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Season 2 - Episode Guide


Adam Ruins Having a Baby

Episode: 2x01 | Airdate: Jul 11, 2017

Adam Ruins Having a Baby

In the Season 2 premiere of Adam Ruins Everything, host Adam Conover interrupts the lives of Emily and Murph by delivering some unexpected baby news. With the help of top experts, Adam shatters the belief that getting pregnant after 35 is next to impossible, and uncovers the truth about the age-old argument of breastfeeding vs formula. Plus, Adam explores what you didn't know about postpartum depression - for both women and men.

Adam Ruins Weight Loss

Episode: 2x02 | Airdate: Jul 18, 2017

Adam Ruins Weight Loss

Host Adam Conover takes us on a dieting roller coaster ride, illustrating all the reasons low-fat diets can actually make you fatter, and why counting calories is a waste of time.

Adam Ruins the Hospital

Episode: 2x03 | Airdate: Jul 25, 2017

Adam Ruins the Hospital

Adam Conover explains that inflated hospital costs have created a system that's unaffordable and unfair. Plus, reckless prescription of antibiotics is making them worthless, and you might not need a mammogram.

Adam Ruins Dating

Episode: 2x04 | Airdate: Aug 1, 2017

Adam Ruins Dating

This week, Adam swipes right on knowledge by exposing the major flaws in dating sites. Plus, infamous alpha males - and the wolves that inspired them - don't really exist, and personality tests are a total failure.

Adam Ruins Art

Episode: 2x05 | Airdate: Aug 8, 2017

Adam Ruins Art

Adam poses the question of what makes great art and shows why pieces visible to the masses are revered, regardless of artistic merit. He exposes the masters as copycats, and reveals that today's art market is a moneymaking scheme.

Adam Ruins What We Learned in School

Episode: 2x06 | Airdate: Aug 15, 2017

Adam Ruins What We Learned in School

Adam takes a crew of kids and their teacher on a ride through the toon-iverse in his first animated episode. He shares how Christopher Columbus didn't discover America and would have been forgotten to history if not for the work of an American author well known for his tall tales. Then they visit the pyramids and learn why King Tut was a dud in the annals of Egyptian History. Plus, the rules of grammar are not as iron clad as you'd think.

Adam Ruins College

Episode: 2x07 | Airdate: Aug 22, 2017

Adam Ruins College

School's in session with Adam Conover, as he explains why the chances of becoming a drop out billionaire are not in your favor. A college degree is a necessity in today's economy, but selecting a top school is harder than you think since rankings are manipulated by a system that has little to do with the quality of education. Plus, the formerly groundbreaking student loan system has created trillions of dollars in debt through shady privatization signed off on by Uncle Sam.

Emily Ruins Adam

Episode: 2x08 | Airdate: Aug 29, 2017

Emily Ruins Adam

This week, Adam's world gets turned on its head when his friend Emily takes over to "ruin" him, pointing out where a few of his facts fall short. She debunks the idea that IQ tests measure intelligence and reveals their racist history, then does a rapid fire battle against information that Adam has gotten wrong in previous episodes. Plus, she explains the "backfire effect," and why proving someone wrong, even with hard evidence, won't necessarily convince them to change their mind.

Adam Ruins His Vacation

Episode: 2x09 | Airdate: Sep 19, 2017

Adam Ruins His Vacation

Adam Conover and his girlfriend take a journey across America, where he reveals that Mount Rushmore was built on stolen Native American land, Vegas slot machines are purposely designed to be addicting and more.

Adam Ruins the Suburbs

Episode: 2x10 | Airdate: Sep 26, 2017

Adam Ruins the Suburbs

Adam explains how the idealized lawn is an unnatural monstrosity, and that the design of the suburbs is slowly killing you. Plus, the racist history of suburban planning led to today's institutionalized segregation in schools.

Adam Ruins the Economy

Episode: 2x11 | Airdate: Oct 3, 2017

Adam Ruins the Economy

Adam explains why doing taxes is unnecessarily complicated, the economic numbers we hear don't reveal much, and American manufacturing can't return.

Adam Ruins Conspiracy Theories

Episode: 2x12 | Airdate: Oct 10, 2017

Adam Ruins Conspiracy Theories

Adam debunks the fake moon landing theory, proving that with 1969 technology, it would have been easier to land on the moon than to fake it.

Adam Ruins Spa Day

Episode: 2x13 | Airdate: Oct 17, 2017

Adam Ruins Spa Day

Pricey "detoxifying" treatments cleanse you of cash (and may do more harm than good), while MSG's scary reputation is undeserved. Plus, the placebo effect is way more powerful than you think!

Adam Ruins Halloween

Episode: 2x14 | Airdate: Oct 24, 2017

Adam Ruins Halloween

Strangers with poisoned candy don't exist, the panic over Orson Welles' War of the Worlds broadcast didn't happen and mediums are total frauds.

Adam Ruins Science

Episode: 2x15 | Airdate: Oct 31, 2017

Adam Ruins Science

Testing mice means wasted resources because what works on them often fails on humans. Scarce funding stops scientists from seeking cures, and there's no money in reproducing results, even though it's essential in proving findings.

Adam Ruins the Future

Episode: 2x16 | Airdate: Nov 7, 2017

Adam Ruins the Future

Adam explains that unregulated food expiration dates lead to waste and that your 401(k) won't be enough to support your retirement. Plus, Adam's girlfriend Melinda proves that even with research, the future is unpredictable.

Reanimated History - The First Factsgiving

Episode: 2x18 | Airdate: Mar 27, 2018

Reanimated History - The First Factsgiving

Reanimated History: The Pilgrims didn't break bread with Native Americans, but did dig up their graves! There was no romance between Pocahontas and John Smith, and cities in the New World rivaled London in scale before their "discovery."

Reanimated History - Mutually Assured Ruination

Episode: 2x19 | Airdate: Apr 3, 2018

Reanimated History - Mutually Assured Ruination

Reanimated History: Adam Conover reveals that the US kicked off the Cuban Missile Crisis, and that you've probably never heard of the lone female politician who stood up to McCarthy! Plus, a bureaucratic mistake brought down the Berlin Wall.

Reanimated History - An Ancient History of Violence

Episode: 2x20 | Airdate: Apr 10, 2018

Reanimated History - An Ancient History of Violence

Ancient History of Violence, An: Reanimated History: Adam shares that it was against the rules for gladiators to kill opponents, and tells the story of a Celtic woman who brought the Roman Empire to its knees. Plus, the brave "300" Spartans numbered closer to 7000.

Reanimated History - The Copernican Ruin-aissance

Episode: 2x21 | Airdate: Apr 17, 2018

Reanimated History - The Copernican Ruin-aissance

Copernican Ruin-aissance, The: Reanimated History: Adam sheds some light on Copernicus, who was actually supported (NOT persecuted) by the Catholic Church. Plus, a rogue dwarf revolutionized what we know about anatomy, and just wait until you hear about Tulip Mania!

Reanimated History - 100 Years Ago Today

Episode: 2x22 | Airdate: Apr 24, 2018

Reanimated History - 100 Years Ago Today

100 Years Ago Today: Reanimated History: Adam digs into the Panama Canal, where Teddy Roosevelt formed a new country to snag free land. Plus, one man fought to keep food from killing us, while the Spanish Flu killed more Americans than all 20th century wars combined!

Adam Ruins Guns

Episode: 2x23 | Airdate: Nov 27, 2018

Adam Ruins Guns

Adam Conover is back to take aim at critics on both sides of the gun debate in America. He explains why an assault weapons ban would not be effective and demonstrates how the Second Amendment has been twisted to fit the NRA's agenda.

Adam Ruins Sleep

Episode: 2x24 | Airdate: Dec 4, 2018

Adam Ruins Sleep

Adam has a rude awakening for everything you thought you knew about sleep (or lack of it), from the mattress industry to supposedly lazy teens to sleep aids.

Adam Ruins Tech

Episode: 2x25 | Airdate: Dec 11, 2018

Adam Ruins Tech

Adam logs in to dulge into monopolistic tech companies by stating that Amazon's monopoly over online shopping harms consumers; that copyright law is abused to prevent unauthorized repairs; and that tech companies not only routinely evade taxes, but also downright eradicate competition.

Adam Ruins Flying

Episode: 2x26 | Airdate: Dec 18, 2018

Adam Ruins Flying

Adam causes turbulence when he reveals that reward miles drive up costs, and revisits the "golden age" of air travel to uncover smoky, sexist death traps in the sky. Plus, airline mergers are crippling smaller cities.

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