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Strangest Name in History Recap

After promoting sponsor Kotula's, Link reports of a 30-year old arrested on charges of carrying a concealed weapon, possesion of drug paraphanalia, possesion of marajuana, and of violation of probation in Madison, Wisconsin. The criminal, however, has probably the strangest name in history: Beezow Doo-Doo Zoppitybop-Bop-Bop.

Upon hearing the story, Rhett admits he respects Beezow for having the courage to change his name. Due to the fact that people often question the authenticity of their names. Rhett, though, decides there should be a requirement for people who want to change their names, like you should change your name to the name other people percieve you or look like. As if, when you go to "the name changing place", the guy behind the counter decides your name based on what you look like.

Rhett then decides, if the rule was implemented, what would their names. Rhett says Link looks like a Mark, and Link says Rhett looks like a Jamie.

Written by Dhsi on Jan 30, 2023

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