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"Person" main information - more data?

or_dvir wrote 6 years ago: 1


in my app i would like to implement information about people as well as shows, however the "people" endpoint ( only gives a name, an image, and a url to the tvmaze website. what about everything else? some examples: age, biography, date and place of birth, all available images (instead of just one).

i would also like to retrieve all shows a person is known for - for this i can use the "Cast credit" endpoint ( however this retrieves even less information... only a link to the show and the character. information about the show i already have, but the character link again only includes a name, an image, and a link to the tvmaze website.

is there anyway i can get more information?

mero wrote 6 years ago: 1

At least can we get a little bio data from the API end point like date of birth, gender etc from it? Currently it's no different than embedding the cast in the show. Which makes the caching process a little challenging if not impossible.

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