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Schedule and Calendar in your local timezone

Thousands of votes have been cast on our list of Pending Features, but with almost 3 times as many votes as the runner-up, it's clear what you wanted most of all: episode air times converted to your local timezone.

As a special christmas gift to all of our users, today we're announcing the completion of this feature!

If you're logged in to TVmaze while you're reading this, we've already attempted to automatically detect the timezone you reside in. The automatic match might not be correct for everyone (your browser reports your current timezone offset to us, but not the exact location part, which is needed to be able to apply the correct Daylight Saving Time rules) so head over to your preferences to correct your timezone if necessary.


If your timezone is properly filled in and the "local timezone" checkbox is checked, the airtime for episodes will start appearing on the calendar; local to your timezone:


Here you can see the result in this week's calendar for someone living in London. This week's The Librarians episode airs on December 27 at 8PM in the United States, which converts to 1AM the next day in London time. Alternatively, the show And Then there Were None premieres in the United Kingdom so its original time is listed on your calendar.


The schedule has been equipped with the same functionality: if this feature is enabled, all airtimes will be converted to your local timezone automatically.

We hope this functionality will make TVmaze even more enjoyable for all of our users. Don't hestitate to give your feedback here or in our forums; and don't forget to cast your votes to help influence what we'll release next.

Happy holidays from the entire TVmaze team!

Written by david at Dec 27, 2015


JAGUARDOG posted 8 years ago

I really do not understand all of this however with that being said does this also mean when we submit a contribution or a post of any kind it will be shown in my own time as an example I believe in the Eastern TZ of the U.S. it = to - 5 hours GMT? It is exactly 1:20 PM, EST now where I am will it be correct now?

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