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Season 1 - Episode Guide


Splinters in the Knight

Episode: 1x01 | Airdate: Apr 11, 2005

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Much to Camelot's horror, Princess Guinevere has taken up drumming as a hobby. In a mad moment of self-defence, King Arthur offers to pay for lessons, but Guinevere manipulates him into bringing her a branch from the singing Oak Tree.

The Yodelling Dolphin of Kirkwall

Episode: 1x02 | Airdate: Apr 18, 2005

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King Arthur and Merlin set sail for Dolphin Rock in the Scottish waters near Kirkwall to collect Guinevere's latest desire - the Yodelling Dolphin. King Arthur's problems have only just begun when he discovers that hearing the Dolphin's yodel causes one to dance to death. Sneaking up on it underwater seems to be King Arthur's answer, but an octopus and a giant squid have other ideas.

The Parchment of Arusella

Episode: 1x03 | Airdate: Apr 25, 2005

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It's Father's Day and Princess Guinevere wants to give her father the famed Parchment of Arusella. Unfortunately the Parchment is locked up in the Pink Castle and guarded by a detachment of Pink Knights.

The Labyrinth of Lost Souls

Episode: 1x04 | Airdate: May 3, 2005

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After escaping from Robin Hood and his merry band, King Arthur stops at the tower to woo his lovely Princess and pick up her latest order. She wants her slipper turned into gold. Arthur, Merlin and Splag travel to the Fountain of Oro, which lies at the centre of the Labyrinth of Lost Souls. Once in Labyrinth they are beset by falling rocks, trap doors, snake pits ans scampering little Cornish gnomes – but by far the greatest danger comes from Guinevere's shoe.

The Surprise Quest

Episode: 1x05 | Airdate: May 10, 2005

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Merlin discovers a love potion that guarantees Guinevere will want to marry King Arthur. But when King aims the potion at Guinevere, he accidentally hits her chaperone, Petal. King Arthur sets out to the forest to collect the ingredients Merlin needs to reverse the spell.

The Glass Rose

Episode: 1x06 | Airdate: May 17, 2005

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King Arthur, Merlin and Splag arrive at a French chateau on their way to steal the fabled 'Rose en Verre' - a radiantly beautiful stained glass window installed in a remote Chateau in the heart of France. Lady M, King Arthur's Sister, outraged that this national treasure is going to the spoilt Guinevere, warns her brother of dark forces and irate peasants. Warnings that are ignored and all seems lost for our gallant King. Only Lady M's secret alter ego, the renegade Knight Sir Margaret, can save the King...but will she bother.

The Viking Venture

Episode: 1x07 | Airdate: May 24, 2005

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Princess Guinevere has ordered a new table – from Norway. In another attempt to win her affection, King Arthur runs afoul of Vikings, giant trolls, savage wolves, stampeding lemmings, Norwegian minstrels and the usual treachery from Sir Launcelot and Sir Martyn.

Mission Implausible

Episode: 1x08 | Airdate: May 31, 2005

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King Arthur decides to invade Scotland when he discovers Princess Guinevere has been taken to Hadrian's castle. Unfortunately, the King's armies are sent in the wrong direction. So, despite an invasion force of only four, King Arthur lays siege to the castle. Merlin levitates them over the battlements but Guinevere is nowhere to be found. In the end, Lancelot and Martyn are trapped on an island by the Loch Ness monster and King Arthur searches the length and breadth of Scotland only to discover Guinevere has returned to her tower after a family visit with her Scottish relatives.

The Fountain of Youth

Episode: 1x09 | Airdate: Jun 7, 2005

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A scream pierced the peaceful Camelot night as a traumatised Guinevere discovers a gray hair. King Arthur quickly mounts a major expedition to mysterious Avalon to find the Fountain of Youth.

Circus Calamity

Episode: 1x10 | Airdate: Jun 14, 2005

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Guinevere needs a temporary chaperone and King Arthur and Merlin travel to Baden-Baden to fetch Petal's cousin, Tatiana - a trapeze artist at Countess Griselda's International Circus. Tatiana agrees to go to Camelot provided her two pet apes come with her. But the evil Countess wants her valuable apes back and sends her circus folks after them. Taking refuge with Arthur's sister, Lady M, our heroes undergo the strangest siege imaginable - with acrobats scaling the chateau walls, fire-eaters burning down the doors, clowns bouncing on trampolines and a human cannonball flying overhead dropping...real cannonballs.

The Bear Necessities

Episode: 1x11 | Airdate: Jun 21, 2005

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Princess Guinevere wants a pet and decides that the tiny Golden Bear of Tundoor would fit her lifestyle perfectly. But the eerie forest of Tundoor is home to the wicked sorceress Morgan Le Fay who becomes somewhat annoyed when King Arthur inadvertently destroys her cottage. Morgan casts a spell on Robin Hood and sends him after the King. But Arthur evades Robin by destroying a beehive - then evades the angry bees by destroying a beaver's dam - then evades the outraged beavers by being swept away in the raging river which bursts its banks and destroys Morgan's cottage again. That's when things get really ugly.

The Peacocks of Penzance

Episode: 1x12 | Airdate: Jun 28, 2005

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The 'Peacocks of Penzance' are regarded by many as myth. But that doesn't deter Arthur from seeking a quill from one so that he can write to Guinevere's cousin. What follows is treacherous skulduggery as Launcelot tries to dispatch Arthur - who is busy trying to dispatch Lord Epping - who is busy trying to dispatch Arthur. And Merlin adds to the general mayhem by mistaking the sleepwalking Lord Cornforth for a ghost - and with errant magic spells, tries to dispatch him.

The Ice Palace

Episode: 1x13 | Airdate: Jul 5, 2005

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Guinevere wants an ice palace! And not just any ice palace. So its off to Switzerland for King Arthur via high mountains, avalanches, cracking river ice, an abominable Snowman and running afoul of William Tell. Arthur wins the Matterhorn Ice Palace in an archery contest and takes it home to Guinevere. Finally, he has done something right, but Arthur wants her to be really impressed and insists Merlin lights some oil that Splag has splashed around the Ice Castle. As the flames shoot up and, as the ice palace melts, Guinevere shouts to the retreating Arthur that all thoughts of an engagement are off!

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