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The Adventures of Figaro Pho - Episode Guide

Season 1

Fear of Fish (Ichthyophobia)

Episode: 1x01 | Airdate: Nov 5, 2012

Fear of Fish (Ichthyophobia)

A piranha fish is wrongly delivered to Figaro's house. A fearful Figaro causes the fishbowl to shatter, leaving the fish gasping for life.
Filled with remorse, Figaro turns on the taps in a desperate attempt to save the fish. In so doing, this fills his house with water. Instead of being grateful, the fish becomes a monster with an unquenchable appetite for revenge. Figaro and Rivet are plunged into a deep-sea adventure, which ends with them cornered in Figaro's toilet.
The toothy terror is about to devour them when a simple pull of the toilet chain brings an unexpected end to the danger.

Fear of Being Alone (Isolophobia)

Episode: 1x02 | Airdate: Nov 6, 2012

Fear of Being Alone (Isolophobia)

Figaro enjoys the company of his best friend - his dog Rivet.
An accident resets the tin terrier, reverting the robotic dog to a puppy. Rivet's energetic, puppy-like behavior causes one catastrophe too many. Figaro attempts to train his tin terrier but this too ends in disaster.
Furious, Figaro kicks Rivet out of the house. Then his fear of being alone kicks in.
Desperate to have Rivet back, Figaro searches the town through his telescope and sees the metal mutt about to board a ship. Now Figaro must race against time to stop Rivet from leaving him forever.

Fear of Boredom (Thaasophobia)

Episode: 1x03 | Airdate: Nov 7, 2012

Fear of Boredom (Thaasophobia)

Figaro has a rare moment of peace and quiet and with nothing to do and immense boredom kicks in.
Initially he tries to solve his boredom by irritating his loyal friend Rivet, picking his nose and studying his earwax. Figaro's behavior becomes more and more absurd, yet fails to put a dent in his boredom. In fact, it only makes him yawn.
Mid yawn he notices a portrait of Cousin Eugene, who yawned his head in half, and realises he's in grave danger. Unless excitement comes thick and fast, inevitable doom through boredom lies at the door.
Figaro creates an elaborate rollercoaster ride with features so wild and exciting it should solve his boredom once and for all. Needless to say things don't go to plan for the phobic Pho.

Fear of Relatives (Syngenesophobia)

Episode: 1x04 | Airdate: Nov 10, 2012

Fear of Relatives (Syngenesophobia)

Figaro is shocked by a visit from his Uncle Ernesto!
Fearful of the scruffy relative yet not wanting to give offence, Figaro lets Ernesto in. The uncle proceeds to treat the house as if it's his own. A battle of wills ensues in which Figaro is in danger of being evicted from his own home by his freeloading and disgusting relative.
In desperation, Figaro creates a series of bizarre plans to eject the unwanted relative, causing untold mayhem.

Fear of Rejection (Rejectiophobia)

Episode: 1x05 | Airdate: Nov 11, 2012

Fear of Rejection (Rejectiophobia)

The arrival of an odd little creature – a Squassit - in the Pho Mansion causes a curious Figaro to attempt to befriend the strange being.
But every time he try's to get near it, the Squassit screams the house down! Even bribes of cookies can't sooth the savage screaming beast.
It looks like the only option Figaro and Rivet have is to abandon his house – that is until one rouge fart changes everything!

Fear of Mosquitoes (Culicidaephobia)

Episode: 1x06 | Airdate: Nov 12, 2012

Fear of Mosquitoes (Culicidaephobia)

igaro and Rivet are asleep, then there's the annoying buzzing of a mosquito. Silence then a slap. The light goes on and Figaro sits up in bed with his eyes filled with fear and a red handprint on his face, where he tried to hit a feeding mosquito.
This is the start of a mid-night battle between our fearful friend and the pesky bug. Just as our hero thinks he is victorious, the mosquito returns in the company of an army of his friends, feeding on the fearful Figaro.
It takes Figaro's ingenuity and a deep understanding of mosquito warfare to overcome this stingy situation.

Fear of Thieves (Cleptophobia)

Episode: 1x07 | Airdate: Nov 13, 2012

Fear of Thieves (Cleptophobia)

Figaro finds a Golden ticket prize in his cereal. A treasure chest is delivered, making him the richest man in the world!
Figaro quickly becomes obsessed with the idea of thieves, distrusting every one, even his best friend Rivet. To protect his massive wealth, Figaro ends up installing an outrageous security system. Falling foul of his own device, Figaro gets trapped!
Will Rivet help Figaro escape after the way he has treated him?

Fear of Foul Odours (Osmophobia)

Episode: 1x08 | Airdate: Nov 14, 2012

Fear of Foul Odours (Osmophobia)

A disgusting smell invades Figaro's house. Figaro tries to fight it but the stench proves hard to evict until Figaro discovers that it is emanating from his gardener, Boris.
Figaro lures Boris inside and puts him through a cleaning machine. This separates Boris from his odour, resulting in a sweet-smelling gardener. The foul odour however escapes, taking on a life of its own!
The personified Foul Odour begins pursuing Figaro through the house. How will our fearful hero escape from this smelly monster?

Fear of Baths (Ablutophobia)

Episode: 1x09 | Airdate: Nov 17, 2012

Fear of Baths (Ablutophobia)

Figaro's shower is on the blink, but as Figaro tries the bath as an alternative an enormous fear kicks in.
Unable to use any personal cleaning method in the house, Figaro settles with being dirty. As time passes, dirt accumulates on Figaro.
Eventually our hero degenerates into a filthy, ape-like creature. Can his loyal friend Rivet save him from this smelly situation?

Fear of Baldness (Phalacrophobia)

Episode: 1x10 | Airdate: Nov 18, 2012

Fear of Baldness (Phalacrophobia)

A panicked Figaro is left with just a single strand of hair after a variety of baldness cures go wrong.
Using a machine to grow himself some new luscious locks, Figaro has a full head of hair for the first time in his life. But the hair begins to grow out of control and becomes a nuisance. Figaro tries to tame the rampant mane but to no avail. In fact matters are getting worse and the hair has got to go!
The hair, however, has other plans…

Fear of Hunger (Borborygamiphobia)

Episode: 1x11 | Airdate: Nov 19, 2012

Fear of Hunger (Borborygamiphobia)

On a winter day Figaro wakes up hungry but there's no food in the house. Panic!
Figaro now sends an urgent order for pizza. With a rumbling stomach, Figaro waits by the door for his cheesy treat but nothing arrives. He soon realises the house is snowed in and the pizza is never going to make it!
As the day passes, the hunger grows and something needs to be done, quick. Figaro explores some other food options – including sautéed sole of shoes. Disgusting! Weak with hunger, Figaro begins to see his best friend Rivet as a tasty snack.
How will his tin terrier survive?

Fear of Clowns (Coulrophobia)

Episode: 1x12 | Airdate: Nov 20, 2012

Fear of Clowns (Coulrophobia)

On a particularly warm day Figaro hears an ice cream van arrive. To Figaro's horror the vendor is a clown.
Trembling, Figaro shows Rivet a photo album of birthday snaps showing a fearful Figaro suffering from the clown's pranks. But it's a hot day and Figaro is taunted by the thought of a cooling iced confection. He looks outside and sees the clown serving a little girl. Figaro starts to wonder if he's been wrong about clowns.
He boldly goes outside and orders an ice cream. But then all his clown nightmares come true, ending in Figaro being chased by the jester through an ice cream landscape.

Fear of Shrinking (Reducophobia)

Episode: 1x13 | Airdate: Nov 21, 2012

Fear of Shrinking (Reducophobia)

Figaro finds a secret box that contains a jar with a shrunken head and a native blowpipe. When Figaro tries it out, the dart ricochets off a wall and sticks in Figaro's neck. Noticing that the shrunken head also has a dart in its neck, Figaro is immediately terrified that he is going to shrink – and so he does!
Tiny, terrified Figaro wanders through his house. Things take a very nasty turn when a hungry spider finds him. With a friendly fly acting as his airplane, will Figaro escape?
Can Boris save the day with his nasty smelling super growing fertilizer?

Fear of Elevators (Elevatophobia)

Episode: 1x14 | Airdate: Nov 24, 2012

Fear of Elevators (Elevatophobia)

Figaro dreams of winning the heart of his lovely neighbour Juliet. He marches to Juliet's house only to find he must take an elevator to reach his beloved!
Unable to overcome his fear of elevators, Figaro tries to find alternative solutions to get to the charming Juliet.
Finally Figaro makes a dangerous aerial crossing to her balcony, where he's in for a shocking surprise.

Fear of Skin (Dermatopathophobia)

Episode: 1x15 | Airdate: Nov 25, 2012

Fear of Skin (Dermatopathophobia)

After spotting a pimple on his forehead, a terrified Figaro unzips his skin - and takes it off!!
Figaro's skin begs to be reunited but Figaro doesn't want it. In his new and shiny pink appearance he feels better then ever before: no flaky skin, no itching, no pus. Celebrating his freedom on a mountaintop, the skinless Figaro enjoys the sun. But the heat starts to cook Figaro's viscera, attracting the attention of a particularly hungry dog.
Desperate, Figaro tries to get back into the house but he's skin has locked him out. He took his skin for granted and now he's on his own.

Fear of Becoming a Vampire (Transmutasanguivoriphobia)

Episode: 1x16 | Airdate: Nov 26, 2012

Fear of Becoming a Vampire (Transmutasanguivoriphobia)

A bat bite causes Figaro to undergo a Nosferatu style transformation that ends with him becoming a vampire.
Who will be his first victim?
While Figaro unsuccessfully preys on potential targets Rivet tries to find a solution looking at old vampire movies. Can the robotic dog stop Figaro from biting Juliet?

Fear of a Rival (Antipalophobia)

Episode: 1x17 | Airdate: Nov 27, 2012

Fear of a Rival (Antipalophobia)

Cousin Leon arrives for a visit.
Leon is not only incredibly handsome, he's also exudes charm.
To Figaro's dismay, Leon wins everyone's adoration. What's worse, Juliet is smitten. After a series of humiliations, Figaro accidently stumbles upon an old Pho family picture album.
Here he finds a clue on how to turn the tables on Leon.

Fear of Meteorites (Meteorophobia)

Episode: 1x18 | Airdate: Nov 28, 2012

Fear of Meteorites (Meteorophobia)

Through his telescope, Figaro see's a meteorite zooming towards him.
After moments of hilarious panic, Figaro decides to order a bomb shelter for him and Rivet. The problem is, there's only enough space for one. As the meteor plummets towards them, Figaro and Rivet try to outwit each other.
What is stronger, their friendship or the urge to survive?

Fear of Everything (Panophobia)

Episode: 1x19 | Airdate: Dec 1, 2012

Fear of Everything (Panophobia)

On a particularly fearful day Figaro confronts what seems like an endless array of terrors.
Determined to solve this once and for all, a quivering Figaro twitches his way into town where local doctor Dotty hypnotizes him in order to cure his fears. Surprisingly it works.
Figaro is a new man! Figaro's fearlessness allows him to create a 'bucket list' of all the frighteningly dangerous activities he would like to do. Rivet is terrified when he sees the last item on the bucket list – an interplanetary voyage.
To protect his master, Rivet hatches a plan to get Figaro's old fears back.

Fear of Being Weak (Asthenophobia)

Episode: 1x20 | Airdate: Dec 2, 2012

Fear of Being Weak (Asthenophobia)

Figaro becomes convinced that he is the weakest person in the world.
On TV, he sees an advert for a do-it-yourself body building system. Figaro orders it and quickly becomes strong, with dire consequences for those around him. Unfortunately the more Figaro's muscles grow, the more newfound strength.
specially when Figaro tries to save his beloved Juliet.

Fear of Growing Old (Gerontophobia)

Episode: 1x21 | Airdate: Jul 29, 2013

Fear of Growing Old (Gerontophobia)

When Figaro wakes up with an old man's cough and a sore back, he becomes terrified that he's aged rapidly.
Figaro decides to fight it and act young. As this fails hilariously, our fearful hero instantly turns into a wrinkly old man.
Only When Dotty falls in love with him at the bus stop he snaps out of it, leaving her behind wrinkled and broken hearted.

Fear of Unfamiliar Toilets (Novuslatrinaphobia)

Episode: 1x22 | Airdate: Jul 30, 2013

Fear of Unfamiliar Toilets (Novuslatrinaphobia)

Figaro's toilet fails, leaving him no choice but to find an alternative.
The obvious destination is the garden outhouse, but years of use by malodourous Boris has left it a festering biohazard. Figaro must continue to look for a discreet place to relieve himself. Unfortunately, a freakish lack of privacy ruins every attempt so Figaro is forced to reconsider the outdoor loo. Not to be deterred, and fighting hard against the movements in his tummy, Figaro arms himself with enough bleach to scrub away even the most revolting of stains.
Will that be enough for Figaro to get to the loo in time?

Fear of Duplication (Clonophobia)

Episode: 1x23 | Airdate: Jul 31, 2013

Fear of Duplication (Clonophobia)

While dusting the portraits Figaro accidentally opens a secret door, revealing a strange device that turns out to be a cloning machine.
Our fearful hero accidentally uses the device and makes a poor quality copy of himself. Figaro thinks this clone might come in handy to do some chores, but instead it leads to chaos. Especially when the Clone clones himself in an even worse copy of the original.
How will Figaro's dog Rivet deal with THREE masters?

Fear of Hiccups (Myoclunusdiagphragmaphobia)

Episode: 1x24 | Airdate: Aug 1, 2013

Fear of Hiccups (Myoclunusdiagphragmaphobia)

Figaro is chiseling a statue when he is suddenly inflicted with an incurable case of the hiccups.
He tries everything possible to cure this– nothing works. Only when his robotic dog Rivet scares him the hiccups seem to be gone. When the hiccups return, Rivet is instructed to give Figaro the fright of his life.
The tin terrier takes his mission very serious and this leads to disastrous results.

Fear of Mad Dogs (Deliricynophobia)

Episode: 1x25 | Airdate: Aug 2, 2013

Fear of Mad Dogs (Deliricynophobia)

Pursued by a madly barking dog, Figaro races towards his house.
In the mayhem, his own robotic dog, Rivet becomes dysfunctional when the light bulb in his robotic brain burns out. In the repair kit there are four different coloured bulbs. Figaro is unsure which one to use and decides to just try them all!
The first bulb causes Rivet to be as dumb as a box of hammers; the second bulb turns him into an instant Casanova; the third bulb is even worse as it turns Rivet into the thing that Figaro fears – a mad dog.
Will Figaro be able to replace this 'mad dog' bulb, or will his fear overcome him?

Fear of Being Ugly (Cacophobia)

Episode: 1x26 | Airdate: Aug 5, 2013

Fear of Being Ugly (Cacophobia)

Figaro discovers the portrait of Aunt Agnes "The Ugly".
Her hideousness is beyond comprehension. Figaro and Rivet laugh at the ugliness of aunt Agnes, mocking her to great extent. But the portrait of Agnes takes revenge, leaving Figaro ugly and humiliated in front of the love of his life, Juliet.
Filled with self-pity, Figaro hides in the basement. It takes all Rivets courage to restore everything back to normal.

Fear of Space Aliens (Astroxenophobia)

Episode: 1x27 | Airdate: Aug 6, 2013

Fear of Space Aliens (Astroxenophobia)

After reading an alien comic, Figaro is worried by the appearance of strange lights and sounds.
Not without reason: A beam of light transports him inside a spaceship for examination. The analysis process - both scary and comical – is for the owner of the UFO, an alien, to determine if that this bundle of fears will make an excellent pet!
Figaro fails miserably but when Rivet is also accidentally beamed up, he turns out to be the perfect for the job – will our hero lose his canine friend?

Fear of the Cactus (Kactosophobia)

Episode: 1x28 | Airdate: Aug 7, 2013

Fear of the Cactus (Kactosophobia)

Figaro is looking for the appropriate spot to plant a gorgeous tulip.
He decides that a hideous cactus needs to go. Rivet has to do the dirty work, due to Figaro's cactus phobia. Not without reason, as the cactus is actually alive and swears revenge!
When Figaro is gone, the vindictive cactus reclaims its rightful place in the garden, to the detriment of the tulip. Figaro discovers the disheveled tulip. Unaware of the cactus' actions, Figaro is convinced that Rivet is responsible.
Can Rivet prove his innocence? Will the Cactus be forced to reveal its true colours?
It ends in a Mexican standoff – who will win? The good, the Bad or the Ugly?

Fear of Sneezing (Sternutaphobia)

Episode: 1x29 | Airdate: Aug 8, 2013

Fear of Sneezing (Sternutaphobia)

Figaro finds out he is highly allergic to flowers and goes into a sneezing frenzy.
These sneezes are so strong they even lift him off his feet, causing untold mayhem!
The uncontrollable sneezes send Figaro flying in all directions. Figaro begins to realise that he can harness the benefits and has fun transporting himself with the power of his sneezes. Figaro loves his newfound ability and decides to impress Juliet by delivering her a bunch of flowers in a specular way.
Will Figaro be able to keep his sneezes under control or will he end up sneezing over the one person he would never want to cover in snot?

Fear of Chickens (Alektorophobia)

Episode: 1x30 | Airdate: Aug 9, 2013

Fear of Chickens (Alektorophobia)

Figaro is hungry and wants an omelet for breakfast. There's a single egg in the fridge but when Figaro grabs it, the egg slips from his hands and breaks.
Outside in the chicken coop, an egg is lying in the nest – guarded by its scary-looking mother hen. Figaro's hunger overcomes his fear and when the hen is outside the coop, he sneaks in.
The mother hen comes back. Figaro pretends to be a chicken!
The hen sets out to teach Figaro all the things a chick must know – scratching; eating worms; flying; and even laying eggs.
When the hen lays another egg, and another chick arrives, Figaro realizes there may not be enough room in the coop for the three of them.

Fear of Disease (Pathophobia)

Episode: 1x31 | Airdate: Aug 12, 2013

Fear of Disease (Pathophobia)

After being sneezed on by a snotty bird Figaro catches a horrid disease.
Luckily a passing 'Snake Oil Salesman' arrives with the cure!
It seems to work, but his miracle potion doesn't come cheap. When Figaro runs out of money, the only things he has left to exchange for the wonder drug is his house.
The salesman has made the deal of his life, but will his own dastardly scheme get the better of him?

Fear of the Unknown Thing (Obscuraphobia)

Episode: 1x32 | Airdate: Aug 13, 2013

Fear of the Unknown Thing (Obscuraphobia)

Figaro opens his front door. On the doorstep is a mysterious unknown thing… Where did it come from? Was it Rivet?
Figaro trembles. Oh the anxiety!
Figaro becomes increasingly obsessed with finding out what 'the thing' is, driving him slowly insane.
He finally decides the only way to deal with this unbearable situation is to destroy 'the thing'. He tries everything, but it's no good.
Finally a panting Figaro gives up. He opens the door and throws out 'the thing'. It lands in front of Penny the Girl Scout.
Now Figaro is in for a surprise.

Fear of What's Under the Bed (Sublectumphobia)

Episode: 1x33 | Airdate: Aug 14, 2013

Fear of What's Under the Bed (Sublectumphobia)

It's Figaro's bedtime, but he's not relaxed. Not only is he petrified of what's under his bed, he's also in dire need of a new one!
After another sleepless night Figaro decides it's time to take action. Figaro orders a new Edwardian 4 post bed. Lovely!
That night Figaro is ready for a good sleep.
The bed looks stunning, and this gives Figaro so much confidence he decides his ritual of checking under it is silly. He simply crawls into bed with milk and cookies. But, something isn't right.
Was it the old bed that was responsible for Figaro's sleeping problems, or is there actually something truly sinister and disgusting under the bed?

Fear of Work (Ergophobia)

Episode: 1x34 | Airdate: Aug 15, 2013

Fear of Work (Ergophobia)

Figaro notices that Rivet is on a massive cleaning spree.
Petrified of being asked to work, he flees the house and takes refuge in Dottie's shop. Our lazy hero's attention is attracted to a shiny toy rocket that is on display for sale. Figaro accidentally breaks the rocket and has no money to pay for it.
He is forced to work in Dottie's sweatshop toy factory as payment!
It all results in disaster and untold mayhem.

Fear of Being Stared at by a Duck (Quackaphobia)

Episode: 1x35 | Airdate: Aug 16, 2013

Fear of Being Stared at by a Duck (Quackaphobia)

One day, much to his surprise, Figaro is confronted with a duck in his house.
This creepy duck locks eyes with Figaro and seems to be staring intently at him.
It soon shows up everywhere!
Is it a hallucination? Figaro slowly starts to go insane. Rivet, unable to see the duck is surprised at his master's strange behavior.
Unable to cope with the staring duck, Figaro escapes his house.
How will he reclaim his mansion from his unwanted feathered guest?

Fear of Losing (Kakorrhaphiophobia)

Episode: 1x36 | Airdate: Aug 19, 2013

Fear of Losing (Kakorrhaphiophobia)

Figaro and Rivet are playing a game of soccer.
Figaro thinks he's a star player, but it is really Rivet who bends it like Beckham.
The robotic dog completely destroys his master in the game and an intense fear of losing kicks in.
With Cornelius as a referee the game turns into a suspenseful match with drama, foul play and insanity.

Fear of Sleepwalking (Somnambulaphobia)

Episode: 1x37 | Airdate: Aug 20, 2013

Fear of Sleepwalking (Somnambulaphobia)

One morning Figaro wakes up, standing on the roof of his mansion.
How did that happen?
The next few nights, Figaro wakes up in even stranger locations.
What's going on? The fear infested Figaro knows he has a problem. A variety Figaro-style solutions lead to hilarious situations but his sleepwalking problem only gets worse.
At the height of his despair Figaro comes up with a plan that is so crazy that it might just work…

Fear of Shopping Trolleys (Merxcarrucaphobia)

Episode: 1x38 | Airdate: Aug 21, 2013

Fear of Shopping Trolleys (Merxcarrucaphobia)

Figaro is at Dotty's shop with a long list of supplies to buy.
A deep fear of shopping trolleys prevents him to use one and he decides to stick with a tiny basket.
This results in a disastrous juggling act of grocery items and a grumpy Dotty directs him back to the bay of shopping trolleys.
Forced to use one, Figaro find out this cart has a mind of its own and he is in for the impossible task of taming the terrible trolley.

Fear of Dancing Rabbits (Choroleporophobia)

Episode: 1x39 | Airdate: Aug 22, 2013

Fear of Dancing Rabbits (Choroleporophobia)

Figaro discovers a secret room in which he finds the hat of great uncle Federico, the magician.
Out of it jumps a rabbit. But this is no ordinary rabbit – it's a show bunny with an insatiable urge to dance and an enormous hunger for an audience.
It chases Figaro around the house in a variety of insane dance routines, driving our fearful friend insane and out of his home.
When Rivet and Cornelius join the rabbit's dancing party Figaro needs to take drastic action to restore the natural order in his house.

Season 2

Figaro on Ice

Episode: 2x01 | Airdate: Aug 31, 2015

Figaro on Ice

Winter has arrived in Cogville and Figaro has his heart set on winning an ice skating competition. Unfortunately his skating skills are terrible! Luckily Rivet has an incredible pair of skates which might help him.

School of Cool

Episode: 2x02 | Airdate: Sep 1, 2015

School of Cool

Looking over his balcony, Figaro Pho can see Rudy - the coolest kid in Cogville - skateboarding the half pipe in the town centre. Figaro rushes down to the skate park, his own flower-covered board in hand.

Figarette Pho

Episode: 2x03 | Airdate: Sep 2, 2015

Figarette Pho

After visiting the cinema, Figaro is struck by the call of nature. With the boy's toilet occupied, he has no choice but to duck into the girl's stall. Then a red-headed girl with braces (Prudence) begins knocking loudly!

The Bag-Piped Piper

Episode: 2x04 | Airdate: Sep 3, 2015

The Bag-Piped Piper

Figaro tries to join Rudy's and Prudence's band, but his "old skool" keyboard performance is met with ridicule. Dejected, Figaro retreats to his mansion where he finds a set of bagpipes.

Doctor Dread

Episode: 2x05 | Airdate: Sep 4, 2015

Doctor Dread

When Figaro's nose is injured while playing frisbee, there is only one place to go... The doctor's surgery.

Kung Fu Pho

Episode: 2x06 | Airdate: Sep 7, 2015

Kung Fu Pho

Figaro & Rivet are disturbed by a pesky fly buzzing around the living room. An attempt to shoo away the bothersome creature goes awry when it turns out the fly is a martial arts expert.

Zombie Pho

Episode: 2x07 | Airdate: Sep 8, 2015

Zombie Pho

After watching a zombie film in the cinema with Rivet, Figaro becomes afraid that a zombie invasion has hit the town of Cogville. Everywhere he looks he sees the undead.

Pho is in the Air

Episode: 2x08 | Airdate: Sep 9, 2015

Pho is in the Air

To escape a rainy Cogville, Figaro decides to book a holiday on a tropical island paradise. But what supposed to be a relaxing flight quickly turns into a travel nightmare.

Bandage Brouhaha!

Episode: 2x09 | Airdate: Sep 10, 2015

Bandage Brouhaha!

After receiving a tiny graze Figaro's arm is covered with a small bandage. After three days Figaro tries to remove the stubborn bandage but struggles and eventually uses great force to wrench the crusted plaster off his arm.

Tiny Terrors

Episode: 2x10 | Airdate: Sep 11, 2015

Tiny Terrors

Figaro & Rivet's highly enjoyable picnic is ruined by a thieving bee, cockroach & fly. The three vermin will stop at nothing to ransack Figaro & Rivet's luncheon with a battle quickly ensuing.

Nightmare on Edam Street

Episode: 2x11 | Airdate: Sep 14, 2015

Nightmare on Edam Street

A ghastly smell fills the air as Figaro enjoys his cup of tea. He follows the trail to his fridge & discovers a nasty, stinky, rotten cheese. Using tongs to try & remove it, he realises that this cheese has come to life!

Flower of Fury

Episode: 2x12 | Airdate: Sep 15, 2015

Flower of Fury

When Figaro finds a withered flower in his garden, he moves it into his house, where he lovingly tries to nurse it back to health.

Myth or Pho?

Episode: 2x13 | Airdate: Sep 16, 2015

Myth or Pho?

It's a dark and stormy night in Cogville, and a Bogusville Bunyip comic book is too terrifying for Figaro to read.

Vertigo Pho

Episode: 2x14 | Airdate: Sep 17, 2015

Vertigo Pho

Figaro is about to see a movie at the Cogville theatre when a sudden gust of wind blows his ticket out of his hand and high up onto the theatre's roof! Figaro is petrified of heights... But he must see the movie!

Spider Pho

Episode: 2x15 | Airdate: Sep 18, 2015

Spider Pho

After Figaro visits the outside toilet, a small spider finds its way onto him and into his mansion. Rivet notices the eight-legged visitor and tried to alert Figaro, who is blissfully unaware.

Neat Freak

Episode: 2x16 | Airdate: Sep 21, 2015

Neat Freak

Figaro Pho's mansion is a mess! Too lazy to clean it themselves, Figaro and Rivet decide to hire Snotty Ronald as their house cleaner.


Episode: 2x17 | Airdate: Sep 22, 2015


When Figaro wants to buy a new remote controlled race car, he tries to raid his piggy bank, but without success. The stubborn coin container simply refuses to open, no matter what Figaro tries.

Mailman Mania

Episode: 2x18 | Airdate: Sep 23, 2015

Mailman Mania

Figaro and Rivet are having lots of fun taking silly pictures of each other. But when a particularly embarrassing photo accidently ends up in a letter sent to Prudence, the joke is over. This letter needs to be stopped!

Baby Bandit

Episode: 2x19 | Airdate: Sep 24, 2015

Baby Bandit

When Figaro and Rivet find a baby, left on his doorstep they have no choice but to take care of the little one.

Time Travellers

Episode: 2x20 | Airdate: Sep 25, 2015

Time Travellers

Figaro and Rivet are flipping through TV channels when an ad comes on for a time machine. Think of the adventures they'll have! The time machine arrives and they decide their first trip should be to prehistoric times.

Gumball Boogie

Episode: 2x21 | Airdate: Sep 28, 2015

Gumball Boogie

When Figaro is in Dotty's store, he discovers a magic gumball machine. But when he tries to buy some gumballs, the old shopkeeper refuses to sell them to him. These sweets are highly dangerous!

The Soup

Episode: 2x22 | Airdate: Sep 29, 2015

The Soup

Figaro and Rivet go out for a bite to eat at Cogville's fanciest restaurant. After the waiter sneers at nearly every item Figaro is planning to eat, Figaro is eventually talked into the house specialty: soup.

Laugh Attack

Episode: 2x23 | Airdate: Sep 30, 2015

Laugh Attack

On a day where everything goes wrong, Rivet decides to brighten up Figaro's day with an old set of joke teeth from Great-Great-Great Uncle Walter Pho.

Eye Witless

Episode: 2x24 | Airdate: Oct 1, 2015

Eye Witless

The circus has come to Cogville and Figaro couldn't be more excited. But a series of accidents lands our hero in a wheelchair and unable to see the show. What's worse, next time Figaro checks, the circus has moved on!

Loose Tooth

Episode: 2x25 | Airdate: Oct 2, 2015

Loose Tooth

A trip to the dentist gives Figaro terrible news - his teeth are rotting from eating too many sweets! A diet of vegetables is prescribed and Figaro is sent on his way. However, one of Figaro's teeth has different ideas.

Pizza Boy

Episode: 2x26 | Airdate: Oct 5, 2015

Pizza Boy

Figaro is recruited by the local pizzeria as a delivery boy. His mission: deliver the food piping hot! This turns out to be a major challenge, especially since Penny, the crossing guard, keeps stopping him mid-delivery.

Grim Reaper

Episode: 2x27 | Airdate: Oct 31, 2015

Grim Reaper

Figaro has an awful cold. He feels literally close to death. So much so that the Grim Reaper arrives in his house. When the Reaper picks up a cold Figaro helps nurse him back to health.


Episode: 2x28 | Airdate: Oct 31, 2015


When Figaro discovers an old vinyl record, he plays it on his gramophone. Immediately bizarre things start happening throughout the mansion. Figaro is being visited by the ghost of his vaudevillian ancestor, Uncle Walter Pho.

Double Pho

Episode: 2x29 | Airdate: Oct 31, 2015

Double Pho

Figaro receives a ping pong table but can't find anyone to play with. He decides the only solution is to play ping-pong with himself. He pushes the table against a large mirror and begins to play with his own reflection.

Fame Game

Episode: 2x30 | Airdate: Oct 31, 2015

Fame Game

Figaro's new outfit and sunglasses make him the spitting image of a superstar, and all of Cogville's kids confuse Figaro with their idol. The instant fame is intoxicating until Figaro discovers the downside of celebrity.

Party Pooper

Episode: 2x31 | Airdate: Oct 31, 2015

Party Pooper

It's Figaro's birthday and the last thing he wants to have is a party. But his best friend Rivet didn't get the memo. Rivet has planned a spectacular party, with his friends Ronald and Prudence.

Pharaoh Pho

Episode: 2x32 | Airdate: Jan 26, 2016

Pharaoh Pho

Figaro uncovers a strange ancient note while flipping through a cooking book. By reading the note, Figaro accidentally summons an Egyptian Pharaoh, who manifests in the suburban kitchen.

Run Figaro Run!

Episode: 2x33 | Airdate: Jan 26, 2016

Run Figaro Run!

It's a hot sunny day in Cogville. Figaro is just about to tuck into his six scoop ice cream cone, when out of nowhere a mean, rabid dog appears. Panicking, Figaro runs as fast as he can to avoid it.

Camp Fear

Episode: 2x34 | Airdate: Jan 26, 2016

Camp Fear

As a result of a local bus accident, Figaro and Ronald are left stranded in the wild. Figaro's initial panic is put to rest when it becomes clear that Ronald is a fully trained boy scout...

Stage Fright

Episode: 2x35 | Airdate: Jan 26, 2016

Stage Fright

There's an amazing magician performing at the Cogville theatre, & Figaro & Rivet couldn't be more excited. They rush inside & take their seats, just in time for the curtains to rise & reveal... Boris & Cornelius in tutu's!

Valentine's Day

Episode: 2x36 | Airdate: Jan 26, 2016

Valentine's Day

When Figaro accidentally injures Cupid on Valentines' Day, he has no choice but to take over the cherub's job.

Cupcake Carnage

Episode: 2x37 | Airdate: Jan 26, 2016

Cupcake Carnage

Figaro is making cupcakes, and he artfully tops them with sprinkles and cherries for decoration. Perfection!

Figaro's Big Adventure

Episode: 2x38 | Airdate: Jan 26, 2016

Figaro's Big Adventure

Figaro finds out that Cogville's amusement park has a new rollercoaster ride, and he is determined to ride it. When he tries to buy a ticket, he discovers he is not tall enough to be allowed on!

Odd Socks

Episode: 2x39 | Airdate: Jan 26, 2016

Odd Socks

There's something mysterious going on with Figaro's socks. He can't find any matching pairs and only one of each sock comes back from the cleaners!

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