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Episode 1

It's a typical Friday night eviction on Big Brother. Except it's not a typical evening; there are reports of disturbances and riots all over the country. BB Producer Patrick has just heard that the live show may be bumped for breaking news on the riots. Runner Kelly meanwhile, alongside her usual frantic eviction night tasks, is also juggling having to avoid calls from her long-term boyfriend Riq, who keeps ringing to find out exactly why she didn't come home last night. As tearful Scot Pippa is evicted from the house and interviewed by Davina, all hell is breaking loose outside. There's a complete massacre of the BB audience as zombies start to attack. Can Patrick and Kelly get to safety? And just what has happened to Davina?

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Episode Discussion

Sliderb posted 6 years ago

An unusual concept that turns the "Big Brother" style reality show into a real horror show. Anything from Charlie Brooker is on top of my list. This pre-"Black Mirror" show is a great example of writing that taps into our culture.

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