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Season 3 - Episode Guide


Feel-Good Spaces in Brighton & High Wycombe

Episode: 3x01 | Airdate: Jan 6, 2017

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In Brighton, determined duo Helen and Dax have their hands full with twins, one of whom has special needs. Their current garden is a building site, but armed with advice from Monty they attack the challenge head on. With so many requirements from one small space, it feels their garden might burst at the seams. A trip to the Chelsea Flower Show soon has them focused on what's really important, but do they have enough energy left to get the work done? Meanwhile in High Wycombe, newly single Valerie is looking for a fresh lease of life, but her 'concrete driveway' of a garden has brought her plans to an abrupt halt, as she has no idea how to plant in or on it! A visit to an inspirational pottery puts her back on track, but with so many choices can Valerie decide on the right ones?


Episode: 3x02 | Airdate: Jan 13, 2017

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In Leyton, Tariq and Sairah want to turn their dumping ground of a back yard into a sumptuous award-winning garden, suitable for entertaining friends and family. Both have competitive jobs in the banking sector and are used to winning at work but when it comes to gardening, they don't know where to begin. Can they put the work in to earn the approval of the country's top gardener? In Bath, Ant and Jake want to replicate the Japanese gardens they have visited all over the world and set themselves the added challenge of creating three very different sections in their L-shaped plot. However, events take a dramatic turn when they discover an underlying problem with their soil that calls for an extreme solution.


Episode: 3x03 | Airdate: Feb 3, 2017

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In Essex, Denise has never ventured beyond the decking area behind her house. But she dreams of having an altogether dreamlike garden, including building the ruins of a mill to remind her of her childhood. Her husband Dave isn't quite as enthusiastic about any of it, not least the amount of work involved, so Monty is called in to mediate.
Meanwhile in Ipswich, father-and-daughter team Rob and Jo run a family charity together and are no strangers to hard labour. It's just as well, because their plan to build a productive terraced allotment on a treacherously steep slope in the middle of a wooded wasteland leaves Monty lost for words. But with a bit of advice and the help of an army of volunteers, can they go from mad to possible?

Stockport/Tufnell Park

Episode: 3x04 | Airdate: Feb 10, 2017

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In north London, Ian and Rose have recently moved into their new basement home and are hoping to create a wildlife-friendly space. Currently it is a building site - neglected by previous owners. They also need expert advice since their plot is surrounded by four large trees blocking a lot of natural sunlight. Even if they manage to clear their space, can they ever create the garden of their dreams? They are in serious need of help and advice, but can Monty set them on the right track?
Meanwhile in Stockport, Jo and Steve's equally large garden has become a dump as they build a new extension. The couple lead busy working lives with Jo travelling the globe as an air hostess and Steve working long night shifts at a bakery. Their longed-for dream is a haven to relax and get away from it all in. The problem is Jo has so many exciting ideas about what she wants to do and Steve is rather more pragmatic. Can Monty help the couple work out the best of their ideas and give them the advice they need to get going?


Episode: 3x05 | Airdate: Feb 17, 2017

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Monty visits two sets of ambitious gardeners, each facing challenges on a very different scale.
One is a tiny urban courtyard in Hackney. Its owners, Karla and Stuart, dream of transforming it into a miniature urban jungle, inspired by Karla's childhood in the Philippines. With Monty's encouragement and a visit to tropical garden in Leeds their hopes run high. But can they ever squeeze all their ideas into their tiny space?
Monty is also called in to help a whole community create the outdoor area of their dreams. It's the play area for a local primary school in Bury, Lancashire. Three mothers with children at the school are keen to make the most of this valuable asset, dreaming of a play space, a wildlife area and a place to grow vegetables and herbs. But with no serious gardening experience, and the hopes of the children and village at stake, can they every create something which will please everyone?


Episode: 3x06 | Airdate: Feb 24, 2017

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This time, our two gardeners each living on their own are hoping Monty can help them bring something special to their small spaces. In Blackpool, young accountant Alex dreams of turning her boring back yard into a magical enchanted forest, complete with fairy lights and luscious woodland plants. Monty comes up with a big and daring idea and to illustrate his point, sends Alex to visit the ancient trees of Holker Hall in Cumbria. But will this young dreamer feel Monty's suggestion is too ambitious to take on?
In Bristol, Ross has taken on a very overgrown allotment. But with no experience of growing edibles, he is feeling overwhelmed. A few months before, he had lost his job, broken up with his partner and found himself with nowhere to live. Now, happily, Ross's life is getting back on track - he has got a job and a flat. With his newly acquired allotment, he wants a space to relax in as much as a vegetable garden. Can Monty help Ross build up his confidence as well as his gardening know-how and build his dream outside space?

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