? Me neither. Don't tell James! (More about that later…)

We got to try Cyan's VR masterpiece called OBDUCTION (James just threw up again…still struggling with that VR!) and to meet none other than the one and only Rand Miller (Co-creator of Myst) and Chris Doyle (Director of New Experiences) as they walk us through this incredible game… hoping we don't break it. Being such a huge fan, I NEEDED to play this game. I knew my best bet would be to "fabricate a plausible reason why James would need to take us to Spokane. Hence, the shooting of the zombie! (As they say, "reality eventually catches up to you… virtually".) So I learned a very valuable lesson about friendship (and getting thrown up on).

James was then kind enough to challenge me in a racing game called FORZA (being that racing is kind of my "forte"). Unfortunately this was an XBOX game and just as I'd gotten used to the shapes on PS4 I suddenly had to memorize the alphabet. I think there should be another way of saying "YOU LOSE". We actually discuss this more in a "therapy session".

Vegan Gone Wild

Episode: 1x09 | Airdate: Jan 25, 2017

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James has set a lofty resolution for himself in our New Orleans episode which forces him to summon a Voodoo Priestess for help. Mark discovers he has an insatiable appetite for alligator jerky, dancing like Bono, and drinking large red concoctions from Pat O'Brien's. Once again, Mark's parents will be ashamed of him for this episode. So… we're just going to release it to the universe!

Man Against Wind: Part 1

Episode: 1x10 | Airdate: Feb 22, 2017

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This month we have the first of a series of "Very Special Episodes" for you! With the 20th anniversary of Buffy coming up in March, it seemed only appropriate to create an multi-episode arc recorded right here in our home city of Sunnydale (well... Los Angeles!).

The first episode finds James reminiscing about his time on Buffy and offering to show Mark around the old sets and introduce him to some of the cast and crew. As usual, things don't go as planned and to say that James is disappointed is an understatement. Once back in LA, Mark decides to take the opportunity to invite James to see his new house. James has a chance to admire the view, check out the pool, and meet a special guest. The adventure continues around town where James experiences the joy of fame and Mark the agony of obscurity.

How will it end? Find out in the next episode of…ViDiOTS!

Man Against Wind: Part 2

Episode: 1x11 | Airdate: Mar 19, 2017

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Part 1 ended with our intrepid heroes having a bit of a stroll through memory lane. James is still enjoying some of the benefits of his Buffy success; while on the other hand, Mark is struggling a bit with his career choices. The second part of our epic adventure finds Mark and James exploring a bit of Mark's background. However, James is letting some of his diva show and the tension starts to rise.

Will James & Mark overcome this latest wrinkle in their friendship? Find out in the next episode of…ViDiOTS!

Man Against Wind: Part 3

Episode: 1x12 | Airdate: Apr 12, 2017

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This next episode shows a bit of change and conflict between me and James. Maybe my old friend feels a little threatened by what I now possess? Mostly he still wants to play video games...

Man Against Wind: Part 4

Episode: 1x13 | Airdate: Jun 7, 2017

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Hope everyone has enjoyed this little interlude. We'll soon return to our regularly scheduled travel and gaming hilarity. But now... the exciting conclusion to our EPIC four-part Hollywood adventure!

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