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Nostradamus Effect

The end is near. At least that's what the doomsday predictions from Nostradamus, the Book of Revelation, the Mayan "long count" calendar and others would have us believe. Many unsettling forecasts of global destruction even pinpoint the year: 2012. How worried should we be? If these prophecies are accurate and inevitable, is there any way to avoid or at least postpone them from coming true? In Nostradamus Effect, a timely new 12-episode series, History examines various end-of-days prophecies that loom large in the 21st century.

Show Info

Network: United States History (2009 - 2009)
Schedule: Wednesdays at 21:00 (60 min)
Status: Ended
Show Type: Documentary
Genres: History
Episodes ordered: 12 episodes

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Previous Episode

The Rapture

Episode 1x12; Dec 16, 2009

When millions of people all over the world vanish, a biblical prophecy that has come to be known as the Rapture will be fulfilled, and a floodgate of horrors will be opened on those who are left behind. The Apostle Paul foresaw a moment when all Chri

Previous Episodes

Episode NameAirdateTrailer
1x12: The RaptureDec 16, 2009
1x11: Armageddon Battle PlanDec 9, 2009
1x10: Doomsday HieroglyphsDec 2, 2009
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Recent discussions

drosso46561 posted 8 years ago

I mainly watch this type of show to see things that other historical type shows do not normally show. It was interesting seeing the insides of the pyramids disregarding the prophecy aspect of the episode. It is also interesting seeing the types of beliefs that ancient civilizations had compared to what science has discovered in current times.

Extra Details

Also known as:
  • Эффект Нострадамуса (Russian Federation Russian Federation)
  • The Nostradamus Effect
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