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Searchable interface with statistics for actors("people")

turbopipp wrote 8 years ago: 1

How about an interface, a kind of advanced search for statistics on actors.

-Which actor has played in most [insert genre] series

-Which actor has broadest spectrum of genres

-Actors sorted by appearance in most series

Uses: I would love this function to be able to find more actors to follow. Different actors prefer different genres, and knowing their favorite genre will also help users find unseen obscure series they might actually like.

deleted wrote 8 years ago: 1

This is unnecessary to add in my opinion, cause if you like a specific genre, you simply could find them by using the filter of tv shows or click an actor to find those shows he is playing in

turbopipp wrote 8 years ago: 1

Yes, this is what I do now. I browse through pages by pages to find series I might be interested in with the genre filter on(16 pages with 24 shows on each pages if I choose Drama). There is so many, therefore I feel a search would do wonders.

And clicking on each actor in my favourite series to find what actor likes to play in e.g. Sci-Fi is kinda like going to the library and opening each book to learn the title. Well..kinda. ;) My point is; It would be so much faster to find series you actually would enjoy watching, instead of browsing with genre-filter, finding interesting names, checking for score, repeat drawn out cycle for actors..and I still don't know which actor sticks to what genre the most.

Search option was invented for the sole purpose of avoiding browsing through irrelevant information..hence my suggestion. :)

JuanArango wrote 8 years ago: 1

I too think this would be a nice to have thing, if this is easy to implement :)



deleted wrote 8 years ago: 1

Yes, this is what I do now. I browse through pages by pages to find series I might be interested in with the genre filter on(16 pages with 24 shows on each pages if I choose Drama). There is so many, therefore I feel a search would do wonders.
And clicking on each actor in my favourite series to find what actor likes to play in e.g. Sci-Fi is kinda like going to the library and opening each book to learn the title. Well..kinda. ;) My point is; It would be so much faster to find series you actually would enjoy watching, instead of browsing with genre-filter, finding interesting names, checking for score, repeat drawn out cycle for actors..and I still don't know which actor sticks to what genre the most.
Search option was invented for the sole purpose of avoiding browsing through irrelevant information..hence my suggestion. :)

I think it would be better to implement a suggestion box like they have on IMDB

JuanArango wrote 8 years ago: 1

That is also a good idea, but I guess this is way harder to do, tho I am not a coder :)

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