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Season 10 - Episode Guide


Lulu, Florence & Muffin

Episode: 10x01 | Airdate: Sep 21, 2017

Lulu, Florence & Muffin

A new run of shows starts with an emergency after a Staffordshire bull terrier is hit by a car, with her pelvis smashed in more than 25 pieces. And a giant schnauzer's lost her tail wag.

Barney, Tank & Mouse

Episode: 10x02 | Airdate: Sep 28, 2017

Barney, Tank & Mouse

Basset hound Barney needs high-risk surgery on his troubled neck vertebrae. A giant mastiff undergoes radical surgery on both elbows. And a family puppy has fractured his foot.

Buzz, Charlie & Pebbles

Episode: 10x03 | Airdate: Oct 5, 2017

Buzz, Charlie & Pebbles

A border collie is referred with a lump on his ankle. A short-haired cat may need a new hip. And a seriously unwell Golden Labrador is rushed to Fitzpatrick's sister clinic.

Betty Boop, Maya & Kanzi

Episode: 10x04 | Airdate: Oct 12, 2017

Betty Boop, Maya & Kanzi

A two-year old mastiff is diagnosed with a bone tumour in her leg. A tiny pug has lost control of her hind legs. And a Rhodesian Ridgeback comes to surgery suffering from lameness.

Lucky, Bongo & Mason

Episode: 10x05 | Airdate: Oct 19, 2017

Lucky, Bongo & Mason

Lucky the shih-tzu has been referred to Fitzpatrick's with severe arthritis and can barely walk. And Bongo the Labrador has been affected by osteoarthritis in all four legs.

Drummer, Arlo & Sooty

Episode: 10x06 | Airdate: Oct 26, 2017

Drummer, Arlo & Sooty

The clinic face a challenging case with a Chihuahua with hydrocephalus. A Labrador is brought in with severe elbow arthritis, while another needs high-end surgery on an elbow.

Baloo, Lola & Piper

Episode: 10x07 | Airdate: Nov 2, 2017

Baloo, Lola & Piper

A Great Dane called Baloo needs spinal surgery. A golden Labrador requires a knee replacement. And a black Labrador faces leg amputation for a tumour. But has the cancer already spread?

Storm, Milo & Mauser

Episode: 10x08 | Airdate: Nov 8, 2017

Storm, Milo & Mauser

A Bengal cat has a broken back and dislocated spine after being hit by a car. A German Shepherd needs a new elbow. And a rottweiler puppy gets a stem cell fix for an ankle problem.

The Supervet at Christmas

Episode: S10 Special | Airdate: Dec 21, 2017

The Supervet at Christmas

In this festive special, Professor Noel helps a Humboldt penguin with an unhappy foot. There's also a three-legged cat and a husky from Thailand needing hip surgery.

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