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Gateway Time-out on Watchlist

vBm wrote 7 years ago: 1

I've tried pretty much all of the other pages and since hour or so ago i can't access the watchlist.

After 30-ish seconds I get 504 error. Guess something got broken with last deploy or so.

504 Gateway Time-outnginx/1.4.6 (Ubuntu)

david wrote 7 years ago: 1

Very strange! Does it still happen or was it temporary?

vBm wrote 7 years ago: 1

Yup, it's still happening. Tried several browsers with clean profiles in order to exclude possibility that some of the addons were interfering.

Tried deleting cookies and all the usual but nothing helped. Please let me know if i can help out doing anything in order to debug and fix this issue.
Thanks in advance.


david wrote 7 years ago: 1

I see you're following over 500 shows and have your watchlist filter set to display all followed shows. I'm guessing there's not really an error case, but that calculating the watch status for all those shows is just too intensive. Can you try setting your default filter to a specific tag and let me know if that makes it load without problems?

vBm wrote 7 years ago: 1

Set two shows with a tag and now watchlist is loading but it takes 9.15s to load it. Day or two ago it would take for all the shows i follow to be loaded in less than 5 seconds.

At least we know what's the issue :-)

Thanks for the idea about what went wrong and i hope you guys will find a way to optimize it so everything can be loaded like before.

vBm wrote 7 years ago: 1

And out of the blue. Showing all of the shows on the watchlist is working again. If you tweaked something, THANK YOU! If you didn't, guess we can blame it on global warming :)

Edit: it seems like issue is there because of sorting calculation. If i set sort by "Watched most/least recently" only then i get 504. Other sorting works just fine.

david wrote 7 years ago: 1

vBm wrote:
And out of the blue. Showing all of the shows on the watchlist is working again. If you tweaked something, THANK YOU! If you didn't, guess we can blame it on global warming :)
Edit: it seems like issue is there because of sorting calculation. If i set sort by "Watched most/least recently" only then i get 504. Other sorting works just fine.

Very strange, I can't reproduce it at all; my watchlist with around 25 shows loads near instantly at the "watched most/least recently" settings. Which two shows (combined with the watched recently setting) trigger the problem?

vBm wrote 7 years ago: 1

Unfortunately I haven't explained myself properly.

With just two shows under the tag and then using that tag to filter list based on, i was getting slowdown of 9 seconds.

Later I've tried using all of the shows to check if sorting was the issue which it was.

Currently i have 17 shows under the tag and sorting on that tag takes 32 seconds (I can provide waterfall if it's needed). Same tag will load instantly on any other sorting method except "watched most/least recently". My blind guess would be that the issue is somehow triggered by the update new status 'button' since before that list would load instantly.

david wrote 7 years ago: 1

Can you give me the two shows in the tag that's taking 9 seconds to load?

vBm wrote 7 years ago: 1

These 3 will produce loading of 9.2 seconds. Reason for that, I believe is because they have 637 episodes combined, so it takes some time to do things.

Grey's Anatomy
One Tree Hill

david wrote 7 years ago: 1

Thanks for the extra information, I think I found the cause - the query optimizer's strategy for the given query was just pure madness. Can you try again now?

vBm wrote 7 years ago: 1

david wrote:
Thanks for the extra information, I think I found the cause - the query optimizer's strategy for the given query was just pure madness. Can you try again now?

You sir are my hero right now :D

It's back to being instant for all the shows. And list is consistent of 222 shows that have at least 1 episode :D

Thread can be closed i guess since it's fixed.

david wrote 7 years ago: 1

Great, thanks for the help :)

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