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Scroll down menu for followed shows/persons

Tonks wrote 8 years ago: 1

Whether on or tvrage, there is/was a very nifty thing, there is a scroll down menu with all the shows you added as favorites. In tvrage it was in Links, and then you could go to you favorite person or show or forum (i think). On, you click on your username and up there it is all your favorite shows. What's the use of following something if there is no easy access to it. (I'm not into calendars, i have the futon critic for US shows if i don't remember when a show airs, which doesn't happen often)

For contributors, searching would be faster than clicking on your user name, then on watchlist, and then you see a bunch of stuff the contributors don't care about much. Searching makes it slower. Time is precious and that would be a real good tool. I think you could also have something that tvrage lost, going back to stuff you browsed earlier. Sometime you move from a a show to another or a person or a forum, and using back arrow from the browser instead of just latest browsed would be nice.

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