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Season 6 - Episode Guide


Mrs. Bixby and the Colonel's Coat

Episode: 6x01 | Airdate: Sep 27, 1960

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Mrs. Bixby is having an affair with the Colonel. When he decides to stop seeing her, he gives her a gift: an expensive mink coat. Mrs. Bixby, however, does not want her husband to know where she got the coat. She pawns it and tells the pawnbroker not to write a description of the item on the pawn ticket. She then tells her husband that she found the ticket. She tells him to turn it in and see what it is. She stops by her husband's officer expecting him to give her back the mink coat. Instead, he gives her a cheap mink neckpiece. As she leaves, she sees her husband's secretary dressed in the Colonel's mink coat.

The Doubtful Doctor

Episode: 6x02 | Airdate: Oct 4, 1960

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Ralph Jones tells his psychiatrist of a disturbing episode. He came home from work one day an had a fight with his wife. He then wished that he was single again and was transported back to his bachelor days. Ralph's problem, however, is that when he tried to live his life again everything went wrong. He became depressed and gave all his money to a boy for some baseball cards. He then jumped in the river. Ralph then claims to have awakened back in the present day. The psychiatrist doubts his story until Ralph tells him what he found in his pocket after he woke up in the present day: a pack of baseball cards soaked with water.

Very Moral Theft

Episode: 6x03 | Airdate: Oct 11, 1960

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Harry Wade works at a lumberyard and owes his customers money. His girlfriend Helen provides him with a loan to pay off his debts. She tells him that she is remortgaging her house, but in actuality is embezzling the money from her office. Harry agrees tro pay her back in 48 hours. When Harry fails to pay up, she grows worried and tells him how she got the money. Harry leaves and comes back with the money. He tells her that he got the money from a customer, but in reality he got it from a loan shark. Later, however, Harry disappears. Helen discovers that Harry was killed when he could not pay the loan sharks back in time.

Pen Pal

Episode: 6x06 | Airdate: Nov 1, 1960

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The Money

Episode: 6x09 | Airdate: Nov 29, 1960

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Episode: 6x10 | Airdate: Dec 6, 1960

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The Man Who Found the Money

Episode: 6x13 | Airdate: Dec 27, 1960

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William Benson finds a money clip containing $92,000. He takes the money to a bank and alerts the police. Captain Bone is able to identify the clip but he claims that it contained $102,000. The Captain accuses Benson of robbery until the owner of the clip Curtis Newsome says that Benson is telling the truth. Newsome invites Benson to stay at his inn as a reward. When Benson arrives at the inn, however, he is attacked. Newsome holds up a phone so that Benson can hear his wife screaming. He, then, demands his $10,000 dollars back.

Summer Shade

Episode: 6x15 | Airdate: Jan 10, 1961

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Ben and Phyllis Kendall move to Salem, Massachusetts with their 9-year old daughter Kate. Ben and Phyllis become deeply worried when their daughter starts playing with an imaginary friend named Letty. Kate's parents get help from a local minister when Kate shows up one day with a magic charm to ward off evil spirits. The Minister tells them that a girl named Letty died in 1692. Ben and Phyllis become worried that their daughter is possessed, but are relieved when Kate befriends a girl in the neighborhood named Judy. When the two girls are alone, however, Judy begins to speak in colonial English. Kate tells her to stop and warns her that she might be exorcised.

Incident in a Small Jail

Episode: 6x23 | Airdate: Mar 21, 1961

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traveling salesman, Leon Gorwald, arrives in a small town and is promptly arrest for jaywalking and placed into jail. The sheriff arrives with the suspected murderer of a young girl. He tosses the suspected murderer into the cell next to Leon. The mood of the towns people begins to grow ugly and a lynch mob assembles. The sheriff decides to move the alleged killer for his safety, but is knocked unconscious. The suspect switches clothes with Gorwald and forces him into a cell. The mob rushes the jail but Gorwald is saved in the nick of time. The charges against him are dropped and he leaves town. He later stops for a pretty hitchhiker who accepts his offer of a ride without knowing that he is the actual killer.

A Woman's Help

Episode: 6x24 | Airdate: Mar 28, 1961

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Arnold Bourdon has a domineering wife named Elizabeth. When Elizabeth takes ill, she hires a lovely nurse named Joan. Arnold grows close to Joan, but she refuses to continue the affair as long as Arnold is married. The two plot to give Elizabeth a fatal doses of medication. Unfortunately, Elizabeth sees Joan kissing Arnold and fires her. Later Elizabeth hires another nurse. This one is an old woman in her sixties. Arnold asks the new nurse about Liz's medicine. The new nurse tells him that she will give her more medicine that the doctor recommended. Arnold, knowing that the dose will prove fatal, thanks the nurse and in his thanks reveals that she is his mother.

Museum Piece

Episode: 6x25 | Airdate: Apr 4, 1961

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Clay Hollister is a museum curator and collector of Indian relics. One day, during a tour, Clay notices a man named Newton Clovis who is fascinated by a skeleton in Clay's collection. Newton wants to analyze the bones. He does so and reveals that the bones are those of a long-missing district attorney. Newton is really a detective and demands the skeleton for further investigation. Clay refuses and kills him. Later, he adds the bones of yet another man to his collection.

Coming, Mama

Episode: 6x26 | Airdate: Apr 11, 1961

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Lucy Baldwin wishes to marry her boyfriend Arthur. Unfortunately, her domineering mother believes that Arthur is only out for money and she opposes the marriage. When Lucy's mother falls ill, Lucy sees her chance. Lucy slips her a fatal dose of sleeping tonic and her mother dies. Lucy and Arthur are married and Arthur takes Lucy to visit his mother. Unfortunately, Arthur's mother is just as domineering as Lucy's. Since Arthur's mother is ill, Lucy suggests a dose of sleeping tonic to take care of the problem.


Episode: 6x27 | Airdate: Apr 18, 1961

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Ben Conan is a con artist who is having an affair with Lisa Talbot who is married to a wealthy man named Peter. One day, a detective confronts Ben and tells him that he was hired to keep an eye on him. Ben believes that Peter sent the detective and he and Lisa plan a murder. Lisa tells him that since her husband has once had a heart attack it would be easy to kill him and stage another. Ben confronts Peter who denies hiring the detective. Ben knocks Peter out and puts him in the bathtub. He fills the bath hoping that the detective will believe his story that Peter had a heart attack in the bathtub and drowned. The detective arrives and sees Peter's body. He doesn't believe Ben's story because Peter has had no history of heart attacks. The detective also reveals that he was, in fact, hired by Lisa. Lisa, it seems, conned the man who was trying to con her. She now will inherit everything and Ben will go to jail.


Episode: 6x28 | Airdate: Apr 25, 1961

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Meyer Fine is a gangster with an intense fear of death known only to his servant John Ingo. Meyer discovers that several gangsters are planning to kill him. They narrowly miss doing so in one attempt. Meyer wishes that he had the courage to commit suicide, but he doesn't. His faithful servant John, however, wanting only the best for Meyer tearfully agrees to kill him.

A Pearl Necklace

Episode: 6x29 | Airdate: May 2, 1961

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Charlotte Jameson agrees to marry her millionaire boss Howard. Charlotte already has a boyfriend named Mark, but he agrees to the marriage after Howard explains that he has only a year to live. A year later, Howard is still alive. Charlotte calls Mark, but he urges her to stay with Howard since he won't live forever. Ten years pass and Howard is still alive. Mark sees Charlotte and hopes to resume their former relationship. Unfortunately she is not interested, but she does take a liking to Mark's seven year old son and agrees to pay for his education. After twenty five years of marriage, Howard finally dies. Mark visits Charlotte and discovers that Charlotte is no longer interested in him. She is going to get married, but to Mark's son who is now twenty-two.

You Can't Trust a Man

Episode: 6x30 | Airdate: May 9, 1961

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Crystal Coe's husband Tony returns after serving time in prison for a crime that she committed. He wants to resume his relationship with her. She, however, has a different idea. As they are driving to her beach house, she alerts the police at a gas station. Later, as Crystal continues on her trip a police car pulls up behind her. She stops the car and shoots Tony. She tells the police that she has never met Tony. Because of his prison record, they believe her. Unfortunately, Tony patented an invention while in prison. He owned a substantial amount of money and the police launch an investigation to determine his next of kin.

The Gloating Place

Episode: 6x31 | Airdate: May 16, 1961

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Susan Harper fakes an assault near a pond and blames it on a masked attacker in order to gain notoriety. The newspapers fall for her story and give her the celebrity status she craves. After the news dies down, she starts scheming to regain the spotlight. She lures a young girl to the spot where the alleged first attack occurred and strangles her. The newspapers report the murder and recall the incident with Susan and she once again is in the spotlight. Susan returns to the pond to gloat over her cleverness and celebrity, a genuine masked killer appears and strangles her.

Self Defense

Episode: 6x32 | Airdate: May 23, 1961

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Gerald Clarke is held up at gunpoint by a boy who has just robbed a liquor store. The boy runs and Clarke follows. Using a gun provided by the store's owner, he shoots the boy four times in the back. Later the police arrive and discover that the boy's gun was not loaded. They rule the killing an act of self-defense and release Gerald. Later Gerald goes home and is confronted by the boy's mother. She holds a gun on him and asks why he killed her son. Clarke explains that he was frightened. The woman turns and begins to leave. As she goes, Clarke grabs the gun and shoots her. He screams "I told you not to pull that gun on me" to the woman's dead corpse.

Servant Problem

Episode: 6x34 | Airdate: Jun 6, 1961

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Kerwin Drake is throwing an important party. When his cook gets ill, he has his secretary prepare some hors d'oeuvres which are enthusiastically praised by his guests. At the party, Kerwin's estranged wife Molly arrives. Not wanting to be embarrassed by her, Kerwin tells everyone she is the cook. After the party, Kerwin shows her the door. Later, Kerwin goes to Molly's apartment and kills her. He is shocked, however, when he discovers that one of his dinner guests, Mrs. Standish, has witnessed the murder. Mrs. Standish was there to hire Molly as her cook.

Coming Home

Episode: 6x35 | Airdate: Jun 13, 1961

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Harry Beggs is released from prison after twenty years for armed robbery. He has saved up sixteen hundred dollars and goes to his home town. He stops by a bar to phone his wife, but gets cold feet. Later a young girl at the bar sees Harry's money, gets him drunk, and robs him. After being robbed, Harry decides to visit his wife. He goes to her and they are reconciled. Later, the young girl from the bar arrives. The girl, who robbed Harry, is also his now-grown daughter.

Final Arrangements

Episode: 6x36 | Airdate: Jun 20, 1961

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Leonard Compson hates living with his overweight and overbearing wife Elsie. He goes to a funeral home and orders a casket. The next day he calls the funeral home and tells them to bring to casket to his house to pick up a body. Leonard then buys some rat poison and goes home. When he gets there his wife berates him. He drinks the poison and dies. The men from the funeral home arrive and take away his body.

Make My Death Bed

Episode: 6x37 | Airdate: Jun 27, 1961

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Taylor has an affair with a man named Bishop Darby. Darby's wife, Jackie gives Elise a bottle of saccharin and tells her to make sure that Darby stays on his diet. The saccharin, however, is poisoned. Later, however, Darby is killed when another man catches him with his wife. When Jackie hears the news, she confesses to the murder, believing that her poisoned saccharin did the job. Later, Elise has a cup of coffee with the tainted saccharin and dies.


Episode: 6x38 | Airdate: Jul 4, 1961

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