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Love in Amsterdam

A body of a student is found in the port of Amsterdam. Van der Valk and his team are tasked to solve this case, but are somewhat distracted by the arrival of a new employee, the internet expert Job Cloovers. A second body is found later and the question pops up whether they are connected to each other or not. The investigation leads them to the Amsterdam art world and to the municipal politics.

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Episode Discussion

KitKimes posted a year ago

Red Letters = THE SPHINX OF DELFT (refers to the Dutch painter Johannes Vermeer)

mAKEbANK posted 2 years ago

@Albanylad wrote:
What are all these English people doing working for the Dutch police? Do we not have actors capable of a Dutch accent? Could we not have a new detective rather than a revamp of a show from 40+ years ago just updated with Political Correctness and poor acting. I lost interest after 20 or so minutes but struggled to the end in hope it wouldn't get any worse, but unfortunately it did. Please do not waste any more money making a second series, instead spend it on a new detective or at least an old one that's not been made into a TV series yet there are plenty to choose from and some very good ones, maybe we could start a pole to give some of these inept TV producers some ideas.


Wow. I am impressed, but be careful. As a user of this platform myself I have looked at comments, and some have been censored when you go against the "protocal". Just warning. I do think in the same matter as you though. Another problem with this show is the actions of the police officers wandering uninvited to everybody's domiciles because they want too. Programming public acceptance?

Albanylad posted 4 years ago

What are all these English people doing working for the Dutch police? Do we not have actors capable of a Dutch accent? Could we not have a new detective rather than a revamp of a show from 40+ years ago just updated with Political Correctness and poor acting. I lost interest after 20 or so minutes but struggled to the end in hope it wouldn't get any worse, but unfortunately it did. Please do not waste any more money making a second series, instead spend it on a new detective or at least an old one that's not been made into a TV series yet there are plenty to choose from and some very good ones, maybe we could start a pole to give some of these inept TV producers some ideas.


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