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Season 1 - Episode Guide


#1 Башня Колдуна (Варнава, BRB, Гудков, Кукушкин)

Episode: 1x01 | Airdate: Oct 15, 2020 (54 min)

#1 Башня Колдуна (Варнава, BRB, Гудков, Кукушкин)

A mysterious evil sorcerer and musician named Philip has stolen the most beautiful virgin from a peaceful village to perform a rejuvenation ritual. At sunset, he wants to suck all the blood out of her and transfuse it to himself. Right now he is preparing the innocent girl for the ritual. The task of the heroes is to save the girl from the clutches of the treacherous sorcerer.

#5 Шахты Фогельнест (Харламов, Кукояка, BRB, Гудков)

Episode: 1x05 | Airdate: Jun 29, 2021 (67 min)

#5 Шахты Фогельнест (Харламов, Кукояка, BRB, Гудков)

After killing the evil sorcerer Philip Sphincterion, Palias and Erik Panis returned to Virgjinwald, the domain of Sphincterion's father. However, the heroes found the village overrun by Lord Vlaston's forces. For killing Philip, the Lord's closest friend, Sphincterion and Palias are caught by the Lord's henchmen and sent to hard labor in the coal mines of Vogelnest. The heroes' mission is to escape from the Fogelnest camp.

#6 Адский поезд (Соболев, Шмыкова, Кукушкин, BRB, Гудков)

Episode: 1x06 | Airdate: Sep 22, 2021 (63 min)

#6 Адский поезд (Соболев, Шмыкова, Кукушкин, BRB, Гудков)

Caught in Lord Vlaston's trap, the heroes find themselves on a train bound for hell. Advancing from the tail of the locomotive, they will have to find out which of their new allies will stand with them to the end, and which old comrades will betray them at the first opportunity. The heroes' task is to get out of here and back to their world.

#8 Покушение на Короля (Поперечный, Джарахов, Гудков, BRB)

Episode: 1x08 | Airdate: Dec 31, 2021 (78 min)

#8 Покушение на Короля (Поперечный, Джарахов, Гудков, BRB)

Information has reached the city guard that certain conspirators are planning to assassinate King Ponius V as he rides from his country residence to Palace Square. Where exactly the assassination attempt will take place is unknown. The heroes must prevent the assassination of King Ponius V. The head of the city guards, Captain Mukhomoromor, reported that a smuggler named Diana has some information about the assassination attempt. The heroes' task is to find her in the Badger brothel and interrogate her.

#9 Человек в железной маске (Харламов, SQWOZBAB, Гудков, Кукушкин, BRB)

Episode: 1x09 | Airdate: Mar 24, 2022 (102 min)

#9 Человек в железной маске (Харламов, SQWOZBAB, Гудков, Кукушкин, BRB)

Lord Vlaston's forces have seized the lands of Vördjinwald. The noble Sphincterion, heir to these lands, and his fellow elf Palias learned from reliable sources that Sphincterion's father, Baron Edward Loewenhart, had been captured, shackled in an iron mask, and smuggled to the pirate city of Rotten Harbor. Baron Edward has been handed over to the pirates and is on the ship "Black Serpent", and that very soon will sail from the kingdom. The heroes' task is to free the prisoner, Baron Edward, who is being held on the pirate ship.

#10 Храм Юмора (Масаев, Кашоков, Гудков, Кукушкин, BRB)

Episode: 1x10 | Airdate: Jun 29, 2022 (99 min)

#10 Храм Юмора (Масаев, Кашоков, Гудков, Кукушкин, BRB)

Across the country, jesters are kidnapped and taken to the Temple of Humor. A squad of concerned citizens goes there to rescue their loved ones, but only seems to bring the forces of evil closer to realizing their insidious plans. The task of the heroes is to free the kidnapped jesters and destroy the Temple of Humor.

#12 Бесагон - истребитель вампиров (Галич, Шастун, Кукояка, BRB, Гудков)

Episode: 1x12 | Airdate: Oct 11, 2022 (107 min)

#12 Бесагон - истребитель вампиров (Галич, Шастун, Кукояка, BRB, Гудков)

All night the heroes were at a vampire orgy, When they returned home in the morning, tired, they found that the coffins, in which vampires sleep and regenerate, had disappeared, they were stolen. The kidnappers had left a familiar mark on the wall - crossed fangs. During the day, while the vampires are holed up at home, the Familiar has canvassed the neighbors. They saw that at night from the house of the heroes departed from the wagon of the ritual bureau "The Last Way". The heroes' task is to find and return their coffins.

#13 Проклятые роды (Варнава, Wylsacom, Кукушкин, BRB, Гудков)

Episode: 1x13 | Airdate: Nov 26, 2022 (100 min)

#13 Проклятые роды (Варнава, Wylsacom, Кукушкин, BRB, Гудков)

Today's heroes are a family. Not so long ago, they had their own mountain tavern called the Kaif. They received travelers there, and then robbed them and fed them to the cursed mother spider. There was stability and harmony in their lives. But one day, Lord Vlaston's troops passed through the pass and defeated the Kaif Tavern along the way. The head of the family and one of the sons were killed, and the rest of the family fled. But there is good news: there will be a new addition to the family very soon. Sofia, Eric Panisov's wife, is pregnant and about to give birth. But the family is cursed, and to give birth to a healthy child, the heroes need the help of a special midwife. So they head to the village of Green Bridge to find midwife Helena to deliver the baby.

#14 Янус доставка (Поперечный, Руслан КубикВКубе, Кукушкин, BRB, Гудков)

Episode: 1x14 | Airdate: Dec 27, 2022 (115 min)

#14 Янус доставка (Поперечный, Руслан КубикВКубе, Кукушкин, BRB, Гудков)

Ponia lives because of great heroes. Only their accomplishments help the world to live. These heroes throughout the centuries have done the impossible, conquered the summits, rid the world of monsters. Unfortunately, this is not about the heroes of this adventure. Today they are smugglers from Janus Delivery, but they will find and deliver everything their customers need. Each of them needs money very badly and as soon as possible. The leader of the smugglers nicknamed Janus has instructed the heroes to meet the elves and take away their cargo of elven salt. The heroes' task is to take the cargo, hand it over to a dwarf named Pablo Technic and get their money. And, if possible, to stay alive.

#15 Возвращение в Верджинвальд (Мезенцев, SQWOZBAB, BRB, Гудков, Кукушкин)

Episode: 1x15 | Airdate: Jan 28, 2023 (97 min)

#15 Возвращение в Верджинвальд (Мезенцев, SQWOZBAB, BRB, Гудков, Кукушкин)

The brave warrior Sphincterion has arrived on New Year's Eve at his homeland, the snowy castle of Vördjinwald. It has been captured by Lord Vlaston's forces, and today the wedding of the new young governor, Prochor von de Lys, and Sphincterion's elderly mother, Baroness Isabella, is being prepared. A few months ago, news came that the former Baron of Woerdjinwald, Edward Löwenhart, was killed in a ship explosion in Rotten Harbor. Which means his wife, Baroness Isabella, is widowed. The new Viceroy is going to marry her to make his rule over Wurdjinwald legitimate. The heroes arrive to free the Baroness and take back the castle of Vörðinwald from the enemy.

#16 Вампиры Мёртвых топей (Пушкин, Кукояка, Кукушкин, Гудков, BRB)

Episode: 1x16 | Airdate: Mar 8, 2023 (104 min)

#16 Вампиры Мёртвых топей (Пушкин, Кукояка, Кукушкин, Гудков, BRB)

The heroes are vampires and are located in the historical homeland of vampires in the Dead Swamps. Lost among the swamps is a small village called Blossoming Vine. The villagers grow grapes in the swamps, the local wine is not very tasty, but it is cheap and gives you a headache because of the swamp gases, so it is popular in the kingdom. Not far from the village is an abandoned estate. The villagers try not to go near it, because, according to rumors, the manor building is a former leprosarium, and there you can catch leprosy. So they don't know that the gloomy manor is inhabited by a senior vampire, Count Vlad Sosunescu. Vlad is having a rebirth day. The heroes came to their forefather in the estate to congratulate him on this holiday, but he had an unpleasant accident. This afternoon, a few hours before the guests arrived, a group of brash teenagers sneaked into the estate. The Count awoke to the youngsters poking him with a stick as he lay in his coffin. After waking the vampire, the teenagers fled in terror, and the Count couldn't catch up with them because it was daytime. There is no doubt that the teenagers will soon tell the village about their discovery and the civilians will immediately take up pitchforks and spears, come to the estate and burn it with all the devilish inhabitants. The heroes' task is to find the teenagers and silence them.

#17 Демонизация (Мягкова, Смирнов, Кукушкин, Гудков, BRB)

Episode: 1x17 | Airdate: Apr 13, 2023 (90 min)

#17 Демонизация (Мягкова, Смирнов, Кукушкин, Гудков, BRB)

The story takes place in Gelenburg, a city by the sea in the south of the kingdom of Ponia. Not long ago, a terrible explosion at the local Temple of Humor claimed hundreds of lives of comedians and audience members. Their blood spilled onto an altar in the basement of the Temple and provided the colossal energy to open a portal from the underworld. Those who blew up the Temple of Humor escaped, and crowds of demons poured into Gelenburg. But the beasts were in no hurry to kill and wreak havoc. They behaved in a restricted manner and obeyed the ruler of these lands, Lord Vlaston. They even started a peaceful construction project in the center of Gelenburg - an underground station for trains. But the heroes know that the demons are actually building a new portal and this underground station will be used to bring infernal trains with demons. The heroes must stop the new wave of demonization.

#18 Охота на младенца (Лапенко, Паль, Гудков, BRB)

Episode: 1x18 | Airdate: May 19, 2023 (109 min)

#18 Охота на младенца (Лапенко, Паль, Гудков, BRB)

During the smugglers' attack on Julian and Sofia's house, the heroes are helped by the servants of the Temple of the Sun - paladin Kryakhtun and priest Svyatostoy. The priest speaks of a prophecy, according to which little Lyosha Panisov, the son of Eric and Sophia, will save the kingdom from the forces of evil. The heroes' task is to find the secret cell of the capital's Temple of the Sun and take refuge there with the baby.

#19 Час эльфийского суда (Щербаков, Воронин, Гудков, BRB)

Episode: 1x19 | Airdate: Jun 30, 2023 (103 min)

#19 Час эльфийского суда (Щербаков, Воронин, Гудков, BRB)

Upon returning to the throne of Virgivald, Sphincterion realized that the threat was not over yet, for Lord Vlaston was gathering forces for a new attack and was already summoning demons capable of destroying the entire kingdom. The heroes, loyal sons of Virgivald, set out on a diplomatic mission to the kingdom of the Wood Elves to forge an alliance against Vlaston. After several days of travel, the heroes have reached the capital of the elven kingdom, the city of Nurikfell. In the main square of the city, King Nurik the Moon-faced comes out to them and accuses Sphincterion of killing Palias. The king says that he has proof and a witness, which means that the entire embassy of Virjinwald will be tried at sundown. The heroes' task is to find irrefutable proof of their innocence, so as not to be killed in the elven court.

#20 Вампирское возмездие (Шастун, Позов, Складчикова, Гудков, BRB)

Episode: 1x20 | Airdate: Aug 25, 2023 (124 min)

#20 Вампирское возмездие (Шастун, Позов, Складчикова, Гудков, BRB)

The heroes had returned to the capital from the Deadlands after defeating their ancestor, the dread vampire Vlad Sosunescu. The Vampire High Council could not let this blatant violation of the code go unheeded. The heroes were declared outcasts and essentially sentenced to death. And tonight, Idelaide, a vampire from their clan, disappeared. She hasn't returned home this morning. It's up to the heroes to find Idelaide.

#21 Судьба Властона | Часть 1 (Чебатков, Чабдаров, Pimp, Гудков, BRB)

Episode: 1x21 | Airdate: Sep 30, 2023 (89 min)

#21 Судьба Властона | Часть 1 (Чебатков, Чабдаров, Pimp, Гудков, BRB)

On a trip to the city of Nurikfell, the rat Larissa used a powerful "Wish Fulfillment" spell and wished for the death of Lord Vlaston. Some time later, it is revealed that Lord Vlaston is seriously ill and near death. He is rumored to be lying in his palace, and only the dark priests of Gelenburg are keeping him alive. Perhaps soon they will figure out how to cure Vlaston completely, and he will once again rise up against Vårdjinwald. The heroes are a squad led by the noble warrior Sphincterion, who have secretly arrived in Gelenburg to Vlaston's palace. The heroes' task is to infiltrate the palace of Gelenburg and decide the fate of Lord Vlaston.

#21 Судьба Властона | Часть 2 (Чебатков, Чабдаров, Young P&H, Гудков, BRB)

Episode: 1x22 | Airdate: Oct 23, 2023 (97 min)

#21 Судьба Властона | Часть 2 (Чебатков, Чабдаров, Young P&H, Гудков, BRB)

On a trip to the city of Nurikfell, the rat Larissa used a powerful "Wish Fulfillment" spell and wished for the death of Lord Vlaston. Some time later, it is revealed that Lord Vlaston is seriously ill and near death. He is rumored to be lying in his palace, and only the dark priests of Gelenburg are keeping him alive. Perhaps soon they will figure out how to cure Vlaston completely, and he will once again rise up against Vårdjinwald. The heroes are a squad led by the noble warrior Sphincterion, who have secretly arrived in Gelenburg to Vlaston's palace. The heroes' task is to infiltrate the palace of Gelenburg and decide the fate of Lord Vlaston.

#23 Пробуждение Сосунеску (Соболев, Парфенюк, Кукояка, Гудков, BRB)

Episode: 1x24 | Airdate: Jan 4, 2024 (115 min)

#23 Пробуждение Сосунеску (Соболев, Парфенюк, Кукояка, Гудков, BRB)

Seeking additional strength in the war against the Vampire High Council, the Balan clan teams up with the werewolves and travels to Count Sosunescu's former estate to free Bianca Sosunescu from eternal torment. When she learns that the heroes have dealt with her ex, she becomes their powerful ally in the war against the Vampire Council.

#25 Остров соблазна (Иванченко, Журавлёв, Гудков, BRB)

Episode: 1x26 | Airdate: Mar 18, 2024 (114 min)

#25 Остров соблазна (Иванченко, Журавлёв, Гудков, BRB)

On the eve of the demon invasion of Ponia, Pahom's new team is sent to the Isle of Temptation, where the inhabitants of the kingdom escape from all their problems. There, the psychic hopes to find an outstanding engineer to open a portal to the heavenly world and gain allies to confront the infernal army. On the island, the squad sees that all the inhabitants blindly honour Mistress Dava and dislike the inventor Casper, who has recently disappeared.

#26 Четвёртая Фабрика (Варнава, Кукояки, Гудков, BRB)

Episode: 1x27 | Airdate: Apr 22, 2024 (120 min)

#26 Четвёртая Фабрика (Варнава, Кукояки, Гудков, BRB)

The legendary clan of elderly vampire Dana Balan has gained a strong ally in the person of the powerful Bianca Sosunescu and now goes on the offensive against the Supreme Vampire Council. The charming swamp creature Nina comes to their aid from the Deadlands. Will they be able to defeat the older ghouls and become kings of the night?

#27 Достучаться до небес (Маркони, Искандарова, Дэни, Гудков, BRB)

Episode: 1x28 | Airdate: May 29, 2024 (117 min)

#27 Достучаться до небес (Маркони, Искандарова, Дэни, Гудков, BRB)

This is a continuation of the psychic Pahom's storyline. After the events of Isle of Seduction, Pahom and the enlightened gnome Talala finally make it to the Celestial World, where they meet a warlike Valkyrie, a lovely cupid, and the god of the pink stone. Will the mighty gods save Earthworld from the demons? What secrets will Pakhom and Talala discover?


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