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The virtual world only at first glance seems harmless and friendly. But it is worth looking more closely and you can stay without eyes. This world is teeming with danger, horror, anger and violence. There are ghosts at every turn, and bandits lurking around every corner. Natives of the asylum and aliens from the other world, escaped convicts and fallen angels, haunted houses and crypts with zombies, vampires and mad scientists, mysterious Islands and countries from the realm of dreams… The virtual world is hostile to man; it is almost impossible to survive in it, and it is even more difficult to maintain sanity.

We will talk about all the dangers of the electronic universe. You will learn about the worst criminals, the most ruthless wizards, the most mysterious corners and the most bloody murders on the other side of the monitor! You will understand that video games are not toys. This is a reflection of the human essence – insidious and cruel. And if you accidentally start playing, virtual villains will cross the screen! The program "Terribly interesting"is on the air. In the next half hour, you will be scared and interested!

MTV warns: the program contains scenes of cruelty and violence and is highly recommended for viewing by parents of underage gamers! The games mentioned in the program have age restrictions and are not intended for people with unstable minds and under 18 years of age.

Show Info

Network: Russian Federation MTV Россия (2008 - 2009)
Schedule: Saturdays at 13:25 (30 min)
Status: Ended
Language: Russian
Show Type: Documentary
Episodes ordered: 48 episodes

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