Since its establishment in 1994, the Nova Group has been the most important television and media group operating in the Czech Republic. It is part of the CME Group, which operates television broadcasting in six Central and Eastern European countries. The Nova group consists of eleven television stations: six free-to-air (Nova, Nova Cinema, Nova Fun, Nova Action, Nova Gold and Nova Lady) and five premium ones (sports stations Nova Sport 1, Nova Sport 2, Nova Sport 3, Nova Sport 4 and Nova International Station). The Nova Group also offers a wide portfolio of online portals and services. It also operates the video portal on the Internet, which offers a unique video-on-demand service.
Popular TV Nova shows
This Season's Shows

Ulice is a contemporary daily soap with a strong feel good factor, offering stories of archetypal ch…

Ordinace v růžové zahradě (Rose garden clinic)The most popular programme in the Czech Republic - it…

MasterChef Česko is a culinary reality show about amateur chefs who demonstrate their skills on the…

Bára Veselá has bad luck on her heels and is on the run from justice. Coincidentally, she somewhat i…

The protagonist of Sex O'Clock is a teenager, Adam, who until now has been mainly concerned with his…

Tomáš Toman writes to journalist Magdalena Sodomková from an Indonesian prison. He was arrested on t…

The story focuses on a special unit of Czech intelligence, known as the Extraktoři (Extractors). The…

Divorce doesn't have to spell disaster. Even with alternating care, it can be fun. Especially when s…

The six-part drama directed by Tereza Kopáčová based on a script by Miro Šifra and Kristina Májová r…