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Javascript code to change status of all episodes at once

Thlayli wrote 7 years ago: 1

I had been tracking some of my wife's shows, but decided to stop doing that. It left me with tons of episodes marked watched that I wanted to change to skipped or unwatched. I'm sure I could do that with the API, but I wrote a line of Jquery you can paste into console or convert to a bookmarklet to accomplish the same thing. Not sure if this is the right place to share it, but here it is in case anyone finds it useful.

status='2'; $('select[data-id]').each(function(i) {$(this).delay(2000).queue(function(next) { if ($(this).prop('selectedOptions')[0].value != status) { $(this).val(status); $(this).change(); } next(); } )});

If you want it to change to unwatched instead of skipped, change status='2' to status='' at the beginning of the line. Watched is 0, acquired is 1.

Jan wrote 7 years ago: 1

Hi Thlayli,

Thanks for taking the time to share. I'm sure others will find it useful.

Thlayli wrote 7 years ago: 1

Modification to fix non-working delay which caused error 429 timeouts.


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