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People link redirect with ID only does not work

Pete77 wrote a month ago: 1

Nevertheless, calling by ID would be nice. Names can be changed. IDs will be the same.

Pete77 wrote a month ago: 1

@david wrote:
What exactly is your usecase for this?

Calling external ressources by unique identifier (ID).

Pete77 wrote a month ago: 1

@david wrote:
I meant: where are you getting ID's from where we don't also provided the proper URL to use?

I'm still curious, but also, sure:

There are other media databases in the web who are also storing people, tv channels, networks, companies and so on. Some of them allow to add external IDs of foreign databases. If an external resource is callable by ID, it's simple to link to them.

For sure, it's not really needed for most use cases. But why not, if it's possible without big effort?

Thanks a lot for adding this feature to people. Maybe it's possible to add the same functionality to webchannels and networks too?

Pete77 wrote a month ago: 1


Thanks a lot again! :)

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