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First Ladies Revealed - Episode Guide

Season 1

The Power of Style

Episode: 1x01 | Airdate: Jul 2, 2017

The Power of Style

Dolley Madison. Jackie Kennedy. Nancy Reagan. Three women who helped brand their husbands' presidencies by knowing the importance of image and style. Join us as we examine their days in the White House and how they defined their position through a mix of diplomacy, glamour, and when necessary, grit. From grand entrances at inaugural balls to meeting foreign leaders, we show how these stylish women left their mark on the White House and on American history.

Twists of Fate

Episode: 1x02 | Airdate: Jul 9, 2017

Twists of Fate

Whether adding the West Wing or championing women's rights, these three first ladies embraced a job they never expected to hold. Lady Bird Johnson, Edith Roosevelt, and Betty Ford inherited the role of First Lady by chance during times when the nation was looking for stability.

In Times of War

Episode: 1x03 | Airdate: Jul 16, 2017

In Times of War

Under constant scrutiny, Mary Todd Lincoln spends her time quietly visiting the wounded during the Civil War. Driven by a great sense of duty to the troops, Eleanor Roosevelt risks her life to enter the Pacific theater. Thrust into a new role after 9/11, Laura Bush's compassion earns her the nickname, "Comforter in Chief." Join us as we celebrate these three extraordinary women, who served their country at a time when it was most needed, and helped the country cope through times of tragedy and trauma.


Episode: 1x04 | Airdate: Jul 23, 2017


Meet two first ladies who stepped out of their husbands' shadows and made a major difference in their own right: Eleanor Roosevelt and Hillary Clinton as First Ladies challenged conventional wisdom about the role of women.

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