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Rankings - Most watched / followed this month / all time etc.

Donknatterton wrote 7 years ago: 1

Hey :)

It'd be really cool to have some statistics or rankings about i.e. the most followed or most watched shows in a certain timeframe (month, 1/4 year, year or so), maybe even sorted by genres.

I love TV shows when I can spare the time but sometimes it's pretty hard to keep track and sort the best shows out off all the shows available. Your "shows"-tab is quite a nice indicator on whats hot right now but if you haven't had enough time in the last 2 or 3 months you probably missed a really cool one.

Furthermore you absolutely should make that a premium feature :)

david wrote 7 years ago: 1

Sounds interesting. I'll keep it in mind for our (long) todo list!

deleted wrote 7 years ago: 1

david wrote:
Sounds interesting. I'll keep it in mind for our (long) todo list!

Work harder! :D

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