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David Landsberg

We don't have a biography for David Landsberg yet. Hang in there, or go ahead and contribute one.

Known For


Cast Credits

Stanley (2001)
Starring as Mark Griff
It Takes Two (1982)
Guest starring as The Mailman
The Love Boat (1977)
Guest starring as Tom (2 episodes)
Guest starring as Morton
C.P.O. Sharkey (1976)
Guest starring as Skolnick (7 episodes)
Rhoda (1974)
Guest starring as Steven Miller

Crew Credits

The Love Boat: The Next Wave (1998)
Episode crew as Writer (2 episodes)
Daddy's Girls (1994)
Show crew as Creator
Herman's Head (1991)
Show crew as Co-Executive Producer (2 episodes)
Show crew as Executive Producer
Episode crew as Writer (6 episodes)
Episode crew as Teleplay
Blossom (1990)
Episode crew as Writer
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