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Show single search

BrunoDusautoy wrote 8 years ago: 1


have option for exact name in single search ?

exemple : for tvrage :

srob650 wrote 8 years ago: 1

I'm pretty sure that single search already prioritizes exact matches, someone correct me if I'm wrong.

BrunoDusautoy wrote 8 years ago: 1

no exact , exemple search girl : return : New Girl

david wrote 8 years ago: 1

But there's no show named "Girl". If you search for both "Girls" and "New Girl" you will get that exact result on top.

BrunoDusautoy wrote 8 years ago: 1

girl being just one example if it exist it should find anything with an exact search return : the-goldbergs return : the-goldbergs :s

I just wondering if there is an option to have the result only on exact searching

sorry me french use translator

me code command for mirc but I need an option on the exact search words

david wrote 8 years ago: 1

Ah, I understand. There's no such option.

But you could easily handle this on the client side, no? Simply compare the name of the search result with your input, and if there's no 100% exact match, discard it.

BrunoDusautoy wrote 8 years ago: 1

compare result working , tks :)

BrunoDusautoy wrote 8 years ago: 1

compare search and result in my code for add my db mysql

compare The+Perfect+Murder -> find TVMAZE : The+Perfect+Murder

TVMAZE: [ 03/11 @ 11:40:30 ] The.Perfect.Murder - Country: USA - Classification: Documentary - Premiered: 2014 @ 187ms *NEW*


Gadfly wrote 8 years ago: 1

I'm not sure if it's related, and I'm not sure where the original topic where I think we were discussing it is. Or necro it. But...

If I do a single-search for The Flash, the 1967 cartoon now comes up before the current 2014 series. Shouldn't it be the other way around?

srob650 wrote 8 years ago: 1

Original thread is here, and I agree that the system still needs work. David has also said that the ranking is still a work-in-progress, so even though there are still errors I think we need to give him and the team some time to come up with the best solution. Just to throw my 2 cents in, the way I think results should rank is:

1st. Exact matches in order of most recent premier date.

2nd. Close matches in order of popularity.

srob650 wrote 8 years ago: 1

Hmm, good point.

srob650 wrote 8 years ago: 1

I'm wondering if some of these issues have to do with when the show was added to the site? For example, last night I requested that the older UK version of Whose Line Is It Anyway be added, and now that it's here it shows up first in the search results. I find it hard to believe that it is already more "popular" on this site than the US version which has been on the site longer.

MichaelDeBoey wrote 8 years ago: 1

srob650 wrote:
I'm wondering if some of these issues have to do with when the show was added to the site? For example, last night I requested that the older UK version of Whose Line Is It Anyway be added, and now that it's here it shows up first in the search results. I find it hard to believe that it is already more "popular" on this site than the US version which has been on the site longer.

Maybe its popularity/#days on the site

BrunoDusautoy wrote 8 years ago: 1

no respond in admin for add date for search ?

BrunoDusautoy wrote 8 years ago: 1

tread does not reply to my question

possible added the date or country to refine research in future update?

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