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bungle's talk page

Show schedule

tnt posted 4 years ago

Per show policy
If episodes don't usually premiere on the same day(s), such as yearly events or Web Channels dumping an entire season at once, this property must be left empty.

Please do not add schedule days for shows which do not have weekly schedule.

C'era una volta Vigata - Show request #27183

deleted posted 4 years ago

This is tv series.Same franchise like Il commissario Montalbano and Il giovane Montalbano. All of this is series of tv movies.  

Every year we have 3 films of the  franchise. 

Please approve this request.

bungle posted 4 years ago
sorry man. I will add it now:


Nikquest posted 4 years ago


According to my sources (Wikipedia and one Spanish site), there are 11 episodes in a season. Can you check and, if this is true, delete episodes 12 and 13? Or you have other sources at hand?

bungle posted 4 years ago
well spotted, thanks. it's done :)

Rejected Show

Mediaman85 posted 4 years ago

I submitted 'Unabomber:In His Own Words' and you rejected it  saying it was the same show as Really believe this is a different show as Netflix has 4 episodes and usually doesn't release their shows on REELZ.  And the docu on REELZ is only 2 episodes. The Netflix site release date says 2018 but it was just released Friday, 2/21/2020.

Mediaman85 posted 4 years ago

Clears things up for me, thanks for the info!


tnt posted 4 years ago

I'm curious, what made you think that it's a good idea to replace a customly selected and grabbed episode snapshots with some generic images from Netflix (which have a wrong dimensions btw)? 

bungle posted 4 years ago
actually screens I uploaded for that show were in 1920x1080p and from the bbc site not Netflix. they also were not in the gallery already so yes i thought it to be a good idea, something wrong with that?
tnt posted 4 years ago

i was not asking why you uploaded them in the first place, my question is what was the reason to replace existing main episode images? and btw, they don't look like screencaps, more like a promo photos (which is normal for bbc, but against tvmaze policy).

bungle posted 4 years ago
because they're more colourful idk, why not? nobody saying the first images always have to be the one's set as main. and you're seriously telling me of all the dull, grey images in this gallery it's the last one you have an issue with calling it generic sorry but I just don't get where you're coming from?
tnt posted 4 years ago

i have an issue with disregarding time and effort people put to grab images from an actual episode. "grey and dull" is exactly how the show look like. if you want to improve — get the copy of an episode and grab the "colorful" images of better quality than existing, it is allowed to replace any image with the same composition but better quality/resolution.

all of the existing images meet the policy requirements, so there's no reason to replace any of them. 

bungle posted 4 years ago
like you did with the screens on that Malcolm x's fine to disregard people's time and effort but only if your name's tnt? drop me out mate, and if you gonna nit-pick about things please come with something more worthwhile next time.

bungle posted 4 years ago
its still time and effort I put in to grab them, which according to you is the problem you have. a double standard for you to do that but you call me out for doing the exact same thing. :P

JuanArango posted 4 years ago

ok guys, let us be civil here, everyone on this site makes mistakes from time to time. tnt is correct that the screencaps should be the highest resolution available and the minimum standard for new shows is 720p. so replacing 300px images with high resolution ones is fine. bungle is correct that not the first image needs to be the one that fills the main image spot, there is no rule or policy about this. This here is our hobby and we should have fun doing it, fighting over this is not fun, so you both please simmer down a bit and have a beer, that is what I will do now :)

bungle posted 4 years ago
tell that to the person nitpicking. I just mind my own business around here. :)
tnt posted 4 years ago

your images doesn't met the policy requirements.

Episode screencaps or character images can be taken from official websites, provided they meet the policy's episode gallery requirements.
In this case the highest available resolution has to be used.

highest available resolution for netflix stills is 1080p. in any case stills shouldn't be less than 720p.

So it's far from "exact same thing". Deleting invalid (per policy) images is not the same as replacing valid images simply because you don't like them. 

bungle posted 4 years ago
you still disregarded other people's time and effort though? stop swerving the point
tnt posted 4 years ago

if you'd bother to read and follow the policy, you won't be wasting your time and effort on something which is not allowed to upload in the first place. 

needless to say that deleting invalid stuff is part of "safeguarding the correctness of our data", which is literally curating contributor's job description

and since you remembered "malcolm x" need i also remind you, that shows should not be added with both network and web channel, unless they are simulcasted on both? and of course finding the correct premiere airdates take a bit more time and effort, then simply importing whatever tvdb offers, but at least they should be from the main network, set for the show, not a binge release from netflix.

bungle posted 4 years ago
what have I uploaded which was not allowed to be?
tnt posted 4 years ago

the small netflix images from "malcolm x" you mentioned above. i've explained, why they were deleted, with direct quotes from the policy which are not allowing to upload such images. shall i elaborate further?

bungle posted 4 years ago
they were official images from the Netflix site, so what they were a little small - as there were no images uploaded they seem fine at the time. its great that you uploaded the exact same images in a higher resolution like minutes afterwards. but the point here being I put time and effort into them and nobody heard me nitpicking about it.
tnt posted 4 years ago

you really don't see a difference, do you? 

you uploaded something you shouldn't have in the first place, and generously "not nipticking" when it's deleted according to policy. well, you free to "niptick" the next time, we'll see how far that will get you.

follow the policy and don't mess with other people's work — and i promise you, you won't hear from me again. this is as much as we could ask from anyone.

bungle posted 4 years ago
why it shouldn't have been uploaded in the first place.. because you didn't like them? cas I didn't hear anyone else complaining. so if that's the case your right I don't see a difference, do you? also don't be acting like I messed with other people's work like you did because I didn't delete anything. I just set some the official screens as main, not the ugly, bordered, grey looking screens that were already present which is what you had a problem with.
tnt posted 4 years ago

because the policy doesn't allow microscopic shitty images to be uploaded anymore. is that simple enough?
i don't care about them, i don't like them in high resolution either. but at least in high resolution they do not contradict the policy. my personal opinion in this case doesn't matter at all. so is yours, or anyone's, besides jan and david for obvious reasons. only a policy violation grants you a right to do something with existing data, submitted by somebody else. in all other cases, when you think something shouldn't be here because you don't like it, or you have some other problems with it, you contact one of the curating or head contributors, and they will decide what to do with it. or better just mind your own contributions, there's a space for improvement there.

enough with that. i generally don't care what others do, as long as they follow the policy and don't mess with other people's work. so keep that in mind and good luck.

tnt posted 4 years ago

i suppose the policy either don't matter to you or you prefer to deliberately ignore it.

let me ask you this: in your opinion, does episode images you've uploaded to are valid according to TVmaze policy?

bungle posted 4 years ago
if I knew how to get the full res screens for Netflix I woulda done so. but if they are really not to your liking, go ahead and replace them and delete the dupes afterwards, its not brain surgery.

bungle posted 4 years ago

I forgot to mention you'll prob need to use a cached page since its not up on Netflix anymore:

JuanArango posted 4 years ago

We got a guide how to get the best possible images from websites :) We all need to follow it, we put a lot of work into the new image policy, so let us please all follow it :)

bungle posted 4 years ago
or i'll just leave the Netflix shows blank in future... that works ;)

bungle posted 4 years ago
it's not that I don't want to add them in full hd, only I took a look at the Netflix portion of the guide and found it somewhat..baffling to say the least. :D
tnt posted 4 years ago

works for me. bulk uploading much faster when you don't have to go through each episode and delete invalid images first.
please mind that it's not limited to netflix, and is considering all episode images, at least for the shows from this century.

bungle posted 4 years ago
go on then twinkletoes, you can get working on that gamebros show since you had a problem with it. i've even deleted the "invalid" images for you.. ;)
tnt posted 4 years ago

spare me your jokes, buzybody, i don't need your permission.

bungle posted 4 years ago
me the busybody? my the irony.. :D
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