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Misspelled names as AKA, yes or no?

tnt wrote 6 years ago: 1

Sometimes there's a misspelling in the on-screen credits, especially for the East-European names (e.g. Adamczyk – Adamcyzk). Should those misspelled names be added as AKA for the actors?

Aidan wrote 6 years ago: 1

I think that as long as they've been credited somewhere with the misspelled name it should be added.

tnt wrote 6 years ago: 1

Aidan wrote:
I think that as long as they've been credited somewhere with the misspelled name it should be added.

Yeah, that's what I thought, just wanted to hear opinions :)

There's also a situations where the actor's name is spelled correctly in press-release, but misspelled on-screen (or vice versa).

Delenn wrote 6 years ago: 1

I've always added any credited misspellings I've come across. It just seemed to make sense in regards to future searching and credit adding. Sometimes misspellings are used more than once, and if you go to add a misspelled credit to the database and another (slightly different) name comes up, hopefully someone is going to check if the credit they are adding is the misspelling of an existing entry, rather than creating a new entry. Most of the duplicates I come across are because an entry has been added under one spelling of a name and the person obviously hadn't realised the misspelling, by adding the misspelling to AKA you could hopefully reduce that occurrence.

@tnt - I've actually seen it when they've spelt an actors name right in the beginning credits, then completely wrong in the closing credits. XD

Gadfly wrote 6 years ago: 1


tnt wrote 6 years ago: 1

It's nice to see such a unanimous consent ))))

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