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Remember (2) Recap

Because of Bree’s attempts to leave, she is put into restraints and is forced to remain in bed. During another session, she throws the contents of a miniature Zen sand garden at the doctor and makes a run for the door. Bree is seen by Orson who looks on without intervening.

Convinced Carlos is having an affair, Gabrielle places baby monitors in suspected places. While visiting Lynette, Penny's baby monitor acquires a frequency coming from the Solis' home which broadcasts Carlos and Xiao-Mei getting it on. Gabrielle rushes over where she sees Carlos and Xiao-Mei making love. Gabrielle then throws Carlos' clothes out the window and recommends he find himself a new living arrangement. When he points out that she told him to have an affair, she retorts, "Yeah, but not with my baby's mother". When Xiao-Mei asks if she can leave, Gabrielle says that she cannot leave until she gives birth to her (Gabrielle's) baby. Xiao-Mei then vents angrily in Chinese and Gabrielle tells her that if she does not comply she will make it the "worst nine months of her life".

After Noah’s death, all of his assets quickly go to Zach who is the heir apparent. When Paul calls and asks about the money, Zach says Noah would not give it to him. Paul becomes verbally abusive and demands that Zach come visit him. Zach says he is busy and hangs up. Zach then hands his phone to his new retainer and tells the man to get him a new phone with a new phone number.

Lynette agrees to meet Nora. Quickly, the two are at odds and have nothing in common. Nora then threatens to sue Tom for years of child support. Lynette and Tom quickly come up with a settlement, however, Nora is still not happy. Nora surprisingly announces that she has purchased a home in Fairview and will be moving in. Nora then tries to settle her animosity with Lynette who is still angry with her.

Mike soon finds out that Susan accepted the offwer from Karl and gets into a fight with him, since Karl knew he planned to propose to Susan. When Susan appears to be more concerned with Karl than with him, he becomes upset with Susan that she would accept a house from Karl when she would not accept an offer to stay at his place. Susan decides not to move into the house after the news that Mike was going to propose. Instead, she invites him for a romantic dinner where she will propose. On his way to meet Susan, he is followed by Orson who purposefully runs over him after he stops to buy roses. He is left lying in the road, unconscious.

Later, Matthew and Danielle, in need of money, return to Wisteria Lane to rob Bree's safe. When Danielle learns that the combination has been changed, Matthew returns to his home for a sledge hammer. Matthew is soon confronted by Betty who knows that it was he who killed Melanie, not Caleb. Matthew leaves and breaks into the safe while Betty calls the police. Bree soon catches both of them and warns Danielle that Matthew is a killer. Danielle just takes this as more of her mom's craziness. Matthew then puts Bree at gunpoint and threatens to kill her if she does not move. Bree comes closer and tells him that if that's what it takes to show her daughter what he is, then fine. This proves to Danielle that Matthew is a killer and how much her mother loves her that she's ready to give up her life for her welfare. Before Matthew pulls the trigger, he is shot by a police squad and killed. Matthew's body is then wheeled into an ambulance as the neighborhood watches. The following morning, Betty and Caleb leave Wisteria Lane for good. Bree is then visited by Orson who presents her with flowers and congratulates her on the escape. Pleased with his kind gestures, Bree invites Orson into her home. As the door closes behind them, the view turns toward the sky as ominous music begins to play.

Written by IngridPatriota on Aug 27, 2017

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