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Lilly Wachowski

Lilly Wachowski is a Polish-American film and television director, writer, and producer. Together with her sister, Lana Wachowski, their known as The Wachowskis, the sisters have worked as a writing and directing team through most of their careers. They made their directing debut in 1996 with Bound and achieved fame with their second film, The Matrix, a major box-office success. The sisters have also created the Netflix original series sense8 in 2015.

Known For


Crew Credits

Work in Progress (2019)
Show crew as Executive Producer
Episode crew as Writer (11 episodes)
Episode crew as Director (2 episodes)
Sense8 (2015)
Show crew as Creator (24 episodes)
Show crew as Executive Producer
Episode crew as Director (7 episodes)
Episode crew as Writer (12 episodes)
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