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Stella and Sam - Episode Guide

Season 1

Hand Me Down Sweater

Episode: 1x01 | Airdate: Nov 1, 2013

Hand Me Down Sweater

Sam tries to make his old sweater special before passing it down to Fred. Sam has outgrown his knitted pullover. Stella gives him an old one of hers, imbuing it with an exciting past that makes it extra special. Now Sam is inspired to pass down his old sweater to Fred, but to make it a worthy hand-medown, it needs some adventures. Regardless of the sweater's daring escapades, Fred doesn't like wearing it. The rejection is disappointing, but Sam's spirits are boosted when a robin uses the sweater's stray yarn to build her new nest.

Breakfast for Two

Episode: 1x02 | Airdate: Nov 1, 2013

Breakfast for Two

Stella has to get Sam out of bed in time for a special breakfast. Stella wishes Sam would rise-and-shine. She wants him to join her for a special breakfast, but she's not supposed to open his bedroom door when he's sleeping. Stella guilefully succeeds in getting Sam out of bed - now she just has to find him. Hide-'n-Seek antics ensue and after Sam has had his fun, they head downstairs and arrive at the breakfast table just in time for a rainbow light show.

Sam's Scarf

Episode: 1x03 | Airdate: Nov 2, 2013

Sam's Scarf

Sam's scarf goes missing while he and Stella are playing in a leaf pile. Fred leads the kids to the culprit - Pattycake, a barn cat with an inclination for mischief.

Night Fairies

Episode: 1x04 | Airdate: Nov 2, 2013

Night Fairies

Camping out in the backyard is lots of fun, but if you've never spent the night beyond your cozy bedroom, it's a big step to take.

Big Sam

Episode: 1x05 | Airdate: Nov 3, 2013

Big Sam

Sam spills all the dog biscuits while trying to get them down from a shelf that's too high. Stella tries to teach Sam that he is as big as he is supposed to be.

Box Builders

Episode: 1x06 | Airdate: Nov 3, 2013

Box Builders

Owen has a wagonload of big empty boxes to share with his friend, Sam, and they have fun turning them into all sorts of things.

Super Sam

Episode: 1x07 | Airdate: Nov 4, 2013

Super Sam

When Sam watches Stella pretend she's a superhero, he wants to be one too, but has trouble with his rescue technique.

Fred's Bath

Episode: 1x08 | Airdate: Nov 4, 2013

Fred's Bath

Fred gets dirty playing with Sam in the garden. It becomes a problem when he tracks muddy paw prints through the house. Fred needs a good washing, but the very mention of the word bath sends him whimpering off to hide.

Sam and the Snowman

Episode: 1x09 | Airdate: Nov 5, 2013

Sam and the Snowman

Stella wants Sam to go skating with her. Instead of admitting he's afraid of slipping on the ice, Sam says he has to sit with Fred and keep him company. Stella proposes making a snowman that can doggy-sit for them.

To the North Pole

Episode: 1x10 | Airdate: Nov 5, 2013

To the North Pole

Stella and Sam wake to a winter wonderland of fresh, deep snow. Heightening the sense of excitement, Stella proposes an expedition to the North Pole.

Trip to China

Episode: 1x11 | Airdate: Nov 6, 2013

Trip to China

Stella and Felix create a colourful school project about China. It fascinates Sam. Especially the picture of a Chinese Dragon. Sam wants to see a real one and Stella is more than happy to make it happen.

Kite Night

Episode: 1x12 | Airdate: Nov 6, 2013

Kite Night

As bedtime approaches, Stella and Sam reflect on their funfilled day of kite flying. Fred liked it too, but never got to enjoy the satisfaction of catching the kite to wrestle with it.

Trip to Africa

Episode: 1x13 | Airdate: Nov 7, 2013

Trip to Africa

The day is hotter than an African savannah, so Stella pretends that's where they are and takes Sam and Owen on a Safari.

Laugh-A-Bit Soup

Episode: 1x14 | Airdate: Nov 7, 2013

Laugh-A-Bit Soup

A misstep mishap leaves Sam with a stubbed toe. Dr. Stella examines the injury and can see it's going to take more than a bandage to make Sam feel better. She writes a prescription for laugh-a-bit soup.

Tree Wishes

Episode: 1x15 | Airdate: Nov 8, 2013

Tree Wishes

When Sam's toy airplane gets stuck high in a tree, he asks the tree to give it back. Acting as interpreter, Stella informs Sam that the tree wants to keep it. But the tree reconsiders when Stella offers to grant it three wishes.

Skippy and Sam

Episode: 1x16 | Airdate: Nov 8, 2013

Skippy and Sam

Sam finds a pretty stone on the beach that's too special to leave behind. It becomes a memento of that enjoyable day as well as a make-believe friend that fits in his pocket.

Meadow Melody

Episode: 1x17 | Airdate: Nov 9, 2013

Meadow Melody

Stella and Ivy plan a concert in the meadow. Sam wants to take part, but he doesn't play an instrument, so he and finds various animals around the meadow who are willing to add their unique voices to the performance.

Sam's New Boots

Episode: 1x18 | Airdate: Nov 9, 2013

Sam's New Boots

It's the perfect sunny day for a trip to Stella's make believe beach. But Sam wants wet weather so he can try out his new rain boots.

Stella from Planella

Episode: 1x19 | Airdate: Nov 10, 2013

Stella from Planella

Sam and Owen sample every food on a snack platter except the kiwi fruit. It is unusual-looking, and according to Stella, so is the planet it comes from. She sends the boys on an intergalactic trip to see for themselves.

A Home for Cricket

Episode: 1x20 | Airdate: Nov 10, 2013

A Home for Cricket

When Sam brings some toys in from the yard, he discovers a cricket living inside his favourite truck. Sam befriends the happy little chirper and with Stella's help, finds it a better house.

Where's Pattycake ?

Episode: 1x21 | Airdate: Nov 11, 2013

Where's Pattycake ?

Stella becomes a magician and conjures up some entertaining illusions for Sam and Owen. They're amazed and mystified and beg Stella to teach them how to perform magic. Armed with magic wands, the boys make the reluctant cat, Pattycake, disappear.

Follow Me

Episode: 1x22 | Airdate: Nov 11, 2013

Follow Me

While playing catch, Stella and Sam's stray ball inexplicably disappears. Stella initiates a fun way to find it by thinking the way a ball would think. Their bouncing and rolling is noticed by Owen and he joins the merry search.

Stella's Circus

Episode: 1x23 | Airdate: Nov 12, 2013

Stella's Circus

Sam is surprised and delighted when Stella starts a circus and bills him as the sensational, Somersault Sam. Wanting Fred to be part of the act too, Sam tries to teach him a trick.

Stella's Storybook

Episode: 1x24 | Airdate: Nov 12, 2013

Stella's Storybook

Stella creates a storybook with herself and Sam as the main characters. Playing the roles of Wind Queen and the valiant Sir Sam, the two kids work together to free the wind, held captive in a dragon's cave.

Sam and the Sky Painter

Episode: 1x25 | Airdate: Nov 13, 2013

Sam and the Sky Painter

After being surprised with a card and gift for Brother's Day, Sam makes plans for Sister's Day. But he has trouble keeping his gift a secret, and keeping Fred from eating it!

Deer Friend

Episode: 1x26 | Airdate: Nov 13, 2013

Deer Friend

While playing hide-and-seek in the meadow, Sam scares away a fawn. He hopes to see it again someday. Sam draws a picture for the fawn and posts it on a tree. The next morning he's surprised and delighted to see deer tracks around the picture.

Season 2

The Parrot Queen

Episode: 2x01 | Airdate: Nov 14, 2013

The Parrot Queen

Owen makes up a new planet called Wallapadoodleoozie. It's a funny name to say, but Sam's tongue gets stuck every time he tries to say it. Stella recommends a visit to see the Parrot Queen, can help Sam with his pronunciation problem.

Feathered Friends

Episode: 2x02 | Airdate: Nov 14, 2013

Feathered Friends

A flock of geese seen flying south for the winter leaves Sam wishing he could join them. Stella soon has the two of them pretending to be birds, flying off on an adventure.

Trip to the Moon

Episode: 2x03 | Airdate: Nov 15, 2013

Trip to the Moon

A backyard campout turns into a space launch when Stella takes Sam and Owen to see the Man in the Moon. After exploring the lunar surface, the kids find out that the mythical keeper of the moon is hard to find.

Fred's Birthday

Episode: 2x04 | Airdate: Nov 15, 2013

Fred's Birthday

At the breakfast table, Stella informs Sam that it's Fred's birthday. Sam decides he wants to give his furry pal a surprise party.

Fairy Garden

Episode: 2x05 | Airdate: Nov 16, 2013

Fairy Garden

Watching Stella and Felix have fun planting a garden inspires Sam to have one of his own. He's not interested in growing flowers and vegetables; Sam wants a garden that attracts fairies.


Episode: 2x06 | Airdate: Nov 16, 2013


Stella, Sam and Owen find themselves with a sunny day ahead of them and nothing planned to make it fun. They turn to Fred and ask him what he wants to do. According to Stella, he's keen on going to Fred-Land, where dogs go for a doggone good time.

Spider Games

Episode: 2x07 | Airdate: Nov 17, 2013

Spider Games

Sam has nearly won at a board game when his opponent, Owen, becomes preoccupied with what Stella is doing. When Sam goes outside to urge his friend to return, he's enticed by Stella to play a game that's bigger than the backyard.

Rainy Day Picnic

Episode: 2x08 | Airdate: Nov 17, 2013

Rainy Day Picnic

Stella, Sam and Owen are packed and ready to go on a picnic adventure. But an unexpected thunderstorm ends the outing before they've even left the house. Not wanting the bad weather to cancel their plans, the kids decide to go on an indoor picnic.;


Episode: 2x09 | Airdate: Nov 18, 2013


Sam is fascinated to learn from Stella that the dragonfly perched on his shirtsleeve is really a baby dragon named Sparky. He's disappointed when it suddenly flies away. A search reveals hundreds of other baby dragons playing hide and-seek with Sparky.

Sam's Fort

Episode: 2x10 | Airdate: Nov 18, 2013

Sam's Fort

Sam gets frustrated when his fort made from chairs and a bed sheet falls apart. His mood quickly changes with an offer from Stella to build a snow fort. While scouting for a good building site, Sam remarks on the cold conditions that animals must endure.

Cave Kids

Episode: 2x11 | Airdate: Nov 19, 2013

Cave Kids

A looming thunderstorm drives Stella and Sam indoors. Skittish Fred seeks refuge in the basement to escape the threatening rumbles of thunder. Sam thinks the basement is creepy, but he musters the courage to go down and get Fred.

Sally Goose

Episode: 2x12 | Airdate: Nov 19, 2013

Sally Goose

When a lost gosling wanders into the backyard, Stella and Sam set out to reunite it with its family. It doesn't look like the other geese at Felix's farm, so they conclude it's a goose from the wild.

Sam the Sock

Episode: 2x13 | Airdate: Nov 20, 2013

Sam the Sock

Sam is one striped sock short of a pair. According to Stella, his missing sock hopped away to go dancing. A whimsical investigation ensues to track down the wayward sock.

The Land Down Under

Episode: 2x14 | Airdate: Nov 20, 2013

The Land Down Under

Ivy shares souvenirs and stories that she's brought back from her trip to Australia. The discovery of a homesick caterpillar that supposedly hitched a ride on Ivy's luggage, initiates a return trip to the Land Down Under.

When Stella Was Small

Episode: 2x15 | Airdate: Nov 21, 2013

When Stella Was Small

Sam discovers some of Stella's baby clothes and has a stunning revelation of just how small Stella used to be. Flipping through the pages of a photo album, Stella shows Sam pictures of herself before she knew who she was.


Episode: 2x16 | Airdate: Nov 21, 2013


Stella is nowhere in sight, until she removes the crown of dandelions that made her invisible. Sam is fascinated and wants to be invisible too.


Episode: 2x17 | Airdate: Nov 22, 2013


Captain Stella welcomes Sam and Owen aboard her hay wagon pirate ship. The trio of buccaneers set sail across a vast sea, headed for Treasure Island. Action and adventure abound as they battle against a rampaging sea serpent and a raging storm.

Signs of Spring

Episode: 2x18 | Airdate: Nov 22, 2013

Signs of Spring

Sam is eager to plant his flower seeds, but winter lingers on making the frozen ground too hard for digging. Stella says spring is just around the corner and shows him that clues to its imminent arrival are all around them. Sam

River Ride

Episode: 2x19 | Airdate: Nov 23, 2013

River Ride

Stella's kite slips from her grip and flies away without her, but is later found on a hilltop. Same learns the kite wants to fly to the coast, so he and Stella go on a journey to the ocean.

How the West Was Fun

Episode: 2x20 | Airdate: Nov 23, 2013

How the West Was Fun

Chickens escape from the farm next door and Felix recruits the help of his friends to get them back to their henhouse. When chasing them randomly doesn't work, Stella comes up with the idea of doing things the cowboy way.

Sea Dragon

Episode: 2x21 | Airdate: Nov 24, 2013

Sea Dragon

Stella crowns herself queen of a seaside kingdom and bestows knighthoods on Sam and Owen so her sandcastle will be protected. But a driftwood dragon threatens their fairytale world and our heroes must stop it from stomping their castle.

Fred and Petunia

Episode: 2x22 | Airdate: Nov 24, 2013

Fred and Petunia

Fred can howl on command, a trick that only Sam can get him to perform. Sam can't wait to show Owen the special thing that Fred can do. The trouble is, Owen is constantly distracted by Petunia, his grandma's lively dog.

Lucky Treasure

Episode: 2x23 | Airdate: Dec 6, 2013

Lucky Treasure

Sam's day gets off to a bad start when he spills toothpaste and breaks his toy airplane. When Stella tells him about an ancient Egyptian jewel that brings good luck, Sam is eager to cross a desert to search for it.


Episode: 2x24 | Airdate: Dec 6, 2013


When Stella and Sam's boat sinks in the meadow, Owen comes to the rescue riding the back of a whale. Tossed ashore a desert island, the three castaways have no choice but to rough it until they're rescued.


Santa's Hat

Episode: S01 Special | Airdate: Mar 12, 2014

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