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Season 2 - Episode Guide


Shockwave (2)

Episode: 2x01 | Airdate: Sep 18, 2002

Shockwave (2)

The sinister Suliban insist that Archer be turned over to them -- and with Archer nowhere to be found aboard the ship. He's stuck in the 31st century, in a decimated city with Daniels, whose intent is to save the future by protecting the past -- and Archer.

Carbon Creek

Episode: 2x02 | Airdate: Sep 25, 2002

Carbon Creek

T'Pol entertains Archer and Trip with the tale of a crash-landed Vulcan ship, whose stranded crew lived in disguise among the denizens of a Pennsylvania mining town circa 1957.


Episode: 2x03 | Airdate: Oct 2, 2002


Archer's awkward breakfast with Reed is interrupted when the Enterprise enters a minefield and Reed has to defuse an explosive affixed to the hull.

Dead Stop

Episode: 2x04 | Airdate: Oct 9, 2002

Dead Stop

Following the ordeal in the minefield, the crew links up with an automated repair vessel that troubles Archer when its computer steals information from the Enterprise's data banks.

A Night in Sickbay

Episode: 2x05 | Airdate: Oct 16, 2002

A Night in Sickbay

Archer is fuming after the Kreetassans refuse to part with parts for Enterprise because of a diplomatic gaffe involving his dog, Porthos, who then falls ill with a mysterious disorder. But Dr. Phlox thinks there's more to Archer's rants than meets the ear.


Episode: 2x06 | Airdate: Oct 30, 2002


Archer and Trip visit an alien colony seeking deuterium fuel, but their suspicions are aroused when the planet's drillers prove reluctant to deal with them. Aboard Enterprise, Mayweather's sensors detect an approaching Klingon vessel.

The Seventh

Episode: 2x07 | Airdate: Nov 6, 2002

The Seventh

A disturbing incident from T'Pol's past prompts her to seek Archer's help in apprehending a renegade undercover Vulcan agent wanted for smuggling biotoxins used to make weapons.

The Communicator

Episode: 2x08 | Airdate: Nov 13, 2002

The Communicator

Returning from covertly observing a preatomic-era alien world on the verge of war, Lieutenant Reed realizes he lost his communicator somewhere on the planet. Archer and Reed return to recover the lost technology, only to find the natives found it first. Captured and interrogated as spies, Archer and Reed find themselves doing even more damage to the culture when they are scanned and found to belong to another race. They face execution and autopsy. Meanwhile, Tucker and Mayweather try to figure out how to activate the cloak on the Suliban cell ship so they can mount a discreet rescue.


Episode: 2x09 | Airdate: Nov 20, 2002


As the Enterprise nears a black hole in a trinary star system, radiation from the stellar phenomenon causes the crew to become increasingly erratic and obsessed with mundane tasks. Trip, for example, can't stop tinkering with the Captain's chair, while Phlox is fiercely determined to find the cause of Mayweather's headache. Eventually, crew members fall unconscious one by one, leaving T'Pol the only one left awake to save the ship.

Vanishing Point

Episode: 2x10 | Airdate: Nov 27, 2002

Vanishing Point

Hoshi is convinced her body's molecules are destabilizing after enduring a traumatic trip through the Enterprise transporter to escape a sudden storm on a primitive planet.

Precious Cargo

Episode: 2x11 | Airdate: Dec 11, 2002

Precious Cargo

Trip boards a Retellian freighter to repair a stasis pod, which holds an exotic-looking alien female in suspended animation. When the woman accidentally wakes up, Trip discovers she's a kidnapped Krios royal and prisoner, not a passenger. He frees Kaitaama, but her haughty behavior interferes with his rescue efforts when the pair flees the freighter sharing a cramped escape pod. Archer pressures a captured kidnapper to help him locate Trip and Kaitaama.

The Catwalk

Episode: 2x12 | Airdate: Dec 18, 2002

The Catwalk

When a lethal neutronic storm approaches faster than Enterprise can escape, the crew takes shelter in the reinforced but cramped maintenance shafts inside the warp nacelles for eight days. They also provide refuge to three Takret, who aren't exactly honest about themselves. They claim to be stellar cartographers. But, they deserted the Takret Militia due to its corrupt leadership known to seize and plunder alien vessels, killing their crews without provocation. The three have been pursued for weeks by a Takret Militia ship. With the Takret immune to the storm's radiation, the Militia ship's crew attempts to seize Enterprise.


Episode: 2x13 | Airdate: Jan 8, 2003


During a solo test mission on Shuttlepod One, Trip is attacked by a territorial alien and forced to land on the night side of a barren moon. As he tries contacting Enterprise, he discovers his Arkonian foe has made an emergency landing nearby. The two contend with each other and then team up as a scorching sun rises and threatens both their lives. The Enterprise soon encounters an Arkonian ship, which initially appears hostile partly due to distrust of T'Pol and Vulcans. But the Arkonian captain agrees to split the search for Trip and his pilot.


Episode: 2x14 | Airdate: Feb 5, 2003


Enterprise visits the planet Dekendi III hosting an Interspecies Medical Exchange conference. Dr. Phlox requests the Vulcan delegation provide him with the latest research on a terminal neurological disease called Pa'nar Syndrome without revealing that T'Pol is infected. Pa'nar Syndrome is a rare illness associated with mind melders, a sect ostracized by Vulcan society. A forced mind meld against her will infected T'Pol in the episode Fusion. She tries to keep her disease a secret while Dr. Phlox researches treatment methods. Meanwhile, one of Phlox's wives, Feezal, visits Enterprise to install a neutron microscope and begins flirting heavily with Trip. He is uneasy that a colleague's wife is making overt sexual advances toward him.

Cease Fire

Episode: 2x15 | Airdate: Feb 12, 2003

Cease Fire

Both the Vulcans and the Andorians claim the planetoid Weytahn (or Paan Mokar, as Vulcans call it) in an age-old feud and military conflict erupts again. As the fighting goes on, the Vulcans are willing to discuss cease-fire terms represented by Ambassador Soval. However, Imperial Guard officer Shran believes only Captain Archer can be trusted to mediate the bloody dispute, which drags the Enterprise crew into the tense situation. 

Future Tense

Episode: 2x16 | Airdate: Feb 19, 2003

Future Tense

The Enterprise finds a small, disabled ship drifting in space and discovers it contains a human corpse. More questions arise when the Suliban and Tholians each claim the craft. Both alien species attack the Enterprise and later each other to seize the derelict.


Episode: 2x17 | Airdate: Feb 26, 2003


Following a seemingly successful first contact mission, Archer and Trip are charged with smuggling and imprisoned aboard a penal vessel. When prisoners hijack the ship, Archer and Trip must pass as outlaws.

The Crossing

Episode: 2x18 | Airdate: Apr 2, 2003

The Crossing

When a massive alien vessel engulfs Enterprise, non-corporeal beings invade/possess the bodies of Trip and other crew members and hijack their souls. These non-corporeal beings claim to be explorers. But these "wisps" may not plan on giving the bodies back.


Episode: 2x19 | Airdate: Apr 9, 2003


Archer is put on trial by the Klingons and accused by a disgraced Klingon officer of having his battle-cruiser crippled by the Enterprise in a firefight, and of aiding rebels of the Empire, but he finds a friend in his defender, Kolos.


Episode: 2x20 | Airdate: Apr 16, 2003


When Enterprise diverts to investigate an unusual planetary phenomenon near Earth, Mayweather visits his family after the sudden death of his father, a cargo-ship captain. But his return to his old home, the ECS Horizon, is complicated by family tension. He clashes with his brother, the ship's new captain, and pirates attack the ship. Meanwhile, Archer and Trip invite a reluctant T'Pol for movie night to see Frankenstein and find her reaction surprising. She says she will suggest Ambassador Soval show the movie to every Vulcan newly arrived on Earth.

The Breach

Episode: 2x21 | Airdate: Apr 23, 2003

The Breach

The rescue of a damaged transport prompts the Denobulan Phlox to confront his prejudices when he treats an Antaran, whose people are sworn enemies of Phlox's. Three other Denobulans are holed up in an underground cave, where Trip, Reed, and Mayweather are dispatched to retrieve them when militants take over a planet.


Episode: 2x22 | Airdate: Apr 30, 2003


The Enterprise crew makes first contact with the Vissians, a species with three genders. Trip meets one of the species' third gender, a Cogenitor, a being used for only breeding purposes. After learning how badly Vissians treat all Cogenitors, Trip attempts to help this Cogenitor, even though it directly interferes with Vissian culture.


Episode: 2x23 | Airdate: May 7, 2003


A scientific research team uncovered the remnants of an alien ship and two frozen cybernetic bodies in the arctic. These aliens soon thaw out and flee Earth, taking the research team with them. Starfleet orders Enterprise to find them, but nothing prepares the crew for just how dangerous these aliens really are - Borg drones 

First Flight

Episode: 2x24 | Airdate: May 14, 2003

First Flight

Stunned by the death of former Starfleet rival and friend, A.G. Robinson, in a mountain climbing accident, Archer grudgingly recalls their competitive relationship with T'Pol as they probe a possible dark matter nebula during a shuttle voyage. He describes how he and A.G. broke the Warp 2.5 barrier on the first high-warp test flight that saved the NX program almost ten years earlier. After they confirm the first dark matter nebula, T'Pol suggests Archer name it the Robinson Nebula.


Episode: 2x25 | Airdate: May 14, 2003


A crafty Tellarite tricks Archer into boarding his ship and kidnaps him to collect a Klingon bounty. They want to punish Archer because he is the only prisoner to escape the prison planet Rura Penthe. As Enterprise pursues, contamination by a stray virus while exploring an uninhabited desert planet prematurely starts T'Pol's mating cycle, the pon farr, where she must mate or die. She finds herself confined to the decon chamber with Phlox.

The Expanse

Episode: 2x26 | Airdate: May 21, 2003

The Expanse

The Xindi, an alien race from the Delphic Expanse, launched a devastating attack on Earth, causing millions of casualties and massive damage in Florida. As Enterprise returns home, an unlikely source from the future informs Archer about the Xindi and that their next attack will destroy Earth. Capt. Archer and the crew embark on a mission to the galaxy's far reaches to stop the Xindi. Complicating matters are the machinations of a vengeful Klingon still looking to capture Archer.

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